Best Advice You Got From TUSCL

avatar for SlickSpic
The best advice I ever got from here comes from Shadow. I once asked if something a stripper tells you is actually true, does it still count as stripper shit?

Shadow's reply was-If whatever she says is meant to seperate you from your money, true or false, then it's stripper shit. Gracias, mi hermano.


last comment
I don't agree that anything she says which is intended to separate you from you money is therefore Stripper Shit. Her just being there and talking to you is in large measure intended to separate you from you money. So is she is talking to you and being herself and being truthful, I don't think that is Stripper Shit.

I think it was TUSCLer “clubber” whom mentioned when he goes to a strip club he goes w/o any expectations – reading that I thought it was simple but effective advice and if feels as if when I employ this attitude I normally overall have a better time at the SC.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Just ask
avatar for Prim0
10 years ago
TUSCL has saved me money by pointing out that the clubs near me offer almost NO extras and the prices are stupid for plane Jane lappers. God, if it wasn't for what I've learned here, I'd still be wasting money on dancers that would probably never put out anything!
Best Advice: Go to Follies!!!
@SJG -- "Her just being there and talking to you is in large measure intended to separate you from you money" it's all just SS. Duh
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

That is my creed, but mostly because of my visit routine. You were the last visit I planned in maybe 5 or 6 years in the US, and maybe 10-12 years in S. Florida. Since I don't know when I am going or for how long, expectations are not needed. Well, I do have a few, I expect a beer or drink, a place where I can smoke a good cigar, and naked women.

I think that another reason is where we club, S. Florida. If you decided to stop and for whatever reason, leave, another club is just down the road. Easier for things to happen, expected or not.
avatar for slaux.pas
10 years ago
Dont be a retard. I keep giving that advice but the retards dont take it. Prolly cuz their retards.
avatar for slaux.pas
10 years ago
At least I drove that steve229 retard off and that zipman68 retard off. Their retards. Why dont the smart people on TUSCL help me drive off Juice and Crazyjoe and Diugster? Then we could have smart talk
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Definitely all the great advice in RickyBoy's The System.
It's good to be reminded of that advice on occasion, Papi. I think that's a good philosophy for having a good time.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
Best advice I got from this site: Use Condom.
"She's not your girlfriend." Even if she looks and acts exactly like you expect from a girlfriend, if you pay her each time she's just a stripper who's a good actress.
Two come to mind: Only use cash, and if you want something, ask.
I now know what a troll is.
avatar for Otto22
10 years ago
Always think with the big head, not the little head.
Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
That I should learn how to do a screenshot, so Founder can help me
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
How to fully utilize KFC
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago
Juice is a divine sex god of cucumbers
GACA club wrote,

"@SJG -- "Her just being there and talking to you is in large measure intended to separate you from you money" it's all just SS. Duh"

No, I don't think it is all stripper shit. Stripper shit is a special designation for speech which is disingenuous. Usually it is insincere flattery.

So yes, the girl is there to make money, and you are one of the people she is going to try and make it off of. She would not be there, and especially dressed the way she is, unless she was getting paid. But she can still be herself in talking to you, and I appreciate this.

Or she can engage in the SS, which has no effect on me. I just ignore it.

If you got green, you play in between
I'd say the best advice I ever got from TUSCL is don't get sucked into a debate on a necro thread !
It’s never useful to debate SJG on TUSCL.

I’m not sure why this discussion got resurrected.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
Unless free, no price is ever good enough. And even free isn't good enough sometimes.

Many of the reviewers here whine about the girls and their prices without knowing why prices are set the way they are (I have written about this in a few club discussion, specifically Flight Club).

Oh, and women are disposable objects apparently (based off of some of the reviews).
Never negotiate with your dick in your hand.
^ even harder when your dick is in *her* hand
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
Be direct, just ask. And I think it was Papi who said it I could be wrong but the stripper will always be trying to get in your wallet, you the PL will always be trying to get in her pants. This is the ying yang of the strip club. Any break from this something is wrong.
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