
Donald Trump: The Great Orange Hope



  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    "The Last of the Orange Hot Lovers"
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    WSJ just put something about Russians giving an associate of his a hotel deal in Toronto.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Just got off the phone with my financial guy he says the shit is already priced in.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago

    More like the Great Orange Dope. lol
  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    Personally, I would prefer to see Hillary in an orange jumpsuit with numbers on it (just once, to know it's real - I wouldn't want to permanently damage my vision).

    In spite of the fevered headlines from the left - there is still no real high crime or even misdemeanor to hang on Trump. Until then, I will just enjoy the drama and the dismantling of Obama's big government socialism.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Dallas but you do agree he is a fat fuck right )
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Dow down 250; Nasdaq down 101; who's in cash? Fat = mass = speed = free fall = stocks.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Good comment skidum but remember the market always comes back stronger than ever.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    At first glance it seems there's too much drama and distractions in the White House taking away from the things that need to get done - but perhaps it's a good thing the Trump White House is shaking things up from the same-ole same-ole inept corrupted Washington bullshit - time will tell I guess
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    25: "Just got off the phone with my financial guy he says the shit is already priced in. "

    Looks like I just missed that memo. Also forgot SJG's preaching that the market instantly price everything in. Today was a good example that they don't. I laid into pretty much full tilt down all day today. Easily my best day of the year.

    Now the down side is, that he won't get to implement all the good parts of his agenda: the wall, more nukes, infrastructure spending, tax cuts, so although this was a great day for me not sure it's good in the long run. But maybe his agenda was pure fantasy all along, so just not meant to be.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    It may go up and it may go down, sometimes just a little, and sometimes a lot. But the professional managers of the large pension and insurance funds all ready know everything any wannabe's or Dougsters know.

    People do better building their own ventures, not necessarily alone, but with a circle of close associates.

    And of course in the organization I am building, this is how it will be.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    skibum: Cash or not depends on the type of account. Not touching long term ones since there would be tax disadvantages to selling as opposed to riding it out. Short term accounts: yes very defensive including mostly cash.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    My virtual account was up today. Now I know what makes a better hedge.
    I was expecting a little pull back, just didn't know what news they were going to fabricate to go with it. I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more before it goes back to where it was.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    You guys would all make for easy marks, for a good con artist.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    ^^^ You don't see us signing up for your church/revolution do you? That's where the real marks will end up.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    No, the people I'm building with are the people who know how not to be marks. And that's why its invitation only, and it will always stay that way.


    TJ School Girls
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @SJG: a large fund would have trouble taking advantage of the Trump events. This is because the news came out after hours: when there is not enough liquidity for them. When the market opened today, there was more liquid so funds could start selling. Even then you'll notice that it was at the end of the day when there is the most liquidity that things got going.

    Now when I say "funds" here, I doubt large funds would be moved by the Trump news. They are in it for the very long haul, basically ignore day to day news, and just let prices fall into their buy zones rather than chase. They are playing a very different game than other market participants due to the very long horizons and all the money they have to move which required liquidity of a long period of time.

    This idea you have that they "know" the ideal price at any moment is silly. Also even if they did they cannot take advantage of it due to how long it takes them to move their money. They do not stalk the market and instantly price everything in from moment to moment. What they do is wait for panic events, knowing it is going to have let impact many years out, when things will drop into their buy zones and then they buy.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @SJG: anyone who doesn't identify you as a completely out of touch psycho is a mark.

    In your imaginary organization is there anyone who has accomplished anything? Is it all space cases and flower eaters?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The managers of the large funds do not "know the ideal price", but they play a huge role in determining what the price is. And yes there are always things which can happen which will make the price move faster than they can respond. But being a little guy in the stock market you are basically just betting against these fund managers. Sometimes you might win, often you will lose because it is not a level playing field.

    Far more productive things for grown men to spend their time and money on.


    TJ School Girls
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    SJG: "but they play a huge role in determining what the price is"

    I agree. As I said before the large funds role is putting floors below the market, and sometimes ceiling above it. Although, you'll notice from the S&P action over the last few years they have been doing much more buying than selling.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    And so with this kind of influence, providing this floor, and sometimes a ceiling, it is not a good use of your own money.


    TJ School Girls
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Well that's one of a few things I guess we can agree on. Do not fight the large funds.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    And that means stay out of the stock market, except for companies you and your team of close associates have founded and you are in pre-public. Best also is if you can self finance it too.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    SJG: "And that means stay out of the stock market,"

    Well that's quite the illogical leap. As I say, people who can do better as entrepreneurs are already able to figure out for themselves that that's who they are. Also many (most) people who are entrepreneurs also start investing in the market as well at some point. I'm thinking of farmerart who was very involved in the markets (beyond hedging) and 25 as specific examples.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Farmerart and TwentyFive are both great guys, running their own businesses. But I still say it would be better if they could keep on plowing their money back into their own ventures.

    There are barriers to entry, and these are substantial. But there are also ways of surmounting them. Best is if someone has built up their own team, a circle of close associates.

    Not to toot my own horn, but in the organization I am building, everyone will be the beneficiary of this.


