
Depression and Sleep

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
I suffer from depression and during times it hits hard I withdraw myself from people stop activities and usually just sleep and sleep. If it wasn't for work I believe I would stay in bed until I felt better

But I have noticed after all the sleeping it's almost like I sleep it off ...is this a good thing or should I consider seeking help ?


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    I think it's good that you have a coping mechanism that works for you. A lot of folks who deal with depression don't.

    That said, I think that anyone diagnosed with depression should keep in touch with a professional as a backup for the possibility that a coping mechanism is no longer sufficient.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    Seek help my friend.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Addendum... a *mental health* professional.

    Not a stripper...
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    If you are diagnosed with depression, or believe you do have depression, seeking medical help and maintaining a continuing relationship with a qualified medical professional who you trust and is invested in your wellbeing is not just a good idea; it's a must.

    Coping mechanisms on their own are simply inefficient. You need someone to talk to someone and have someone who can help regulate the chemical imbalance medically if you and them decide that is the best route. Best of luck.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I've suffered from depression my whole life.

    It was amplified in my early twenties when both parents passed away and the family business, cars and properties got sold to cancel out the debt that was owed

    At that point I was left with two very small kids and a stay at home wife. My future was bright but now I found myself without a future, no family resources and stuck grinding a $8 an hour night shift job just to get by.

    My depression and my ability not to Handel the situation lead to me destroying my marriage. I was young and stubborn and needed the professional help for sure then.

    Fast forward to now and for the most part I feel like a happy person. I've learned from my past and found methods to deal with the down times when the storm clouds roll in.

    I often feel like I don't need the help but I thought that when I was younger and looking back on it I feel like I should have...witch makes me suspicious of the now and if I should ? Lol

    Of course because of the divorce I don't feel like a good father to my kids but I'm very active in the lives...well active in the since of taking them out to eat, chatting, laughing and watching their events in life...other than that I'm a pretty selfxorbed person

    It's easy for me to get lost in hours of poker or reading or whatever the fuck has my attention oooo yeah like strippers lol

    For the most part I understand I'm not perfect and am very transparent with my kids about my faults and short comings along with my love for them so I guess I'm doing OK but I worry if I'm honest and for some damn reason I decide to visit this site and be a Lil to honest lol

    I've done a lot of work with self forgiveness and forgiveness of others even if they will never regret the things they did to me...I'm a religious person and have been since my convert to Christianity at age 15...I've struggled with my faith ever since then...my biggest sins are greed, glutany and sexual sins....In my older years I've understood god's amazing grace and how I should accept it into my life and to give that to others this has helped a Shit load in my overall happiness in life

    Aging is the new issue in my life...the fear of death is ever present...I try to let this motivate me to living better and enjoying more of life before it is over...maybe their is an after life maybe not...reincarnation or a new simulation maybe who knows...maybe it's like the nothingness we experience in the dark sleep we inter and that is it...this honestly troubles me at times and leads to depression

    Poker has done wonders for me not only in the financial realm but also in the physical and spiritual...poker to me is nothing more than a quick like simulation of all the ups and downs experiences at a much faster rate

    In learning how to make poker profitable it has educated me in what I can't control and what I can...focusing on the factors I can change makes me a success and this has helped in life

    Not just in health but in many other things but as this example I understand death will visit us all...some sooner and others later...I can't control this

    The things I can control is how I live with what is left...I can take more adventurous paths, experience more of life, love more, forgive more, help others and accept help from others, ride myself of my ego and pride, educate myself in philosophies and Theologies more, share God with others and so on...I'm sure I will sin more as well...love them strippers to much lol...plus they need god as much as I do

    Wow I'm rambling but I needed this

    Thanks to anyone that reads all or parts of this

    Thanks to everyone for the laughs and solid information about clubs and life

    Thanks for being my friend online or offline

    Thanks for sharing your life with me and letting me share my life with you guys

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Medications for it weren't always that good and in some cases you had doctors who over prescribed. Turned people into zombies. Maybe a case of the disease being worse than the cure. Hopefully they have better drugs/treatments these days.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Ooops, sorry I meant "the cure being worse than the disease".
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I agree dougster and it's been a big reason I usually avoid that path

