
Did I accidentally meet a call girl?

I was walking back to my hotel one night about 1 am. Turned down to walk down the side of the building as I had a couple of other nights and suddenly saw a women standing there saying she was supposed to meet a friend, blah, blah, blah , and she started walking with me.

I was thinking I don't have a room to myself and she didn't look that great. I told her it wasn't me, she mentioned looking for her friend. She just said sorry. Possible call girl?

What would you have done if alone with an empty room? ask what she had in mind?


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    also assume she looked good instead of not that great.
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    9 years ago
    Sounds like that's a possibility. But considering the risks of being scammed or robbed, I would have walked away.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    I would have pretended not to comprende english and kept steppin'.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I wasn't ever worried about a scam or getting robbed. However if she was a 9 and I was alone, I might have invited her up to my room. Since I never met her before, I could deny ever agreeing to pay her anything. I agree that's it's probably safer to ignore a girl that starts acting like your friend when you met her on the side of the hotel walking back.
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    9 years ago
    Too many weird things happen around hotels. It's just better to walk away.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    ^ ^ lol, I remember someone in a strip club asked me if I understood English. They left me alone after acting like I didn't understand them.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Her boyfriend/drug dealer/pimp was somewhere nearby. I'd leave it alone no matter what she looked like.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    ^. that was my other thought. She really did have a friend nearby that was planning on meeting her. If so, he might get really pissed off at me if he saw me walking with her and leaving too. although I usually tend to not worry too much about that. I was thinking how would feel if some guy pretended to be me before i met someone.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    I have had escorts knock on my hotel door by mistake several times over the years, including twice where I was a able to find her ad. Once in Washington DC, and once in Philadelphia. Both times it was quite obvious they were escorts based on the skimpy clothes, and large purse. In the case of the DC one, she was so hot I would have considered calling her, except her minimum appointment was 2 hours, for well over a grand.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I was in Atlanta about 3 years ago and was walking back to my hotel from a downtown strip club. A gold colored PT Cruiser pulled up with a gorgeous blond in it. (I could only see her face) She offered me head for like $50 and wanted me to drive away with her and do it in her car. I told her I had a hotel room but she didn't want to go there she wanted me to get in. After some quick thinking i told her i spent all my money at the club. I walked away thinking if she's doing it like that I'm not sure I want it.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Run--don't walk--away. Too many stories like this one:

  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Possible call girl, yeah. Several years ago, a buddy and I were outside Sex World in the Twin Cities, just BSing, figuring out where we wanted to go next. Cute girl walked up to us and asked if we'd be willing to walk her to a nearby bar. We looked at each, shrugged, and escorted her to the bar. Never did get her name and number -- or even a drink for that matter; we were just thanked and dismissed with quick hugs and small kisses on the cheeks.
  • bang69
    9 years ago
    next time that happens just act like you don't speak English & keep walking
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    1AM could turn into 2AM real quick. Pass.
  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    This past week I have been in Calgary making the rounds of the corporate parties during the Stampede. The parties are not so extravagant this year what with the price of oil being in the dumpster.

    At one of the parties I saw a couple of pros working the crowd in a discreet manner. This was a surprise to me; security is usually pretty tight around these shindigs.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Yeah I can imagine it could be asking for trouble. I didn't have that much money to be stolen or access to it so I wasn't that worried about getting robbed. more people worry about going alone with me. I was dressed pretty decent at the time though.
    I was thinking no 9 call girl would be standing outside a hotel for very long so the odds of that ever happening are close to 0. first time I even ran into a girl thinking I could be someone she was planning on meeting at a hotel at the beach. There were other people about so maybe she wasn't even a call girl or escort. at 1 am though, you get suspicious. too close to 2 am. lol
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Did she have an Adam's apple?
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    so she just randomly said out of the blue as you were walking and didn't initiate conversation that she's waiting for a friend? I feel like we're missing essential details? You sure you didn't stop and ask if she was a hoe or something? Otherwise i would have kept walking because not many woman approach a moving man who doesn't seemly likely to stop.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I was walking the whole time and did not initiate any conversation. She did a lot of talking and started walking with me to say whatever it was. I just heard she was waiting on a friend. waited for a pause and told her it wasn't me. she said sorry, end of story. That's when I wondered what type of girl approaches and walks with some guy at 1 am?
    She said something else but I wasn't listening very well. something maybe about waiting for someone to show up or something like that. maybe he was late or forgot.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Yeah she was a hoe. A regular chick wouldn't even look at you let alone stand out in the sidewalk, especially these days without a cell phone in hand. If you looked presentable and like you were about to walk inside the hotel either she probably thought she could get a score in a secure facility or she was gonna set you up. Either way, you did the right thing. If you don't initiate, or look as if your looking for a hoe (you can have a look only a hoe could guage...and potentially police), keep the dealings in the outdoors or within a controlled environment (where you can easily duck and dodge if things go south).
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    There aren't a lot of women who approach guys so that made me wonder what type of girl she was. In strip clubs I'm used to getting approached, plus occassionally in regular clubs.
    I was probably in the right spot at the wrong time. It was a nice area, not an area where you usually see a lone people standing around. She was wearing some type of evening gown outfit, maybe not even a call girl or escort. It was a first for me walking back to a hotel room. She wasn't seeking sex from me though that I could tell.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I agree^. a regular girl would not want to meet a guy in person for the first time at 1 am outside on a hotel sidewalk. I looked presentable and possibly like someone who could have called because there were not very many single guys around either.

