So who else hates the new look TUSCL?

avatar for GACA
Not everything whiney is cool


last comment
avatar for founder
8 years ago
Your post makes no sense. Please be more constructive. WTF does "whiney" mean?
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
LMAO Founder.

Not sure how I feel about it yet, I'm gonna give it a little time.
avatar for rossl
8 years ago
Not a fan.... too busy.
avatar for founder
8 years ago
rossi... are you on mobile or desktop?
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
I don'the like it. Hopefully I get used to it
avatar for founder
8 years ago
again... flagooner... desktop or mobile?

Anyone who comments... PLEASE say if you're on desktop or mobile.

avatar for Rabbit21
8 years ago
Currently on mobile and I like it. It's a bit busy on the reviews section but I find the information useful and like having more available on the individual review rather than clicking through to the club page to get more information.

Well done IMO.
avatar for datinman
8 years ago
Desktop with current version Firefox. The props (comments) associated with reviews are now missing. Many of these were quite useful in clarifying a review. I travel a lot and was always glad when a local made a correction or addition and tagged it to my review.
avatar for founder
8 years ago
thanks rabbit... I really had trouble with that particular page... lots of info I know...
avatar for founder
8 years ago
JustinTolook... They will be returning as "comments" rather than props or flags.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
I suspect that "whiney" = red whine = purple theme.

I'm on mobile right now. The field for comment text entry is smaller, which I don't love. It is a little crowded, but the old interface was also a bit crowded. I think the difference is user familiarity.

The top of my smartphone keyboard is dangerously close to the row of user buttons (LOGOUT, MY SETTINGS, etc.). If typing quickly, I can see myself hitting those buttons by accident. The fat fingered among us may have additional issues with this.

I like being able to see more user credentials at a glance, as well as more top level options to trust, ignore, or message a user.

Will post more later after exploring other parts of the site.

Are ancient threads going to get locked from further commenting after a set time period?

I'm sure this upgrade represents both work and expense on your part. Thanks for that.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
I'm on the desktop, have only looked at the discussion forum so far. I feel like I need to give it some time, I always hate it when a forum changes format, it takes a couple of days to decide whether I really hate or like it better.

One thing I know I don't like: the discussion forum renders on my desktop as if it's a 8.5x11" sheet of paper. I'm actually on a 26" screen. The previous forum -- and really, all forums I've ever been on -- will re-format themselves to take advantage of the huge amount of space. I definitely do not like it that the forum is stuffed into 8.5" of my 24"-wide browser window.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
In the past changes took a while to get used to - I prefer a clean minimal look like Google.

I have a crappy ph w/ crappy service, the new layout seems more data intensive and may take longer to load, if this is the case at least for me at the current time if it takes longer to load it would be a PITA.

At least on my ph I can't see the text editor in landscape mode and the text are different with odd spacing.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
Experiment to see if the less-sign, which previously cut off your post without warning, still does so (instead of, say, giving you a post error but preserving your 3 following paragraphs of handcrafted text). Starting now: < Does this show up?
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
Which makes me wonder if I can use markups? [b]bold?[/b]
avatar for foxhole
8 years ago
On Mobile. Liked the minimalistic UI before. This one looks too packed and congested. The new recent reviews page is on an information overload
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
I know that this has been discussed before, but I'm not sure what you're trying to convey with "dancer vampiness" as a metric in the reviews.

It's a borderline archaic term and I'm not sure most guys are going to know what it means. Or, a lot of guys will interpret it using countless contradictory definitions.
avatar for founder
8 years ago
We're bringing Vampy back :)
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
Love the fact that I can now sort articles by last comment or post date. Some of the articles were really good, but no matter how much interest they generated, they'd just float away and that would be that
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
Just can't stand the "trust" "ignore" "message" buttons under each and every post.
avatar for founder
8 years ago
You can also post a square (no more than 500x500) animated gif for your avatar.

