Strippers: Filet Mignon of the sex industry

I remember early on in my SC career, having a discussion on another SC client board, with a guy who also did mid-range and high-ish-end escorts ($300-$500/hour girls). He was telling me that strippers are way hotter than escorts. I told him that I"d looked at escort ads, and at least in their pics, there's lots of $300/hour escorts as hot as any stripper. He just laughed at my naivete. "That's just what they look like in pictures, what you see when you open the door is an entirely different story. I could go to a high-end strip club on a saturday night, and see 20 strippers that are hotter than any escort I've ever seen". And this is a story basically repeated on monger boards. Hell, even among my group of SC buddies, a number of us do other things -- AMPs, escorts, bodyrubs -- and we're unanimous: very few girls from other areas of the sex industry compete well against the top 20% hottest girls in even a mid-range strip club, much less a high-end one. I don't know anyone who sees the mythical super-exclusive $1000+ escorts to compare; for all I know, they are the hottest, but I have no way to knowing that.
On top of that, the equivalent of OTC-equivalent activities -- and especially unpaid time, like dinners and the like, which are easy to score with strippers -- are universally harder to score. Everywhere else in the industry, the girls keep up more walls, are more consistent in demanding $ for any of their time, and are less likely to be hard partying during working hours, leading to better (or, for us, worse) judgement than many strippers have.
In all, strippers = best looking and sexiest in the sex industry, plus easiest to spend time with without every second being on the meter = best girls in the sex biz
last commentIf most escorts looked as good as strippers, I wouldn't be going to strip clubs.
Your friend is right, you see these amazing photos, usually focusing in on one certain asset the provider has (like a great ass, great boobs or a pretty face) but then they show up at the door and I have almost always been disappointed. I have also found most of the respectable escorts have day jobs, and do escorting on the side, heck some of them even have husbands and boyfriends and tell you about them too, certainly a mood killer.
The one thing that almost all escorts have are rules. No kissing, No CIM, No BBBJ, etc. etc. I find strippers (in general) have a lot less rules.
Lastly, if a stripper comes to my hotel room, she's not watching the clock. Most escorts will leave when the hour, or two hours is over. The good ones may go over a bit, but they're not spending the night for free, where many strippers have (for me) in the past.
Sure, but it's all YMMV with strippers. At least with escorts you know what's on their menu of activities.
This is true but I've only ever seen streetwalkers in person...I wouldnt put js69's dick in most of them.
I'm following Shailynn here on this, so it sounds like since those still dancing as strippers are not really professional escorts, then the OTC money they get is all extra, and so they don't really have rules and they don't really do OTC with just anyone, and so when they do it, it can be really good. It's a quasi pro situation.
And of course we know that the minimum looks standards for active strippers are higher than for escorts.
Adelita's Way
I've peeked at the Escorts ads in my area. The strippers are definitely hotter.
But this is still talking about first class show oriented strip clubs, like SF MBOT, or some of the most liked places in Vegas.
I've been to dives, like the now defunct San Jose's George's Rockin' Robin, where their dancers would have a hard time cutting it as escorts, let alone dancing anyplace else.
Our dancer member from Portland said that at the lowest of the dives in that city, not the place she is at, the dancers are street hookers. It was about like this at George's Rockin' Robin. I don't know about literally, but it could have been true. They made it clear that they were "Full Service". I don't know where they did this, but I suspect that they were flexible. I'm sure a motorhome in the parking lot would have been just fine with them.
There are lots of reviews of clubs on Yelp, where people find the dancers to be unattractive. And some people have said this about some of the clubs in San Gabriel Valley.
To me it does not matter because I only engage with a girl if I like her. So as long as there is one that I like and can get along with, I've got everything I could ever ask for.
I don't require that it be a show club, or a place where most guys like all of the girls.
And also, the categories are blurring. I've talked about this group of dancers I call, "The Beloved Latina Escorts". Time spend with them will be very rewarding. But I don't think any of them would have been able to dance at MBOT. And as that circuit is now shut down, as they have been, they are escorts.
And then more and more street hookers have business cards and phone numbes, so this makes them into escorts.