    Things could get interesting if I ever start traveling alone. Maybe I should stop telling dancers I'm visiting or traveling with others to see if they make other suggestions. I almost hooked up with a dancer several years ago but forgot the girls number. didn't write it down.

    I don't really want to visit somewhere with a bunch of relatives anytime soon again. That gets stressful when it's hard to sleep.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    The reason I posted this thread on here was because this isn't the sort of topic I care to bring up with female relatives. The girl waiting for someone didn't even look that great to me. I can get girls like her approaching me super easy and get want I want for free rather easily.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Jackslash - I think someone could get robbed in flint just getting their mail out of their mailbox.

    Farmerart - maybe one of them gave security for the party a BJ to let them in?

    Shark - what city was this in? In my travels this is not uncommon if you're in a large city. I have seen this happen in Atlanta, Miami, Chicago, DC suburbs, and lots of times in Vegas. Almost always it's a low quality type girl (with the exception of Vegas).
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    No, you did not meet a call girl accidentally. You met one entirely on purpose!

    Women do not speak to random men without intent. Her question was designed to elicit a reply from you indicating interest, such as "What a coincidence, I am looking for a friend, too. OR Would you like me to be your firend? OR Are you looking to kill some time while you wait for your friend? OR Would you like to wait for your friend in my room?"

    Your reply was a clear denial of services, end of conversation.

    More than a few P4P encounters begin as "innocently." It is called plausable deniability. As long as there is no explicit offer of cash or service, no law is broken. I've personally had the exact such convo in Vegas, Boston, NYC, Portland, DC, Orlando, Detroit and Chicago, to name a few cities. Each ended pleasantly for me. At the end of the day, your experience will guide you. If she is not attractive to you, then end it the way you did. If she is attractive, playful conversation may ensue. As a rule, any explicit talk and you should immediately say NO loudly and walk away. It is a LEO trap. If she will come to your room without discussing details, it is almost surely not LEO. NEVER go to her room or to anywhere she suggests as this is a surefire way to be set up (either by LEO or a mugging).

    As long as she is willing to allow you to take control after her initial statement to you, it likely is what we think it is and it is up to you to go for it or not.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    The term is outdated, replaced by escorts. Patronizing an escort who works like that is analogous to buying groceries at a gas station with bars on the window that smells funny. She was probably a streetwalker or a robber, or dually employed in both those careers.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago

    call girl
    call girl
    call girl

    nope not out dated at all. sounds just fine
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    You accidentally missed the guy around the corner keeping an eye on her
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I was at a myrtle Beach. lots of families visiting now. Strip clubs are actually more crowded in September when I usually visit. I still had fun. I got even more attention than normal but I enjoyed it. I wasn't used to seeing so many dancers sitting around when I first arrived at various clubs.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I think some of you guys are slightly more paranoid than me but lots of good reasons.
    I was more concerned with being mistaken for food. I didn't see or feel any sharks in the ocean. I did overhear people talking about it. I even overheard it must be safe, he's out there referring to me. I kept thinking of a shark commercial where the guy was hungry and spotted a shark. He ran into the ocean, grabbed it by the tail and whacked it. soon to be dinner.

    A fisherman less than a mile away caught a baby shark and a 4 ft shark.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    @Shark It's hard to follow you. I just want to point out that non-paranoid people have had their arms ripped off by sharks in waist deep water with people around.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Just saying I wasn't as paranoid as some people who said they weren't going in the water at all. We could all die in an asteroid impact Tommorrow but it isn't that likely.
    The girl that talked to me probably wasn't looking to rob me nor part of any police set up.

    I might have been more cautious in NC though. That's where a lot of recent attacks took place. It might be one shark. I was simply pointing out that some people act so paranoid they seem afraid to do a lot of things. You might get killed, or bitten, or attacked sometimes but in certain situations, that's what life is about. taking risks when the odds seem worth it.
    I didn't want to visit the beach without swimming in the ocean. odds were low anything bad was going to happen. I think odds were pretty low that the girl I met was going to rob me or working for the police but she wasn't something I was looking for anyway.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    Shark: Agreed. I think the odds were pretty high that she was looking for cash for sex. The simplest answer is usually the right answer. Occam's Razor..

    Everything else is just good advice concerning the 1% of the time it is either LEO or a ROB and how to protect one's self.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Last year, 5 people worldwide died from shark attacks. Approximately 15 in the states were killed by lightning strikes. 32000 perished as a result of gun violence in the US. Don't even get me started on automobile deaths. I'm not advocating gun confiscation, just that you're a heck of a lot safer at the beach, in the water than you are walking or driving around town.
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