
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    FOX news correspondent Ed Henry's mistress was 42-year-old veteran Las Vegas STR
    Bod, not nod.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    FOX news correspondent Ed Henry's mistress was 42-year-old veteran Las Vegas STR
    Nice smile, decent nod, plus the older ladies know what they're doing better than the younger ones do. Yeah, I'd partake ... ... but not for $2,000, unless her lady parts were lined with gold and cherubs flew over us singing heavenly music as we both had simultaneous multiple orgasms. Someone needs to take this guy to Detroit and teach him some negotiating skills. What a PL.
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    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Pros/Cons to being a Regular
    Pros: - If you have a CF or ATF who likes you and knows you're reliable & fun, she gives you great treatment - With said CF/ATF, you can build trust and make OTC more of a possibility - Less hassle from bouncers/camera-watchers Cons: - It gets awkward if there are regular dancers there who you've posed the OTC question to who have shot you down with a "You're a pig for asking" sneer - If someone in your non-club circle comes in and another dancer identifies you to them as a regular, your rep could be at risk - Dancers sometimes give first-timers better treatment to try and get them to come back - If there are a few trips where you don't see anything you like and don't spend, every dancer's going to start just passing you by
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Cities with the worst strip clubs
    Of the places I've been, Nashville is the pits. A moat around the stage so you can't even tip the dancer personally. She can't take her top off in a lapper. Pitiful. Allow me to add that Chicago has hot women, but high prices, no extras and little chance for OTC unless you head to the way south suburbs. As someone from Milwaukee, that stinks, because Milwaukee has far fewer and further between hot women, no extras and little chance for OTC (our prices are only slightly better). At least we have a few clubs in the boonies, though, where some fun can happen if you do your research right, though.
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    8 years ago
    Stripper with a good boyfriend?
    My CF -- I kid you not -- is very involved in her local church parish with her BF. They're vegans. Keep in mind, she dances about 90 min. away from where she lives. He knows what she does and is fine with it (or so she says). It's part of the reason I like her. She's got a good head on her shoulders. She's just very sensual, within her limits, and sees nothing wrong with that. Everybody wins.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Club Semi-Retirement
    Yeah, finding something else to replace it is the problem. Like I say, I don't see myself at a regular bar or just going home. And I'm out a lot of nights for work on my own. I dunno. Maybe I'll still go, just not partake. Maybe this is how you end up being one of those old guys at the bar. Who knows.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    wedding bands
    Call me the exception: I take mine off. Maybe it's just a guilt thing on my part. I haven't been married too tremendously long (under two years), so the tan line/indentation isn't awful. I don't think the dancers care. But I would feel bad about having this thing on my hand she gave me while I'm rubbing that hand all over some chick she'd hate.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Club Semi-Retirement
    For the time being, I kind of feel like I've accomplished what I always wanted to accomplish from clubbing. I don't feel like I need more than what I've gotten now. I had two busty, model-like women finish me off separately in one night and were happy to have spent the time with me when they got done. I don't care how it happened; that's something a guy can take to his grave being happy about. (Wrong link above; https://www.tuscl.net/rev.php?M=A&RID=273456). I went to a local club nearby on Saturday night, just because it's what I do after weekend work. I looked at the girls and saw only one worth considering. She was tied up enough with a customer that waiting didn't seem worth it. The rest, I looked at like, "Am I going to spend money on overpriced drinks and have to endure the tip walk so I can maybe pay $35/song for dances with no chance for more than a good grind and maybe a few copped feels? Or at least $300 to maybe have something happen if I pay more on top of it? When I just was at a place last weekend where I saw six or seven better looking girls with a full menu?" So I finished my drink and left. The sleep and money seemed like it was more worth it to me than giving both away at that point. I still think the club is better than the regular bar because of the scenery -- looking at naked women is never a bad thing -- but yeah, kinda done with the lackluster interactive component. I've had terrible luck with OTC around here. Closest I've come to it working was getting stood up a couple times. Turned down a lot. I generally don't settle for less than a 7 if I'm going to put that kind of money on the line. We've discussed before, those girls generally don't have to OTC. Part of it is this area. A lot of girls are concerned