
Perhaps the crazier among us should release quarterly reports! ;)

In a brilliant place!
lapdanceking82's first half of the year report brings up an idea. One of the things I love about TUSCL is the crazy stories. I've only lived a few of them, but some on here seem to have a deep history of crazy stories. Perhaps organizing them into an annual, semiannual, or even quarterly report would be brilliant! ;)

And yes, I'm joking. But only semi-joking. I'm certain that lapdanceking82's reports would be entertaining reading. As would rickdugan's (though I disbelieve about 85-90% of what he posts you have to concede that the guy writes ace fiction!). Many others on here write really entertaining crazy stories so keep up the good work! :)


  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Quarterly updates on the progress of SJG's imaginary church and his imaginary revolution?
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Yeah dougster that would be great 48 pages on watermelon drink. That dude is fucked and just gets worse, other than enjoying getting shit on I don't understand why he is here, unless it is only place that hasn't banned him. His inability to understand others might not agree with every bat shit crazy that rattles around in hus shit filled brain is unbelievable. Watermelon drink yes. Alcohol or water bad, you must understand drinking watermelon......88 post later..So we see watermelon drink....
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Quarterly progress on Dougster's mission to keep sucking more money out of people to keep this stock market bubble going.


    Wall Street Starting To Panic About Trump, remember, neither this nor anything Dougster tells you has predictive power.

    Senate Asking Comey to Testify


  • goosman
    7 years ago
    This made me laugh so much
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I have to drink to get better stories. It's even funnier when everyone starts believing.
    If the aliens didn't get to me, I might remember what story I told the strippers a weekend or two ago. Now if I just leave out the part, in my dreams...
    Now strippers, they really think of some crazy stories because their crap is real.
    I don't have any recent crazy stories. Just crazy dreams. I'm perfectly normal.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I take it you are asking Lloyd to give quarterly reports.

    It doesn't get crazier than that.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Sorry I have to be so guarded, but if you did know about some of the things I am no involved, it would blow your mind.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    If SJG were report on the growth of his church and revolution, he would have to use imaginary numbers. Get it???? Imaginary numbers????

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Invitation only. Will not be connected to my participation on this board. Will maintain a low profile until It grows to such a size that this is no longer possible. Does not use public promotions.

  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Bullshit!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    "but if you did know about some of the things I am no involved, it would blow your mind."

    "Will not be connected to my participation on this board."

    Then why talk about it at all on a message board for guys who like strippers, except to indulge in your own self-contained delusions of grandeur in one of the few obscure corners of the Internet where your goofball agenda doesn't get you locked out.

    Nothing you're doing is mind blowing. You're just a guy typing on the Internet. Like the rest of us, but creepier and crazier (by a little or a lot; it depends on the day).
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Once Lloyd gets committed to a nut house maybe 4got can go visit him and report back on Lloyd but keep it short.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Ishmael, go fuck yourself.

  • ime
    7 years ago
    lloyd has gone full retard again he has moved into levels of retard not even known to exist
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