
Football or sports in general

Saturday, December 6, 2014 9:56 AM
How many of you all go to clubs and actually watch a football game between watch the girls. I find it more pleasant than going to a sports bar to watch while traveling. I used to frequent a club that when you paid you cover you chose one or the other team. They gave you a stamp on your wrist depending on which team you chose and every time your team scored you could get a shot at the bar. By the end of the game the place got pretty rowdy. {no one really cared who won the game, we just wanted high scoring game and to do a little scoring ourselves I'd get the shot and give it the girl I was with}.


  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Naked women, beer, and football, you can't beat that. If the girls are ugly, I'll pay attention to the TV, but mostly my focus is on the girls.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    If care about the teams playing I watch sports, but in between plays, during time outs, and when I listen to the little head, I watch the girls. It's the best of both worlds.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Ya sports at SC's are a way better experience than anywhere else. I'll sometimes just pretend to be watching while I take my time scoping the talent myself.
  • IHearVoices
    10 years ago
    All the time, assuming the club has TVs and all. Last time I went to Tootsies I didn't get past the lobby until after the UFC telecast was over (I looked at girls between rounds and during intermissions). The girls will always be there, so I don't place as much of a priority on them.
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    During football season, I often go on sundays, with the intention of splitting my attention between the game and the girls. So far, the best I've been able to do is 97% girls -- 3% game. Hoping this year to improve to 95% girls - 5% game
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I’m terrible at multitasking – I like to focus on one thing at a time and prefer to be focused on the girls when in a SC – I don’t even like to eat at a SC b/c it’s distracting to me w/ all the naked bodies walking around (can’t eat in peace LOL) – also; most of the time the volume is turned off and one can’t hear the game which to me it’s a big part of enjoying the game. The exception for me is Tootsies – that *is* a great spot to watch a game – they have a very big and separate sports bar (separate but connected to the main-room) that can probably sit 200 people and it has its own bar and waitresses (when there are major sporting events going on) – and the club also has a decent kitchen where one could order anything from a decent set of wings to a decent steak. The Tootsies sports bar has 6 100-inch or so side-by-side projector TVs along w/ several other plasma TVs and they play the game sound vs the club music – and dancers hardly ever walk back there distracting a PL from his game LOL - and during major sporting events (when the Heat are playing in the NBA playoffs; a boxing or UFC fight) there are often a good # of female custies dressed to kill – it’s a great setup b/c a PL can go and check out the dancers during halftime or after the game while still focusing on the game.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    I was in a club with some friends after work years back. On the TV was the forerunner of the UFC. I mean there were ZERO rules it seemed. Anyway, it happened that everyone was watching the TV, including dancers. Management shut off the TVs. About as close to a riot as I've ever seen in a club. Back on they came and after the show was over, perhaps 1/2 an hour, you couldn't get a girl for a private dance! :)
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    SC's are price to high to go there to watch sports. They are rigged to extract money from you. So no, I only go to SC's for the girls. SJG
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    @SJG any place outside of home is rigged to extract money. Beer maybe a tad (and only a tad) bit expensive than a regular bar, but SC's have drink specials like anywhere else, and I don't get to see TnA anywhere else. Seems like a no brainer.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    Never, I can't imagine going to a club and watching anything other than the girls. If the girls are so bad that the T.V. is more appealing I must be in the wrong club.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    I'm with Londonguy. Most of the clubs I go to have a video screen and/or a TV, but I can't really concentrate on watching a sports event with voluptuous naked girls around. If I'm really interested in a game, I'll stay home and watch it there. Then I might go to strip club afterward to either celebrate the victory, or drown my sorrows in a pair of nice big natural boobies!