about the club owners firing them or stings/busts. I don't have the patience to work towards that level over multiple visits with trying to build trust, a relationship, etc. I have an SO. I'm not looking for another. (Also why Tinder would be an awful idea.) Escorts are even more runaround. I don't trust verification services or agencies not to have an Ashley Madison incident, so I stay away. But it's tough to find independent girls that meet my standards. There's one that comes around this area every couple months whose ad tempts me. But she's in high demand and we've never connected. Some of it is me. Work has been stressful over the last year. Blood pressure is up. Libido is down. But I also just feel like I'm kinda done. I want to spend my time and money on other things now. I don't feel the need to chase anymore. I've done what I wanted to do, and I'm not going to get the chance to do it again unless I go really far away. So why bother?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Your perfect tits
    Rita's videos are awesome. Glad I'm not the only one who's a fan. I have never been opposed to the store-bought variety. I always thought Carmen Electra had damn near perfect ones in her prime. Donna D'Errico, too. I know I've talked about Nikki Fritz on here before as well. But what's great about breasts is that many different types are great. Sometimes, bigger isn't better. My CF just had her implants taken out and I like her better without them. Go look at videos of B-movie star Shauna O'Brien and tell me she didn't look better before her implants than after -- and she was much smaller before. Hers were very uniquely shaped, however. I feel like going and listening to "Show Them To Me" now. LOL.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Prince dies at 57
    The thing about Prince's music is it transcended genre. Think about it: How would you classify his stuff? Electronic synth dance funk pop with elements of jazz, blues and even some Middle Eastern influence? There's originality, then there's Prince, who could seemingly play every instrument known to man and dance up a decent storm, too (and even play some mean basketball). It was just the right time for someone that original, too. Originality in popular music began to die after record execs didn't know what to make of grunge and decided everything needed to sound like what the kids were buying in panic, lest they lose business to Napster. He needed to hit when he did, in the late 70's and early 80's, when a sound that unique and distinct could still be marketed. Lost in everything, too, was how he fought the music industry. The whole symbol thing was, essentially, a protest against Warner Bros. Part of the reason you're probably going to see a lot of his videos posted on the Internet as of today is because he grew to hate the Internet over the last decade or so, after initially being one of the first to embrace it, keeping a lot of his stuff offline. Prince was pretty strict about keeping cameras and cell phones out of his shows. He wanted you to experience the music, in the moment, at the level of quality he wanted you to experience it at. Anyhow, dude was different and a genius. We should consider ourselves lucky we had our time with him. I'd say RIP, but nah, I don't think peace is what he wants. May he keep being musically prolific, where ever's next for him. Rave Un2 Whatever's Next, Purple Man.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    favorite attire on a dancer?
    Costumes. Schoolgirl. Cheerleader. Maid. Followed by gowns. I want a girl who knows how to both be classy and sassy.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Being needy as an OTC strategy
    I can only BS so much to get laid. At some point, I want to feel like she's with me, not some lie I've created.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Rushed into Dances with Unknown Girls Right Before You Leave
    On SJG's idea, first place I went last night, a girl basically accosted me and told me we were going upstairs. While I kind of liked the thought, and I could have done far worse, she wasn't really my type, or at least the type I was on the search for that night -- a little too petite, too many tatts and definitely too much attitude. She was fast-talking and yes, a little witty, but the over-the-top salesmanship was a little much. Before I got like two or three words out, she had done two or three minutes of talking, mentioned she had no gag reflex and was grabbing me by the hand and trying to pull me out of my chair. While convincing, I was maybe five minutes into the night and knew I could do better. It was kind of a fight, but yeah, held her off. She later walked by and I think I rolled my eyes when she did. She said something like, "Oh, don't look at me with that tone." I knew she was just trying to re-engage so she could start her spiel again, so I ignored her. You've gotta remember it's your game and you decide where the chips land. Don't settle and don't get talked into something you really don't want. I'm almost sure this one would have rushed through whatever we did with no enthusiasm and said at the end, "Did you like it? Of course you did. Now tip me everything you've got and GTFO."
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Are We Doomed to Get Tired of Our Favorite Dancer?