And then at the now defunct T's on Old Oakland Rd in San Jose, many of the dancers were always handing out biz cards with toll free numbers and talking about which hotel they were at.
I have done $1K per hour escorts a few times in the past (before my last LTR and before I started hearing stories about crazy stuff in strip clubs)! Nothing incredible compared to a more modestly priced girl!
In fact one time in the DC area was downright shitty! Girl was hot enough but she kept saying I was hurting her because I was too big! Really ruined the mood! I'm suspect it was BS she tells all her clients to flatter them, but it's seriously non-brilliant BS! :(
bavarian--> " Sure, but it's all YMMV with strippers. At least with escorts you know what's on their menu of activities. "
Bav, to me, that's as "glass half empty" an interpretation as you can possibly have. Unless you have an irrational, OCD-level need for absolutely certainty, IME stripper YMMV is always, without exception, 100% in favor of the customer. For example, if you arrange FS OTC with a mid-range escort and a stripper, and you decide you want to ask for greek ... typically, the escort might not do greek under any circumstances, or if she does, she will without exception charge you more for an extra service. With a stripper, last time I wanted anal, she told me "ok, just get me really drunk first", and did not charge me a dime extra. With the escort, she will charge you for ever second of her time, if you want to take her to dinner. With a stripper, I have a 100% hit rate on that all being free and I only pay for the hour of sex (and that sometimes includes overnights). Meanwhile, a $250 OTC stripper might be 10x hotter than a $350 escort.
Just no comparison -- the escort's business model is around every second of her time and every single service (or bundled services); for the vast majority of strippers, OTC is a side job that she hasn't thought out and her boundaries are very fluid. Plus the stripper will be way hotter for a lower price.
sjg-->"But this is still talking about first class show oriented strip clubs, like SF MBOT, or some of the most liked places in Vegas."
Yes, absolutely. I'm not talking about bottom of the barrel dive clubs, or for that matter, $200/hour escorts. I'm talking mid-range escorts and above, vs mid-range strip clubs and above. And of course, I don't mean every stripper in the strip club is hotter than every escort ... but VERY few escorts compete well looks-wise with the top 20% hottest girls in a decent strip club
I monger in all areas and i agree with the OP
From the late 80's to the late 90's I travelled for work and didn't realize that strip clubs had the potential for OTC so I just called escorts. Some were as hot as I could handle and either I was extremely lucky or the roles were different then. I found one "agency" in Atlanta where most of the escorts were college students. In Austin, TX, I had an escort from a service who gave me her number for future visits. She was a tall, blond, housewife in her late 20's who hated covered BJ's and with the exception of a little belly roll was fantastic and only charged $200. I really only had a couple of "stinkers" - one in Vegas and another in NOLA ( worst implants I've ever felt). The beauty of strip clubs is that with strippers I've experienced intimacy as well as sex. Getting to know the dancers is a real plus in my book. Generally escorts were very impersonal and I'd find myself sitting alone in a hotel room after she left. At a club there's a party atmosphere and iITC sex is followed by more time together.
gawker-->"Getting to know the dancers is a real plus in my book. Generally escorts were very impersonal and I'd find myself sitting alone in a hotel room after she left."
I couldn't agree more ... I tend to not ask a stripper OTC until she's already my CF, and by then I'm pretty crazy in lust for her, and often at least somewhat like her as a person. That both makes the sex better AND makes me perceive her as even hotter.
I was discussing this topic recently at a high-end whiskey bar, with my best SC wingman, who enjoys Asian massage (holy crap, you won't believe what he gets for $150. I can only imagine what the women look like). Anyway, sitting there at the bar, I realized: there are 5 waitresses there who are so hot, every one of them would be in the top 6 or 7 hottest girls at, well, any strip club lineup I've seen in the past few months. Around here, the waitresses at the higher end mixology bars and bottle service girls at reasonably hot clubs are all, on average, hotter than strippers (hell, we have a microbrewery here whose lineup of waitresses would beat all the local strip clubs except maybe Gold Club on a weekend night). According to a former stripper I know, who has moved to bottle service, the girls can make as much as a stripper... so it makes sense, if you're a smoking hot chick with ambition to make money but few skills, top choice is bottle service & high-end bar waitressing (IF you have some waitressing skills)... you can make stripper-level money without having to put up with strip club customers :)
I agree with the hypothesis 100% but would suggest a better comparison would be dancers that regularly do OTC to escorts. Dancers still win the hotness battle handily but the divide would be narrowed considerably
Very good point L_W. Yes, I think my buddies would all agree strippers would still win the hotness battle. And if you split the middle -- strippers who do OTC or extras ITC, but don't count no-extras no-OTC strippers -- it goes back to being a rout.
