What is it about tits ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Personally I'm fascinated by them – I could stare at a great big pair or natural tits for hours.
But if I try to analyze it; they are really just 2 mounds of flesh – then why the big deal - not saying it shouldn't be a big deal – just wondering why they are so special (to most of us).
I wonder if it's just wired in us to like breasts – or if it's just that they just happen to be awesome – or maybe maybe b/c that is where we get our nourishment from and thus form a bond w/ those wonderful things.
1) are you fascinated by breasts or is it just whatever for you?
2) I love to suck on them – how about you – yes; no; take it or leave it?
2- BUT i do looooooooooooove <3 sucking on them. dancers get brownie points when they allow this
sorry....no clue why that last part got cut off haha
Human female breasts are evolutionary odd. Our females basically walk around like they're nursing all the time. This really isn't "normal". In general other primates are all about the ass when it comes to mating.
There's some evidence breast obsession is partially cultural. But it doesn't explain the full story. Nor does fertility: small tits aren't a sign or fertility nor the ability to breastfeed or not.
But who cares why? I love tits.
I stare at titties for hours.
Looks like I'll just have to go back to doggie style.
And I agree with @motorhead as well, the evolutionary desire to reproduce with those most likely to bear children, the chubbies. Even though most of us here don't want to actually reproduce with our favorite stripper.
That said, our attraction is due to the fact female breasts are "secondary sexual characteristics" and god bless them. I love titties and want to see them all -- within reason. How about that, a whole industry (strip clubs) built around the idea of exploiting men's attraction to "secondary sexual characteristics"! God bless titties.
lopaw, that's just mean...lol. mrs sea does things like that to me sometimes. she'll do some random sexual thing with some body part of hers and give me a smirky little smile saying how she does random things with herself whenever she wants but I have to ask permission
Put a nipple on it!