    How to dump Trump
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    The stock market is the best way to reap long term average gains that I'm aware of.
    Markets are a bit elevated right now and have been going up strong for years. A major sell off is likely during the Trump administration within 2 years in my opinion. If you understand elloitwaves and fractal patterns, it all makes sense.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Yes, but building your own business and putting your money into your own affairs means that you are actually driving it. Totally different from putting money into a rigged system where you are just a passenger. And with your own business, you never really do lose, because of the experience you gain and the circle of associates you build. If you fail, you try again, and with a big second time advantage.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @shark: Yep, I agree with that. SJG keeps failing to provide the evidence I ask for that "most" people would do better by putting their money into their own business than investing it in the market. Certainly there are entrepreneurs that would. But I don't think that encompasses most people. In a similar vain, I've said 99% of people who do invest in the market would do best by just doing a monthly investment in a buy and hold index ETF. Again the 1% who that doesn't apply will figure themselves out on their own.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @SJG: see you keep admitting that, for you, at the end of the day, it all boils down to "control". Frankly many people are like that which is why they don't like the markets. So you're not alone. However not everyone is that big a control freak. The origin of yours is the personality damage that you and RickyBoy share. (Starts with an "N").
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Of course you put your money into things you control. What other purpose is there in having it?

    And of course you need to build up your own knowledge and experience, so that you are better than the bozos out their running most established companies, and those getting funded by people like Kleiner Perkins.

    Not difficult.


  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Bottom line: people have different values which they themselves must judge when deciding their path. Entrepreneurship is right for some, but it's not for everyone. I've noticed alot of unsuccessful entrepreneur wannabes are just control freaks. The more successful ones know they have to let go. Which one are you, SJG? Hmmmmmm?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Again, one does not need to wear all the hats themselves. For myself, I recognized that the KP style was no good. But Vinod Khosl showed me that there are different way. I have found my own way.

    Most mom and pop businesses are run by people who keep very tight control. They are not over capitalized as VC stuff usually is. They have modest expectations, but they tolerate no bull shit.

    You use your money for what you want to make work, and often this does mean maintaining a higher degree of control than what is found in large corporations.

    As far as different values, the problem is in all they hype about the stock market, from the Dougsters.

    After all, if it were not for Edison's ticker tape machine, making the stock market an emotional reality for more people, workers would have taken over by now.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Actually, the workers did take over, via the ticker tape. You yourself admitted it above: the insurance and pension funds are the main movers of the markets. Well where does all their money come from? Workers. Duh!

    Just keep tangling yourself off in contradictions there, SJG! Lol!

    And, I'm do no such thing as "hype" the market. I give my best objective analysis, and especially when people try to unfairly attack it by calling it things like a bubble or a scam. Generally I've been bullish on the market for many years now, and especially when people said it was a bubble about to burst or bursting. But it's not just one note for me. There's been plenty of times I've warned about short term corrections and suggested ways to protect or even make some money on the speculative side there (always emphasizing the short term speculative side is only appropriate for very few.)

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    But that money is not under the control of workers.

    Last book published during Fuller's lifetime. About how important Social Security is, and how it was hamstrung.

    The Rich Dad guy really goes along with the above book too.

    No, you, though not being alone, promote stock market speculation because of the emotional high. And you say that working skills will be unimportant. That is the final end, the nightmare, Kurzweil's Singularity.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Dude, must people learn to get a grip. Who gives a fuck if the market is under your control or not. As long it's providing you a nice return over the long run. Who cares?

    I think there was a coin being continuously tossed that came up heads 55% of the time and paid you a dollar when it did but you lost a dollar when it came up tails, would you give a fuck that you didn't control every flip? Only a complete control freak (you) would.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    No response? Does Dougster eat food? Does he sleep?

    Maybe he just sometimes need periodic service and a battery recharge.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    But the market does not necessarily provide good results. And it is just an upwards wealth transfer siphon. When it looks good, its just because Reagan gutted the tax code.

    You get better results all around when you can build a team, not go it alone, and start your own companies.

    As I guess comes across, I am developing into my own VC. But I am very different from KP and Vinod Khosl.

  • sclvr5005
    7 years ago
    The great Orange Twitler!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Can people send tweets to Trump?

    On thing which influenced my views of entrepreneurship was Vinod Khosla. He, a former Sun Microsystems CEO, and former KP Jr. Partner, helped me to see out of the KP box.

    I don't know about today, but back when he had on his website a long list of the services he provides to start ups. And there are many many. But last on the list is "cash".

    Start ups need all sorts of things, cash is only but one.

    I am not going to do things the way he does, I have my own ways. But he is the one who helped me to see out of the KP box.


    Please save this web address outside of TUSCL, like in some well labeled emails to yourself. If anything happens to TUSCL, I'll start a lifeboat message board, and announce it on my outside profile. It would just be a life boat until we hear from Founder what he is doing. This is a good group and we should not get scattered

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    SJG is gay!

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Dougster is a con artist

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Why does Trump look orange?


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Bay Area Unemployment Rates, low, but huge huge undercount, and many of the new jobs are junk jobs, and housing costs continue to skyrocket.

    Despite what people say, it is a completely unworkable situation.


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Job losses in San Jose and State, but gains in East Bay, for April.

    Office space market starting to cool.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Sounds like we are ABSOLUTELY DOOMED. Because san_jose_fag said so!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    No, that was the way you tried to write off Steve229.

    Having an economic crash does not mean that we are doomed. No, that is the best thing which could possibly happen. Just don't walk under high rises.

    Have you ever seen anyone who is so uncertain of his own sexual orientation as Dougster?


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    Robin Trower wtih Procol Harum
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