    Back when I was a kid my dad was a Vietnam vet with depression issues and so on..he tried some drugs and he said he couldn't stand that zombie like state he was in so he came off of them

    I've known other friends that have been on the medication and report shit like their dick no longer works and they even get suicide thoughts being on the meds

    I've honestly never been suicide El and don't understand it nor want to understand it...I fear I might gain the knowledge of on the meds so I usually avoid

    As you can see my therapy has been friends, tuscl, other forums and strippers lol...sleep yes then their was sleep
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Juice, if you can afford it or if your health insurance covers it, talk to a professional psychiatrist or some type of counselor.

    Depression is nothing to mess with. It's a very serious situation and not enough people realize how debilitating it can be to someone suffering from it.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Not being one to pick on you because you are basically a good guy and I have never had anything like that but for me a good blowjob gets my motor running , then I head out on the highway cause I'm born to be wild.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    War I also agree with this..I contribute my divorce to my issue as well as my two years I went volunteer homeless

    If I ever do seek help it would be more for the counseling than the medication for me

    I do have a really good insurance plain right now I could probably look into it
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I agree with 25.

    Juice, maybe you just need a trip to Follies.

    Or maybe a road trip to Indiana for a hand job. Lol.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Twenty-five LMFAO ! A solid vacuum style blow job that is sloppy usually does seem to help LMFAO
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    It has been a bit...haven't had sexual satisfaction since my last trip to follies...been saving up for that Detroit visit ...maybe by then I will be a new man

    Did I mention my Axel on my car broke lol..yeah talking about a bad beat

    Car goes into the shop Monday and I pray it's $1,000 or under so it doesn't chip to much into my Detroit trip money...I guess this has affected my mood some as well
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    The other song that comes to mind would be the Lou Reed singing Walk On the Wild Side
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Watermelon drink with turmeric
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Soak a watermelon with vodka lol that's the cure all lol
  • dutchman2000
    7 years ago
    Medication/professional help + friends + happy music (and stay away from the sad songs... they are evil).
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    That's good advice...last two years I really started understanding the power of words

    I noticed negative music put me in bad moods or incorrect mindset

    I try to keep positive words into my life in some form or another

  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I don't have depression but I'm close to several people who do. The medications work and for some people they are necessary. But they diminish good feelings as well as bad. You aren't depressed but you don't get very happy or excited either. You basically don't feel a whole lot of anything. The worst part for a tuscler is that they can seriously diminish your sex drive. And your body becomes dependent on them, so you must taper off slowly or face dangerous withdrawal. You must have a doctors help to decide what to do. I know people who were suicidal and these drugs probably saved their lives.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    I've been thinking alot about mortality too in the last couple of years. Partly due to the rise of AI and for some other reasons. I think we are getting close to Kurzweil's singularity, but I'm sure not sure if I'll come in under the bar or not.

    Sometimes I think the best thing to do would be to just to get a nice low stress job (like being a gardener) and concentrate almost entirely on health in other ways. Maybe even to the point of doing all that freaky stuff Kurzweil does: 20 zillion vitamins a day, etc.

    But then I don't know which way society will go going forward. Are we going to us the wealth AI and robots provide use to enrich everyone's lives. I am thinking that is the most likely scenario.

    Or is it all going to get super concentrated b/c the costs increased longevity will be enormous and those at the top will do whatever it takes to be the first. Or just because people can't let go of political ideologies that are now outdated. So quest for money becomes very important as a defensive measure.

    I wonder if there is some happy compromise? Probably not. Lol!

    I bet I'm the only one of the board who thinks like it along these lines. :-)
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    juicebox69, I'm sorry you've been struggling with depression.

    If you do try drugs just be careful because different people react differently. Have the doctor monitor you and don't miss any appointments. And don't stop taking the drugs once you are at the target dose. I had a friend who stopped abruptly and he literally went crazy for a period. The effects of withdrawal for some antidepressants is unpredictable and sometimes severe.