Also, add a banner to your profile page. And put your location if you want.
avatar for founder
8 years ago
@randomMember... I seriously hid that... then thought... people would like to ignore or message any member at any time. Jury is still out on that.

btw, are you on a mobile or desktop?
avatar for Dolfan
8 years ago
I'm not a fan, a lot of wasted space on desktop. Maybe on mobile it's fine. This is gonna sound whiney, and none of these are deal breakers, but my list of things I liked better before/less now that I've noticed so far:

Can't flag reviews anymore? The last one for Flashdance in WPB was a blatent copy from USASG.

The landing on a review from the "Clubs with New Reviews" page is a summary page only, I have to click again to see the review. I'm lazy, I'd like to see the reviews without another click.

In the Clubs With New Reviews page, going to the next day requires scrolling all the way to the bottom (I do like that it only shows one day again though)

When going to the strip club list by state, it used to have all the clubs on that page, now I have to click into each area to see the clubs.

In this page, its a bit hard to see where one message ends and another starts.

Overall it feels really geared towards mobile at the expense of desktop, maybe thats because I'm a dinosaur and still view the site on a 27" monitor instead of 5" phone.
avatar for Dolfan
8 years ago
Just saw that props are now comments, I like that!
avatar for founder
8 years ago
Dolfan... I hear you... but realize that 80% of our traffic is on mobile. I will be enhancing the desktop look in the coming weeks (moving to two columns so you don't have to scroll)

I'm happy you have a 27" monitor, but I just don't have a way to fill it. I could put naked ladies with big tits on the sides? Would that work for you? :)
avatar for yahtzee74
8 years ago
Yuck...It's like My favorite dancer just got 10 new tattoos.

@subraman, sorting by original post date or last comment isn't a new option.
avatar for founder
8 years ago
Yahtzee... Please give a little more info. "Yuck" doesn't help, and some guys like tattoos.
avatar for BenFranklin
8 years ago
On a mobile. Not a fan of all the use of pictures/avatars in the recent review list. Also hate the pervasive use of purple. I tend to read reviews in the office and prefer the anonymity of a less flashy page.

This looks like a strip clib page on my phone and that's a bad thing.
avatar for founder
8 years ago
@benfrankln... Thanks... But check me if I'm wrong, the old site had purple too... Maybe not as much.
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
I see zero improvements. Its too busy. The idea that change is always good is now disproven. Why change things that work?
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I'm not sure about the new format, earlier on my IPhone, it was way too cluttered, but now on my laptop 16' screen it's a bit easier to see but I think I'll need some time to adjust. ask me in a week or two my answer will be more definite.
avatar for BenFranklin
8 years ago
Definitely not as much. The recent review list is the killer. Instead of just being a list of links to reviews, there is a list of images in a forum style. It's definitely hard to hide. Case in point, I travell often for work at the spur of the moment. The company says "go to Austin" and I check daily that recent review list to see what Austin has to offer. That list pages screams inappropriate now. That's cool... just counter to my best interests.
avatar for founder
8 years ago
Skibum... What you thought "worked" was literally a Frankenstein's monster under the hood. That's why it was changed.

avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
-->" I could put naked ladies with big tits on the sides? Would that work for you? :)"

I would like to know in what universe naked ladies with big tits ever doesn't work??? :)
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
I use a laptop, I think the change is fine, one has to get used to things. Glad you don't leave everything the same. It's good to stimulate the big head also. LOL
avatar for founder
8 years ago
BenFranklin... I personally do not like either recent review page (they are there for legacy reasons only)

If you sketch up an idea and email it to me, I'd love to see it.
avatar for minnow
8 years ago
On lap top computer- So far OK, still getting used to it.
avatar for founder
8 years ago
Haha Subraman... If I did that then all the guys who use the site at work would be pissed

avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
I agree with the comments about the busy look ... I think it's the trust/ignore/message buttons, being so big and disruptive. Little icons of thumbs-up, microphone crossed out, and an envelope tend to draw the eye far less. Everything about that line is meant to draw the eye: words instead of little pics, ALL CAPS, and highlighted gray chicklets. That's why the look feels so "busy", your eye gets drawn to that little trust/ignore/message line every single time, and you have to ignore it.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
-->"I'm happy you have a 27" monitor, but I just don't have a way to fill it."