Sorry man, I'm not into escorts or backpage girls. I can still pull chicks out of the strip club.
And yes, hot girls make good money in strip clubs.
I think face to face non-committal first meeting is always best. With escorts and AAMP's you can't do this.
But with strip clubs, AMP's, and Street, you can.
In the dive strip clubs and on the street you have girls who would get way too many front door rejections if they tried to be escorts. But with face to face first meetings, they do fine. Sometimes you just find that you like her. She only has to deal with the people who like them.
What Subraman is talking about, upscale strip clubs, where most of the dancers only occasionally do OTC, no question, that is best for OTC.
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SJG-->" I think face to face non-committal first meeting is always best. With escorts and AAMP's you can't do this"
Yes, agree, that's a HUGE advantage for strip clubs over escorts & massage, and with strip clubs you can do a considerable amount of socializing before you ever commit to anything. But we've now gone far afield from my original claim -- strippers are simply the most beautiful in the sex industry -- to discussing other advantages of strip clubs.
For me, one of the unexpected advantages is this. I go to a massage appointment and the girl is a 7. I'm like, eh, okay, whatevs, deal with the massage and go home. But it has happened several times in strip clubs that I'll meet a 7 stripper, we'll talk for an hour, and by the end of the hour, she's hooked me -- something about her is so sexy and alluring that it doesn't matter that she's a 7, I'm going to have a mind-blowing time. I once had a stripper who might even have been in Papi_Chulo territory (that is, totally not my type, not even someone I'd look at twice) approach me for a dance, when I declined she asked if she could hang out, and (as usual) I said yes... 4 shots and 1 hour later, I was dragging her back to the VIP and she blew me the fuck away. This would never have happened with a massage girl ... the door opens and there's a Papi_Chulista standing there, I'm handing her $20 for her time, apologizing and leaving. Just a huge advantage in the strip club that the girls can build up a sensual, lustful connection first.
"strippers are simply the most beautiful in the sex industry"
This applies to the strippers at certain types of strip clubs. And often these are the lowest mileage types of clubs and also the most expensive. And so to do anything you have to get the girl OTC. And many of them don't do this.
So with all of the above provisos, I agree with your central insight.
For myself though, what I am usually looking for is more a girl that I like, not necessarily one who rates high on some scale. So my interest is in more than just looks. And so again, f2f non-committal fraternizing is most important.
Expensive is relative to who the girl likes. I've shit tested dancers for money and I can tell you hot girls can be cheap as well.
It's how much value you give off to these girls. And if they comply with the rules, it's game time.
sjg-->"This applies to the strippers at certain types of strip clubs. And often these are the lowest mileage types of clubs and also the most expensive. And so to do anything you have to get the girl OTC. And many of them don't do this."
Well, yes and know. I agree it applies to "certain types of strip club", but I interpret that to mean "any mid-range or high-end" strip club, regardless of whether it includes extras, etc. I switched to heavy OTC mode about 6 years ago, and have been almost exclusively pulling attractive girls out of higher-end low-mileage alcohol clubs. I realize that doesn't seem to make sense on the surface -- if all these strippers are willing to do extras OTC, why aren't they all at an extras club? I can only guess at the answer, but I think the fact that these girls can choose who they OTC with (shades of JS69!) rather than having to do extras with every customer, is in many cases a huge part of it. That said, you're right, not every girl at these clubs does OTC, for sure.