    Yes. This is where sex and love need to be seen as separate things. You can be in love with the same person forever because their supportiveness and caring will be invaluable. But sex with just any one person will eventually get boring and you'll want to try something different.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Percentage of customers asking to fuck a stripper OTC
    At least at that particular club.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Percentage of customers asking to fuck a stripper OTC
    Yeah, seems high. But I also come from a place where one-way contact is pretty strictly enforced. I think when there are clear rules, guys are less apt to push their luck. "If I can't touch her without getting yelled at, what will happen if I proposition her?" One club had two girls I tried with on one night. Both gave the exact same answer ("I'm not that kind of girl"), which made me think that's what they're told to say.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    When the best looking girl there isn't a dancer...
    The bartender/waitress piece, I think, is for a reason. Most who go to clubs much more irregularly than we do might be a lot cheaper and more hesitant than us to spend, to the point where they don't even head to the stage. But they will drink. So put the prettiest girls in the club in front of them as waitresses. Suddenly those exorbitant drink prices don't seem so bad and the tips get bigger, too. And with drinks, goodness knows the club makes a much higher margin, at least if it gives a halfway decent cut to the girls. Not to mention, for the truly hot ones that are OK with being in a club, but hesitant to dance, waitress is a nice, happy medium. It might even be the gateway to dancing at some point. For about two years, the best reason to go to one club near me was undoubtedly the beer stand girl. By far the hottest girl there, but never an interest in dancing. Sweetheart, too. A few nights where I'd go just to drink beer and talk with her. When she got a real job, that club found itself in my rotation far less. As for customers, I've never seen a hot female customer in a club by herself. She knows she can do better than guys at a strip club. In groups, usually for a birthday or bachelorette party? Yeah. Occasionally just out. Once, I actually struck up a conversation with one of the girls in a group out to see a feature. Followed them to another, non-club bar, but it didn't go anywhere. Most of the time, the girls in those groups aren't or to find anyone, especially with all their friends around. Most women feel their friends would really look down on them if they let a guy at a strip club pick them up.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Videos that broke the Internet: bouncy big-breasted Asian tennis player
    Having just made two of my three dancer choices last night of Asian decent, I approve of this post.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Rushed into Dances with Unknown Girls Right Before You Leave
    Yeah, but you've gotta go for quality. We've all made club errors. But yeah, if you're not seeing what you like, bail. No sense in settling. It's your money. The extra sleep and/or the cash for the next trip will feel worth it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The "Bill Clinton Clause".
    ... good. Great. Why throw away a great, loving, caring relationship where two people add so much to each others' lives because the guy occasionally likes to have sex with a blonde instead of a brunette? Dan Savage, take it from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8SOQEitsJI
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    A Particular Service
    Depends. This is a place that has both chairs and couches. Plus, there's a question of angle. If you sit back, better chance it gets on you than her. I think it will ultimately depend on the girl at the end of the day. Some might be for it. Some might not. If she's hot enough to get my attention and is willing to offer a menu, but not willing to do this, she's still got a good chance of getting my business.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Lipstick, spray tan, glitter, etc. -- all bad, bad, bad if you're a dancer in a club where any semblance of contact can happen. Worst one I ever encountered, though, was dark red streaks on the front of my pants after a lapper. No, she did not go by the name "Flo." But eww.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    A Particular Service
    The long and short of that: Right around BJ level and YMMV (as always). Got it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    A Particular Service
    Eh, true. Dunno if dancers in extras clubs are wearing a lot of that stuff, anyway. Another reason why us mongers should be against it, beyond it rubbing off on our clothes during regular lappers, I guess. It's going to depend on the girl, obviously. An A-cup won't get the job done, while some knockout DDs will either not want to do it or will be afraid of popping an implant or something. But I'm hoping at least one night be willing to do it. You see it in porn all the time. Just wondering where it would price out relative to other services.
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    8 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    A Particular Service
    Also, we're talking chest. One tissue, maybe two, some sanitizer and she's good to go again. Not talking face or hair. For that, yeah, she's redoing her makeup, thinking she has to rewash her hair, etc. I got an HJ once where her hair got hit by some friendly fire. She asked for a bigger tip and I obliged.