
Discussing politics with a stripper

layin low but staying high
I've had thousands of conversations with strippers over the years, and we've talked about a myriad of topics. But I rarely discuss politics or current events of a political nature. I keep up with current events and consider myself politically astute, but this just never seems like a topic of logical conversation with a young sex worker.

So I was a little surprised when my stripper "date" for the evening recently brings the subject up after sex. This is not the DS by the way, since sometimes I may give the impression that she is my stripper world. She's a huge part of it but not the entire universe.

So we are lying in bed post sex, and out of the blue she says: "why did Obama give one of our nuclear weapons to the Arabs." Now to my credit, I resisted the very strong urge to laugh. If she was a midget or if I were high, then I probably could not have restrained myself but neither was true so I kept myself under control.

Not quite sure how to respond, I started with : "what do you mean." She says that she read online that Obama gave our nuclear weapons to Iran, and that didn't seem right to her. No I agreed that would not be right, although as much as I despise Obama I think she might have read that story a little too quickly.

So I explained the deal that was reached with Iran on its nuclear program and how some critics think this may allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons. I said this was probably what she was reading about. She seems to understand in a general sense but she insists that she read that he gave Iran some of nuclear weapons and that just isn't right.

So I took a different approach and told her again how awesome her breasts are, particularly her pointy nipples. The conversation went much better after that.

Anybody else ever tried discussing politics with a stripper?


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    It's hard to have an intelligent conversation about policy with most people because they confuse politics with what the programs really are. Even educated people get too caught up in politics, so 99 times out of 100 a dancer would be hopless at it.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I avoid talking with strippers about politics and religion because I don't want to get into debates that serve no good purpose in a strip club. However they do come up once in awhile.

    My favorite black dancer recently brought up the topic of the Bill Cosby scandal. Her point was why didn't all of these women come forward when the offense happened. I had to agree with her.
  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    Toronto sweetie taught me all that I know about trading crude oil and nat gas contracts........taught me excellent hedging strategies as well.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I would rather discuss politics with my cat than with a stripper. Strippers lack basic knowledge of our political system, and do not understand the issues or the players or the policy options. Strippers would vote for a clown if they had seen him on TV, but fortunately strippers don't vote.

    After I returned from Paris a couple years ago, I was talking with a favorite dancer about my trip. I told her I had seen Napoleon's tomb. She asked, "Who's Napoleon?" It is impossible to measure the depth of strippers' ignorance.

  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    @jackslash: "Who's Napoleon?"

    My ATF really lives in a cave. I mentioned Caitlyn Jenner a few weeks ago when she was hot news, and she asked who she was. I said she used to be called Bruce Jenner. She was still clueless.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "I envy her ignorance on that subject."

  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Ouch Jack
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Sorry, Diva. I meant no disrespect to you.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    Nope: They are what has been called, "low information voters"
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    There are politically aware women and politically aware strippers. I've enjoyed lots of conversations with them, scantily clad and mostly in the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger.

    I always told the bosses that that place drew the smartest girls, mostly because it was more of a talking job.

    See, there they don't really have much to offer in terms of private dances. But this one Candy did break all the rules and Sunnyvale's ordinances and wear something completely see-thru for me.

    Talking is about all it is in the Sunnyvale clubs.

    Candy was a refugee from San Francisco. Since she has gone to work as a ticket taker at the shoreline ampatheater.

    There was another one with a perfectly civilian web site which talked about all the books she had read.

    Both of these two were very in tune with the politics of the policing of strip clubs and the laws against prostitution.

    Often black women are very politically aware too.

    So they exist. Now in the standard dance booth type club, the girls are going to be less inclined to talk, as time is money.

    I believe that in TJ, like in the Cascadas Hotel over the Hong Kong Bar, I'll get lots of time to talk to politically aware Latinas, during our in-between times. I see that the working girls in TJ are very politically aware.

    But I am not there yet.


    Clapton, Basel Switzerland, 2013
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I get the impression that Diva is the kind of dancer who knows that the President didn't give Iran a bunch of our nuclear warheads.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ That's ridiculous. Obama would never do that unless he had an ironclad promise that Iran would not use them for 10 years
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    One of my Indian buddies asks strippers 'Which of our allies do we do the most military exercises with?'. Most of the strippers did not have a clue that the military did any practice at all. And allies was a deep concept also. The answer turns out to be India.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Locally at least, the strippers who care about politics lean libertarian.

    They hate taxes. They like weed and rarely are conservative Christian.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I think strip clubs in my area must tell the strippers not to talk about politics because if the customer feels different, he may get ticked off over what she is saying and then not buy dances from her or possibly other dancers. that would be a lose lose for everyone. dancer, customer, and the club.
    If the customer wants to talk politics, she might just nod her head, laugh, or change the subject.
    Usually most people in my area are republican leaning in their votes. local strippers seem to be mostly like that too I believe. I have not been doing surveys. I try not to talk politics where I work at except when everyone inthe area already shares the same view.

    My ideas for the new $10 dollar bill. Put Hillary on it. replace in God We Trust with What Does It Matter? lol
    plus Donald Trump is secretly a democrat helping the democratic party and screwing all the other republican candidates and getting large groups to register democrat. Brilliant strategy if that was his plan.

