Strip Club Trip to Detroit?

I'm planning a trip to Detroit (assuming that I can save up enough money for it) to make a round of the strip clubs there. I'm from Chicago. (Atlantis is my favorite club here at the moment.) I'd be interested in hearing advice on where to stay in motor city, restaurants to hit up, and a recommended strip club crawl agenda?
Convenience is important to me. I plan to fly in on a weekend like Saturday morning and maybe leave Monday afternoon. I imagine I'll fly in to DTW.
So, would it be easiest to start out at Flight Club? It seems like Penthouse Club is #1 so I have to fit visiting that one into the schedule? One of the clubs like Bogart's my be cool to change up the pace. But I'm concerned about planning my cab rides. Any advice would be appreciated . . .
I want to remain safe. I'm thinking of cabbing it everywhere. Don't really wanna rent a car. So, I need to plan my trip wisely. I gotta start saving money.
Convenience is important to me. I plan to fly in on a weekend like Saturday morning and maybe leave Monday afternoon. I imagine I'll fly in to DTW.
So, would it be easiest to start out at Flight Club? It seems like Penthouse Club is #1 so I have to fit visiting that one into the schedule? One of the clubs like Bogart's my be cool to change up the pace. But I'm concerned about planning my cab rides. Any advice would be appreciated . . .
I want to remain safe. I'm thinking of cabbing it everywhere. Don't really wanna rent a car. So, I need to plan my trip wisely. I gotta start saving money.
In terms of remaining safe, I'd hit Flight Club during the day or early evening. Yes, Penthouse is on Eight Mile, but honestly, I felt like Penthouse was in a better area than Flight Club. Eight Mile west of Penthouse isn't that bad. East of it, it starts getting iffy, at least from my experience.
Also, nothing against our TUSCL brothers, but you might also want to seek out some advice over at Two Sheds, which is a Detroit-specific board.
Happy hunting. Enjoy.
Ok, let me get this straight - you're planning a trip to Detroit just to go to the strip clubs?
That sounds like a great idea, but I have to warn you - there will be naysayers on here, some of them "in finance" who will call your trip "frivolous" and "low priority," who'll tell you to hang onto your savings in case of "unexpected expenses" and to wait until you're "more established" to go on such a costly venture.
Personally, I say go for it now, before the economic boom eliminates extras in strip clubs.
If you fly you can find a lot of chain hotels near the airport. Some clubs have a free shuttle service, and so you could call them for a ride.
Clubs near the airport:
1. Landing Strip
2. Flight Club
3. Bogart's (you can walk there from the Flight Club)
4. Henry VIII North
5. Criket
6. BT's
8 Mile Road Clubs
1. Penthouse
2. Trumpps
3. Coliseum
Down River
1. Subi's
2. Henry VIII South
All these places should be safe. Take a cab or if you drive use valet parking.
This is exactly the great, solid info I was seeking. I've done one other strip club trip before just to The Hip Hugger just south of Indy. And I did a brief trip to Vegas (but unfortunately that one was ill planned.) Both times taught me to save a lot and to try to plan for a few other distractions as well, not just strip clubs.
Remember that a trip to Detroit is not complete without a visit the Bogart's.
The talent seems to bounce between Penthouse, Coliseum, and Flight Club. You can also some times find great talent at Cricket and Landing Strip.
I also agree that you need at least two nights is you are going to hit more than one area.
One for Inkster and one for Eight Mile (re: _jackslash post) I would not bother with HS8 or Subi's as they are both hit and miss (more miss than hit)
Ford Heights to Inkster is less than 4 hours. 260 mile $100 in gas both ways. I doubt you can get a flight for that and you will use that time flying. Time to airport 1/2 hr ? + 1 hr check in (min) + 1 hr flight + 1/2 hr to get out of airport to cab = 3 hour minimum more likely 4 or 5.
Enterprise has weekend specials for $9.99/day (Fr – Mo) – when I was in the ATL this past weekend; I rented a compact for 3 days that came out to $37.xx (taxes and fees included).
There are a couple of caveats though:
+ deals are only at neighborhood locations; not at the airport (and not even most neighborhood locations but most – the ones closest to the airport often don’t offer the weekend special)
+ there is a 100 mile per day limit – but that should not be much of an issue if one is driving locally (0.20 cents per additional mile over 100 which is not much if one is over by a few miles)
+ the special is only available in non-summer months (Sept – May)
What I do is go to and use their filter to find:
+ a hotel room in my price range
+ a hotel w/ a shuttle (since I won’t be picking up a car a the airport) – I take the free hotel shuttle to the hotel and then call Enterprise to come pick me up
+ the above 2 plus a hotel within a 5-mile radius of an Enterprise that has the weekend special (since Enterprise will only pick you up if you are within a 5 mile radius of their location)
I always use this system on my SC trips since renting at the airport is almost always 2x more expensive
The thought behind flying is more to get into a vacation mindset where I don't think or worry about anything. It's expensive but once I drop my car off at economy parking at Midway airport, I'd be on a red carpet ride to Detroit and then chauffeured around from hotel to strip clubs, etc. It strikes me that I did do this once before. I had a trip to Phoenix for a family event and once it was over, I cabbed it to Bourbon Street Circus I think it was. The cabs in Phoenix seemed pretty clean. I kept the cab driver's number and called him when I was done at the club. So, it's technically do-able. But, yea I need to man up and just drive it, I guess. Everyone has their preference!
There's a certain freedom to renting a car. Plus, OTC has been known to be a possibility in Detroit and, without getting into great detail, it can be easier to arrange with a car than without.