Going the other way, there's at least one all-nude club here, that sometimes has extras and sometimes doesn't (depends on management, there's a lot of management turnover), with smoking hot girls. And then, of course, there's Mitchell Bros ... at one time, it boasted BOTH extras AND girls that were easily the match of any club in the country, include the girls at high end no-extras Vegas clubs. Don't get me all nostalgic for the '96-'06 golden age at MBOT, I might start crying.
lol @ "yes and know". sheesh.
Okay, getting great OTC is one of the potential benefits of strip clubs.
But there is something potentially even more appealing, which only a great strip club can offer. That is, See, Want, Get, the ultimate in visceral appeal and power trip.
You see a girl for the very first time, and you get to engage and escalate with her right there in the front room. Then you can take her to a back room and go even further.
So you are getting her exactly as you saw her, dolled up and dressed exactly as you found her, and you get to have her.
This does not always mean that the girl is the very hottest of the hottest. It just means that she is willing to play along with you, and that it is in a club where it can go that way.
Nothing except a strip club can offer this, instant results, highly dolled up women, and getting to GFE test drive them while still in the front room.
You go to the strip club to get this, as it is available no where else. Otherwise you just call one of your girls up on the phone and see her OTC.
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Escorts are kind of a pain.
So many use fake pictures that you have to be very diligent about seeking out reviews, only to find that even the ones with real pictures are often poor performers.
Once you do find one that seems pretty good, the verification process often involves giving a less-than-trustworthy service or someone you barely know your most personal information. The whole Ashley Madison thing showed why that's an awful idea.
Taking into account personal preference, I've literally only found one or two escorts have come through my area the past few years that have made me willing to give it a shot. One is ridiculously difficult to get a hold of as it seems her phone always goes to a full voicemail box. Once, I finally did set something up, but if you know anything about the "two-call system," you know there has to be a second call right before the actual meeting, and she never picked up for the second call. Someone told me there was a decent chance a "big fish" may have outbid me for her services and/or purchased a full night date. Ugh.
With dancers, you get what you get. You get to see and "test drive" the merchandise in a fun setting with music and drinks. Rather than seeing an ad you have to research, she basically presents her best sales pitch to you personally.
I'm more than happy to spend my money in a club versus with an escort. Of course, give me an extras-friendly club and we get the best of both worlds.
AnonJim-->"you know there has to be a second call right before the actual meeting, and she never picked up for the second call."
That happens sometimes, but I think one of the few areas where escorts and massage girls absolutely crush strippers, is the fact that the vast majority of the time, escorts/massage-girls make their appointments, and on time at that; if they don't, they get shredded in reviews. With strippers, the general rule is: if they merely show up late, that's a pretty good victory, because the chances are good they won't show up at all. In fact, if I were to guess, the main reason extras girls don't just become escorts is that they're incapable of running their own small business, in particular incapable of tracking and showing up to appointments, restraining themselves from going out the night before an early morning appointment, etc.
-->"Of course, give me an extras-friendly club and we get the best of both worlds. "
I mostly don't do extras clubs anymore, finding the experience of OTCing with a non-extras girl from low-mileage clubs far superior for me, but definitely to each his own!
to Subra/
I believe that we had this convo once before I kinda agree with most of what you are saying here, personally I wont hire an escort because I don't want the hassles associated with calling and meeting them and finding out that they aren't as advertised. Just leads to too much uncertainty and drama, much more than it's worth in my mind anyway. Also I have never been to a MP out of choice, it just doesn't tickle my fancy. Strippers OTOH you sit down and have a few drinks, get to know them a little bit feels much more certain, if you want to go further that's all up to you as opposed to renting a motel, and finding out that the girl that comes to you blind from an ad, is not your cup of tea. One other note most strippers are (at least the ones I'm hanging out with) are a bit picky, meaning they wont go out with just anybody, of course some will, but those are never the ones I have any interest in. Personally I feel unsafe around the ones that will do that OTC with anyone. My feeling also I don't mind spending sometimes, too much money in the club, but when I find one that I click with it seems worth it and I usually get them to go out with me that's what I enjoy. Over the years I have become friendly with some of girls (women) that I first met in strip clubs, and we maintain contact and friendships over long periods of time, even after some of them have left the biz, in fact I still communicate occasionally with one gal who got married.