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    "If the girls are so bad that the T.V. is more appealing I must be in the wrong club." I totally agree Londonguy. Excellent point.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    I've gone to the SC on Sunday afternoons when Football is on. I like having entertainment options if I'm not interested in the girl on stage. I also don't have TV hooked up at home, and I'd rather go to a SC with a $10 cover including free soda/bottled water rather than a sports bar where I'll end up spending twice that on beer. Sure, sometimes I'll end up spending more if the right girl gives me the right pitch, but that's just gravy.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… Beer maybe a tad (and only a tad) bit expensive than a regular bar …” I think someone may have posted once that SCs have to pay higher fees for the liquor license than other establishments – IDK if this is a fact.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    I love doing this! One of my recent reviews details me doing this. I've done it several times when the Vikings were playing :-)
  • pacer317
    10 years ago
    I like to be able to check on the game as I'm at a club. I was at Temptations in Kansas City and it has absolutely NO TVs at all. There was plenty of talent but it felt kinda empty with nothing else to occasionally look at. I know the show is supposed to be on stage or in your lap but with a Monday night Chiefs game one night and the Royals first playoff game in 29 years the next, I'm sure that place could've been a lot busier if the locals could've checked on their teams as well.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    If it's a game I have a serious interest in, I just can't go to the club to watch it, because having naked girls around is just too distracting. That said, sometimes I do catch myself watching a game at the strip club, because sometimes, the girls just aren't that interesting. Even if all they're showing is the NBA (a league I don't really care for), I'll watch it. I just have to remember not to go to Lawrence, KS the day Kansas is in the Final Four (which I stumbled into once). That was a weird atmosphere.
  • warhawks
    10 years ago
    I go alot intending to watch a game. But I find myself watching the girls more than the game. But it's a nice option to have. In the clubs by me, they usually have three dollar beers during the day and early evening and no cover charge. So it's a lot like going to a regular neighborhood bar price wise. Except there are naked girls there. Win/win.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Gosh GoVikings, I never would have guesses you to be a Vikings fan. I am so sorry for you. BTW, I'm from Motown originally, and am therefore genetically disposed to hate the Vikings, Bears and Packers, as well as their misguided fans. However, you seem to be a nice guy anyway so I'll cut you some slack. ;D
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    10 years ago
    I love doing this! I can watch football, drink beer and look at hot girls. When my team win, it's one of my favorite experiences.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Well where I got to bars vs SC's it's a definite fact. I get a beer for $5 either place.
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    I'm a big fan of my teams, so if they're playing, I'm not at the club. I want to concentrate on what's going on. If it's not a team I care about, then having sports on is the second-best thing. Honestly, though, I prefer music videos to sports. If it's a big enough game, I'm not going to the club to watch it.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Like Londonguy, CG, and DandyDan already said, I prefer to seperate the two. I got a nice flat screen at home, alcohol, and great ganja. I have my own clean restroom, too. When I watch the fights, the only distraction I can handle are the ring girls.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    My favorite club runs a Monday Night Football special, bottles of beer for $1.50 (Bud, Bud Lite, Miller and Miller Lite). That's a cheap beer in exchange for having your stripper fix distracted by football on a roughly 20 x 10 foot screen. It's a very popular night!
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Never football, but I see a lot of Blackhawks and Bulls games by accident in the club.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    I usually prefer to watch my Pats games at home or at regular sports bars. However, when I am traveling and cannot get the game in my hotel room, I will sometimes find myself in a club that has satellite TV. The problem is that I am a die hard fan and generally prefer not to be disturbed while I enjoy my game. Not only does this become a problem when girls are trying to sell stuff to me, but some of them become even more distracting when they get pissy because I am there watching the game. As a funny side note, I was in a strip club in Wisconsin when the Green Bay Packers were playing in the Superbowl in February of 2011. That was a fun time. The club put out a spread and the music and stages were shut down during the first and second halves of the game. The second that half-time started, everything was turned on and the girls were hustling their asses off to make a few bucks before play resumed. The girls who were patient, and stuck it out for the whole game, were well rewarded when a ton of very happy and drunk guys piled into the club after the team won the championship. Good times.
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