
Credit Cards - worth it?

Thursday, April 7, 2016 3:21 PM
I was considering using my credit card at a central Texas club and was wondering if anyone here has any horror stories of over-charging, etc? Thanks


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Mental discipline. Don't bring plastic in. Just tell the girls, when you are leaving of course, that you never bring in plastic. SJG
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Rule #1: do nor bring or use plastic.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I did go to plastic and even a special counter check used at a bank across the street. But this was a rare kind of a visit, and only once. Glad I did it, extend my cash. But obviously if someone was doing that all the time they would be in deep shit. SJG
  • Player11
    8 years ago
    Cash is king at SC. SC charges super high fees for cc use. Be sure and go by ATM to get cash before going to SC.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Using a credit card or an ATM card in the strip club is a recipe for disaster. As far as I'm concerned its right up there with scanning IDs and other stupid moves.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Scanning id's, I understand why guys don't like it, but if it gets me in, I'll go along with it. But credit cards in there are a bad deal. The one time I did it, again it was actually the bank counter check, it was a man caught in a death trap of a marriage, spending some money to get what he needed to stay sane. It was an unusual situation, but it did make a big difference for me. Otherwise, no plastic inside. SJG
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    You've been here since 2012 and missed all the posted horror stories of people using their credit cards in the club? WOOHOO boy you've got a lot to see. Look up credit card in the search box and read what comes up. Even better if you have VIP status on this website.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    Yeah stay away from using plastic. NOTHING good will come of it!
  • AnonymousJim
    8 years ago
    I feel like it's the mark of a club veteran to say he's used a credit card once or twice. But yeah, in general, a terrible idea for multiple reasons, namely that these businesses aren't always run by the most savory people, so you probably don't want them getting their grubby little hands on your card number.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    credit cards and ATM cards are a bad idea in the club. Carry all the cash you think you will need. With cash you can control everything (including your losses). I read horror stories about customers buying champagne rooms, then leaving a tip on the credit card for the champagne room, except, since the room was bottle service, the bartender (or waitress or VIP hostess, bathroom troll, or whomever --> other than the dancer) get the tip. Yep. They can steal / mis-allocate the dancers tip, if the tip is on the card. This is often a several hundred dollar mistake. The bartender is often the one running the card and sometimes she does not care. Always bring cash. Always tip your sex workers in cash. /off soapbox.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    CC is pretty much the last thing you should use, or even bring, in a strip club. ATM is bad too but at least they're only going to fuck you on how much ever you decide to take out of the ATM. Stick to cash. If you can't get that much cash then you can't afford it.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    The only plastic that belongs in a stripclub is the plastic surgery on the dancers.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    i agree with Lopaw - I frequented a club several years ago that only accepted cash. It was a real dive - and not accepting plastic saved me from some very bad choices.
  • Lunar42
    8 years ago
    I used my cc once at a club since I wasn't planning on going and met with girl on needed to spend some time with. I kept checking my statements to make sure they didn't try to do anything shady. It was kind of funny because the charge showed up as top golf. As a rule though I never bring a card with me, I don't trust myself.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Yep, never use a credit card in the club. Of course there's a million horror stories about it. I do always bring my wallet, which of course has all my credit cards and ATM card. I don't have any problem at all not using them. If you lack self control around beautiful women and alcohol, best to leave the in the car
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    I used my debit card at the ATM inside a SC once....just once. The end result was mrs sea spent another $300. The next day we were both thinking how stupid that was. I always have my wallet with me and it has all our cards but we will never do that again. We only spend the cash we take and we only take the amount of cash we're willing to throw away.
  • Longball300
    8 years ago
    No biggee; have opened a tab probably a hundred times in clubs to pay for drinks and food so I can use my cash for the good stuff. Last time I checked dancers don't take plastic... cards anyway. Never had a single problem. Ask your servers name and verify how long she will be there. Make sure your total is itemized. Would not recommend it with a large group of guys; you and a buddy at most. 99% of the time the charge comes in as "Joe's Dinner Club" or something like that.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I few months back I looked over to check the club ATM fee out of curiosity. $17. Dafuq?
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    As a newbie 30 years ago I used my ATM card once ITC...the fee was like $20. Lesson learned!
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    The think the fee the one time I used the ATM was something like $36. If I remember correctly it was around $6 plus 8 or 10% of the total you withdrew. It was a total highway robbery setup but when the wife wants to play with more titties you just do it....at least once.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    No. Never use or bring plastic into a club. Also, if you have any of those new RFID chip cards, make sure that they are kept in a wallet or individual sleeves that protect them from external scanning. There's a growing number of identity thiefs who just walk around in crowds hoovering up people's CC info without even seeing the card.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    49 times out of 50 it is probably fine. It is that 1 in 50 event that makes it problematic. I used to do exactly what Longball does. use my card for the bar tab and reserve my cash for dancer-related stuff. In NYC, where I was doing most of my clubbing at the time, everything is so expensive that one could easily blow through a daily ATM withdrawal limit. The only alternative is to have the limit increased (which can be a pain to do late at night) or hit the bank during the day and take out a wad of cash and carry it around all day, which comes with its own problems. But then I had my 1 in 50 moment where my card got rung up at the bar for drinks that I know I did not buy. The problem is that I bought drinks that night for enough different girls that I didn't piece it together until the next morning, in the cold and sober light of day (I wasn't driving that night and ended up over indulging by a lot).. I probably only over-payed by a Benjamin or so, but I can only imagine how bad the damage could have been if I had pulled that card out for a CR trip in a NYC club. Never again.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Never ever *ever* use a credit card or the ATM in a strip club. Ever. Take as much cash as you think you'll need and, when it's gone (or much earlier), leave. In my 1000+ visits to strip clubs I have never used a credit card or the ATM, and I never will.
  • AnonymousJim
    8 years ago
    I'm less leery about the ATM. Yes, the fee is usually ridiculous, but I have an account that reimburses me for fees, no questions asked. You just need to know your limits financially is all. Credit cards are another story. For those who have said they've never had problems, I think a lot has to do with the nature of the clubs you visit. I tend to trust the big city, more Vegas-style clubs more when it comes to credit cards. If they're committing credit card fraud with higher-end customers (who may, for instance, be a bank VIP or something), they're going to have it come back on their hands big time. In a dive, however? Best of luck to you.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    I don't often go to strip clubs as a customer, but when I do, I don't bring in any credit or debit cards. I bring in only what I am willing to spend. If I am running a high tab I don't want my cards ran at a strip club, I pay with some of the cash I brought in. Also, the first time I ever went in a sc as a customer I ran out of cash and used my debit card A LOT. I was drunk, and then I was disappointed in myself the next day as I had sobered up. I won't make that mistake again.
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