
Tax Refunds & Crowds

Scanning the room from the back
Debating making a weekend excursion to our favorite place (Detroit) in the next few weeks. Just wondering about the state of talent and what the crowds might be like, particularly on a Saturday night from 10 to close. I have had pretty much nothing but good times at Flight Club and Penthouse and would perhaps hit both.

I'm thinking, with folks getting their tax returns back, places could be packed. Whether or not there will be the talent to keep up is another story.


  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    Last year around the beginning of February we went to our fave SC and it was wall to wall with loud drunks making it rain all over the place. It took just a little bit but we finally realized these were all people we had never seen before and it was the first weekend of Feb right after everyone had gotten their W2's. They were blowing all that "free money" and we haven't seen that crowd since. April is the people who wait until the last weekend because they owe.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Come to one of the meccas of the strip club world. I'd advise a trip to the Penthouse Club. Yes, it gets very busy from 10 pm to close, but it's always a good time.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    The slow time was January. You missed it. PLs start getting tax refunds after the first week of February. So some customers are already running around with around an extra $5K already. So I wouldn't worry about timeline right now. Most places probably picked up traffic in Feb and March, March especially. It's a great time to go.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    For comparison :

    1/31 and 2/8. I spent 50% less money (well under $200) and got 50% more mileage (150%). That's not even counting the 2-4-1s where the DJ wasn't clipping songs. PLs weren't spending (holidays finally over and no tax refunds yet, business owners saving up for their April 15th tax bill, dancers needing money after taking Xmas off, etc). Something to think about for next year.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    If I get more than $100 back, I haven't been managing my withholding correctly. This year I had to pay. Boo hoo!
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I was at Flight Club a few weeks ago on a Friday night and it was pretty quiet (for a Friday night there). Personally, I don't see the majority of the Flight Club crowd being concerned with their tax refund translating to their strip club activities. I don't see that at Penthouse either, that place is always busy.

  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I have not seen any difference at Follies as far as customer attendance goes. Dancer quality has taken a dip lately but that happens off and on.
  • AnonymousJim
    8 years ago
    VM: Well aware. Have been to Penthouse three times. Hit up Flight Club twice last time I was in town. Would love to "do the double," as it were -- fly in, hit FC, see what I can accomplish or bail, then hit PHC and do the same. Just a shame I can't do the day shift this time around.

    Have occasionally debated trying out The Coliseum. Talent seems like it might be a step down there, though. Have never tried to figure out why. I know H8 and BT's supposedly have "value," but sorry, I'm not getting into town once or twice a year and, to use a simile, ordering a rail drink in the best place to get top-shelf service. Give me the busty blonde young 9 experience over the "value" 6.

    The rest: Interesting. I'm willing to bet most folks fall into one of two categories -- those who try and get their refund ASAP or the procrastinators. I'm thinking the procrastinators will get done this weekend or next. E-file and you have your refund in under a week. But maybe that surge won't hit for another few weeks, or won't hit, period, as you guys are saying. OK, then.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Taxes make me so happy i could shit
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