    I was thinking. One of the biggest potential threats to the US is Russia, north Korea, or even Iran getting fed up with Obama and say screw you and fire an EMP missile that detonates over the US frying all computer circuits for a thousand miles or two. cars won't start. food doesn't get shipped. banks get shut down. no power, no water, fires burning out of control all overthe US due to the emp power surges.
    nuclear meltdowns all over the US within weeks later when the diesel fuel runs out or sooner if generators got fried.
    people dying from lack of water with heat indexes over 100 degrees. absolutely terrible.
    mobs and rioting all over the place. then all enemies taking advantage while it takes 2 years to even get anywhere close to getting power back.
    All of the above could have been avoided if maybe we spent 5% of our power bill building in insurance to protect against an emp attack. Even worse is that almost no one expects it. That is why it would be so bad. no one expects Russia to act like Donald Trump and fire an emp missile.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    If I were President, I would inform all countries that an emp attack on the US is equivalent to a nuclear attack and return fire would be coming. Now if Iran or Russia or another country sets one off over the sea near dc and new York, and or the west coast too, they wouldn't even need to be that close. Iran could do major damage orRussia too if they secretly pulled it off or managed to make it look like Iran or North Korea. The US needs to prepare for it. I doubt I am giving away any new ideas that they haven't already thought of. I just don't want anyone doing it. Prevention is the best deterence because if everyone knew an emp bomb would have little effect,no one would bother. my opinion. I read something the other night that suggested there was something in a prophesy that suggested Russia would attack the US possibly with an emp weapon and cause great misery and destruction to the us. I believe we can change the future through action.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    ok now I can tell that story to strippers and then ask them if they have a garage and if they thought about wrapping aluminum foil all around to create a faraday cage to stop their car electronics from getting fried. they won't be able to buy gas without power but hey, their car might still work. maybe. actually not sure.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    I've said it for years conversations with strippers should be kept light and airy. The most enlightened conversations I've had with them were about travel with some of the more worldy ones.

    I can't imagine a serious political discussion.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I have a stripper friend who is in her mid to late 30's, speaks Mandarin, even though native born, has a BS from an A list University, is the most consistent earner in her club without a hint of extras and is joy to talk with about politics or religion.
    She is generally conversant in regard to current events and has her opinions and isn't afraid to share them. She's nearing the end of her dancing career and her skills from her previous career are seriously outdated and is developing a plan for life after stripping. That said, the very large majority of dancers that I know are "tabla rasa" personified. ( blank slate). My ATF is no dummy - she can mentally calculate drug price discounts for quantity buys - she occasionally works at an automotive paint mixing company ( family owned) and pre-dancing career was an asst. Manager of a Dunkin Donuts where she stole more than $100 per day and never got caught. I doubt if she's ever heard of Iran and is totally unaware of political structures other than the judiciary. There she is quite familiar with how decisions are made at district courts, appeals courts and the sentencing process. She's been arrested 5 or 6 times and is currently on a two year suspended sentence and has her drivers' license suspended. If she gets caught driving one more time she'll be labeled an habitual offender which is a mandatory 6 month to 12 month sentence in State Prison. The last time she was arrested I waited three days before bailing her out and she's convinced that she'd die if she had to stay. Here in the Northeast there's several steps being taken to decriminalize heroin addiction. I started telling her about some of what's been in the news and she was totally unaware. And this affects her on a daily basis.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Seriously, we are now lording it over a young uneducated stripper who doesn't know anything about politics. We've definitely hit a new low on here, lol. Last I checked, a degree in Political Science is not a prerequisite for dancing naked on a pole or sucking a dick for money. ;)
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Last year, one dancer tried to tell me that Obama was going to run for a third term. I explained to her that, constitutionally, he can't. She still insisted he was going to.

    There've been a couple of dancers I've enjoyed talking with. One was a big fan of John Stewart's; she always DVRed them for later binge viewing. She also put her daughter through college, and she had an exit strategy -- buy a small B&B in Panama and enjoy the rest of her days there.
  • SuperDude
    9 years ago
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    That's one topic I try to avoid. Most of them are clueless and then the ones who have an opinion spout the Faux News party line. The only place I had a decent political discussion with a stripper was long ago at the Dirty Bird in Lawrence, KS, the liberal bastion of Kansas.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @PhantomGeek: Shit, I know some otherwise well educated people who really think he's going to get Congress to pass a law to let him run again. Of course, these are the same people who think the Founders were all religious wingnuts like themselves, and *meant* for God to run this country, despite all their words to the contrary.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "Locally at least, the strippers who care about politics lean libertarian.

    They hate taxes. They like weed and rarely are conservative Christian."

    I'm assuming this statement is facetious. I my experience strippers are working class women and they want a more fair and just world, not a libertarian or low tax world. They oppose Christianity, but they are not necessarily pro-weed. The two that I mentioned above are consistent with this description.

  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Nope, SJG. Totally serious. Strippers, despite their working class roots, hate taxes. Partially because instead of just never really seeing the money taken out, they have to cut uncle sam a big fat check periodically.

    But then again, most Americans hate taxes but like the services taxes pay for. So maybe that's just more politically inconsistent as opposed to libertarian.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I know most strippers don't pay taxes. But if asked to vote yes or know on taxes for the rich, most of the politically aware one's I've known would vote yes.

    But in generally, if politically aware they don't support Libertarianism, as that is just social conformity. This is my experience of them.

    As far as weed, yes some are very pro weed. Most would not want people put in jail over it. But not all want anything to do with it themselves.


    PS, the say San Diego has crumby strip clubs. But it looks like it and Escondido have phenomenal AMPs, along most of the rest of So Cal, say starting from Santa Barbara.

    Oregon has crumby AMPs, and not many of them.
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