Subraman and AnonJim,
Yes, AAMP girls and Escorts keep their appointments, They are fully professional. Also, that is their only source of sex work income. Often AAMP girls are only in this country for 3 or 6 months, and the only reason they are here is to make money by doing as many sessions per day as possible. Though speaking little English and often being a bit too old, they do deliver.
And yes, doing an OTC with a stripper from a high end club could be better, hotter girl, she doesn't do that with everyone, no real rules or strict time limits.
But can't we all agree that the very of all possible worlds would be f2f first meetings as:
See, Want, Get, face to face first meeting, getting the girl dolled up exactly as you first saw her. No cooling off period. King Herod the Great always gets what he wants, and when he wants it. Front room GFE test drive and softening her up. Then FS or whatever you want in the VIP room. Maybe even walking her out the front door with you to continue.
Then follow up with OTC's by appointment with this less than fully professionalized girl who is being an escort, but just for you.
Cflock makes a valid point
After read this Subramanian debate of DS vs pedestrian escort, now realizing HOW FOOLISH I AM! Have I missed a number of OTC chances that have come before me? I am now realize the error of my ways, clouded by the pall of my cursed marriage and self-hoax of internal "moral compass?"
And I have heard several my favorite dancers before asking me: "Where are you staying tonight? I bet you're staying at Wynn..." "May I give you my number?" "We should swap numbers" "Let's go get something to eat, let's go..." "I have fantasy right now about making out and fucking in trashy hotel room..."
Of course, some might just wish my number to drum my business when they are slow in club as I spending generously often, yet perhaps some of the above are true invitation. Yet I have reply to the pretty dancers, "Oh, no thank, let just keep it inside this club." I AM THAT FOOLISH?
Now realizing life too short for missing out on such potential incredible experiences, yet still I am frighten by my impending metamorphosis into bona fide "PL."
Hmmm, how did I miss this one the first time around? Anyway...
@Bavarian: "YMMV"
True, but with strippers, one also has a chance to determine how it will vary before committing oneself to action. One might also be able to increase the chances of mileage going up with ongoing, relatively low cost (dances, drinks) interaction. That isn't as likely to happen with an escort.
@Subraman: I find myself agreeing to almost everything you've written in this entire thread. I've met escorts who were as hot as strippers, and as friendly, but they were the exception, not the rule. Not only that, but most of the ones who fell into that category started as strippers.
I missed this discussion too - and I think Subraman is correct. I haven't thought at length about this - but based on my experiences - it is true. With NYC escorts - you can find a new (18-21 year old) one who is the classic "diamond in the rough" - but those girls are few and far between.
I have been wondering - and maybe it's just my stupidity - but if prostitution is legal in parts of Nevada - then why aren't the pros out there the hottest and best looking in the biz? There's no need to hide from LE - so they should be cream of the crop - right?
@Cashman: The hottest ones can still make more money either stripping or tricking, or both, in Vegas.
Besides, from what I've seen on HBO and the various web sites, most of the girls at the legal places would be less than exciting. Certainly less so than most of the strippers I've had sex with over the years.
@georgemicrodong - ok - that makes sense. It's illegal in Vegas - but Vegas gets lots of convention business - and horny business men.
It seems odd - to me - that the legal Nevada brothels seem to look like trailers - and not some sort of palace with fountains and marble staircases. I guess the owners would rather keep their money.
When I was young university student, before dark pall of marriage, I have thoroughly enjoyed company of a number of very beautiful young university women through the casual, the date and the relationship. It had opened my eye to such amaze experiences in life. In my now current age and sad married, despite my younger appearances, fitness, advantage height and vastly improve income, no longer I may easily meet the amaze sexy civilian women I had known so effortlessly as young university student due to the current social barrier, stigma and proximity effects I facing.
But now I read this discussion and very very please to learn that, yes, the most beautiful women are our club dancers and not the escort. It bring me much satisfaction knowing as I walk into Dallas Baby Doll or Vegas Sapphire or Mons Venus that, yes yes YES, I may enjoy in the company of some of the most beautiful women in entire world.