    Keep smiling my friend and think about things that make you laugh! ;)
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Think about getting a lapdance from crazyjoe, Juice. LOL
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    Jeez, VM, talk about depressing.....

    juice, it's a good thing that you have started to understand your depression triggers. Any of these that you can avoid will make your life better.

    As I read through your litany of triggers and timing, it struck me that most of them were related to feelings of usefulness/uselessness. Now the you have a solid, responsible job as a crane operator, you can go to work every day feeling respected, trusted and needed. It's hard to get depressed in a situation like that.

    I wholeheartedly agree with JS about antidepressants - if your lows aren't terribly strong or worse, self-destructive, they are as effective at destroying your highs as your lows.

    Sufficient sleep is incredibly important as well.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I heard and read that aerobic type exercise whether that is walking, running, bicycling, etc releases endorphins naturally making you feel better for hours afterwards. Also helps with weight loss, etc.
    I used to routinely feel a runners high when I used to bicycle for at least an hour. It was a natural high that made me feel good for hours.
    I stopped bicycling after an accident though. Helmet probably saved my life. No permanent injuries. I just stopped trusting bicycle construction unless I saw the wheels fastened with a nut and bolt with extra threads showing where it holds the wheel on. I would like to get back to that though. I just keep forgetting about it.
    I had a lot if fun going fast. That was probably reckless when I went 60 mph on a bicycle with no helmet on. Probably stupid smoking the rubber on the brake pads but I was going fast.
    I once broke the steel spindle that connects the pedals in the center of the bicycle. Warped the steel for the pedals a few times.
    A lot of bicycles can't handle a lot of repeated strong forces, I switched to mountain bikes the last several years before I stopped riding.
    A regular road bike couldn't even handle a tiny bump without the wheel frame getting dented.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Playing a sport like tennis, etc that gets your blood pumping might have a similar effect.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Exercise is a great idea actually. It's something I have slacked on this year.

    Between long hours on night shift in a factory then long hours at a poker table for live poker or in front of my desktop for online play I haven't been to active...my factory job is a desk job as well

    Being active in weightlifter help when I was younger...

    I went on a walk this morning before bed and woke up feeling pretty damn good so I probably need to add at least cardio into a daily or semi daily schedule
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Exercise is the best cure for depression.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I need to order up a hooker to have marathon sex it sounds like

    Added in a vodka soaked watermelon

    And my depression might be cured at least for the moment LMFAO
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I agree atack
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Dougster, we will all be long dead before singularity takes hold. Not everyone is on board, in fact so few believe in it that the movement will stall.

    The Jetsons futuristic cartoon was thought to become a reality, now we see attempts to create parts of it with "vitamins" and nutrients alike, yet still nothing is as close to eating the real thing, simple ingredients. The one thing you can't deny is that we are creatures evolved from millions (probably billions) of years. AI would create a host of problems biologically at different speeds.

    This is why Juice can't sleep, he has too many thoughts on his mind. I'm going to make enough money so all I have to do is garden for my basic food needs and insulate myself as much as possible from the stimulation that ego driven humans drive. Juice, the thing I like about your bible study group is that it reminds us we are insignificant on a grand scale, and we just need to let go, not hold onto things/thoughts, and truly be grateful for what gifts we have received. Nobody wants to live forever, because we would be lonely. Be happy for our short life, you only get one shot at it so make the best you can and remember you're only human.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @Meat: Well there is quite a range of ages on this board. Some are in their 70s some in their 20s. I think it will be pretty hard for those in their 70s to make it make. Very outside chance. Those in their 20s have an excellent chance. And everything in between.

    Yes, yesterday I was reading about deep learning Turing machines, which are able to learn to sort.

    The stars are definitely deliberately aligning for it: Quantum computing advancing, huge cloud computing resources. Huge data sets to learn from. The big names all heavily invested in it. Fortunes to be made in it (with Mark Cuban talking about trillionaires emerging).

    I think being skeptical of skeptics is most in order.
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