My monitor is yuge. I have all the best monitors. Everyone loves my monitors.

Anyway, if it's possible, a nice layout for desktops would be: two panels instead of one. First panel is the standard view of the entire discussion list. 2nd panel, when you click on it, is the expanded view of that particular discussion thread. I realize your new software might not support that.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@founder It looks like you removed the props and flags from the reviews I liked that feature or am I not seeing it ?
avatar for founder
8 years ago
Twentyfive.. they will return soon as comments

avatar for laplurker
8 years ago
founder - I appreciate all of the hard work that it takes to maintain a web site. I'm on a desktop and find the new layout to be totally confusing. I liked the old layout just fine. I gather that the props are now comments. Maybe I'm blind, but I have searched and searched in a club review for comments and can't find them. Where are they? Sorry to be negative.
avatar for yahtzee74
8 years ago
@founder. I agree with subra man that the trust, ignore, message buttons are too big and distracting.

If you could make the forum be more like usenet that would be best ;)
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@founder is there a plan to add an edit feature to the comments section or is that still more effort than its worth ?
avatar for founder
8 years ago
laplurker, can you give me specifics on what is confusing? Also, stop searching for comments, they are not there YET... still working on it :)
avatar for founder
8 years ago
twentyfive... there are complexities to the edit button... I don't want people editing posts that have been commented on, and the same with comments. It sort of destroys any semblance of integrity we have here :)
avatar for minnow
8 years ago
One question I have now (presumably being worked on) is I have a saved, not yet complete, unsubmitted article. Will it transfer over to new format, or will it get dumped? Under "my settings", a "my articles" click option displayed. Get pop up message "coming soon". I was hoping to wrap up and submit article by the weekend.
avatar for yahtzee74
8 years ago
Also, on the main discussions page, the topic of each discussion/thread doesn't stand out. The subject/topic is the most important info on that page and should be easy to see.
avatar for founder
8 years ago
minnow... being worked on... your article is safe :)

yahtzee... you're talking about the list of discussions, right?
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@founder Yes integrity is important;)
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
Feature Request: The ability to like / dislike discussion posts (and perhaps comments to reviews).
avatar for yahtzee74
8 years ago
Yes, the list of discussions.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
On mobile: I love that the default font is bigger. Big thank you, founder! I also love the purple and the rotating top banners of girls. Sure it screams (!!) strip club (!!) but I like it that way, lol. The purple sort of gives it a "black light" motif, which with the dancers in various poses, gives the site the extra SC vibe (IMO). Vampy. :) *thumbs up*
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
On desktop: I can see what Subraman is saying about the [Trust] [Ignore] [Message] chiclet buttons displayed for each post. The chiclet buttons for each user seems "too large" and draws the eye a little too much. I miss the old buttons (microphone with a slash through it, those perhaps the old buttons were not as "discoverable" for new users.

Also on desktop, I don't get the "banner of girls" that cycles and changes on each page load. I like that about the mobile and miss it on desktop. I'm getting used to it.

Animated GIFs, eh?

(edit: looks like it works on banner for our profile pages, too!) Cool!
avatar for a21985
8 years ago
On mobile. I'm undecided on the aesthetics of it, so I'll keep to functionality. The pop up dialog box for logging in is waaaaaay better than before. As are the collapsible drop down menus.

On the downside, the "trust" "ignore" and "message" buttons are much too prominent and easy to click on. I've already almost accidently pm'ed a few folks whilst simply scrolling. They need to be more discrete when on a mobile touch screen interface.

Suggestion: nested conversation threads within a topic. I'm never a fan of forums where every response is a response to the OP even if it was meant for a specific comment within the page. If whatever you are using allows for that, I'd highly recommend it.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
I like to new login dialog on mobile, too. It's a tad easier to tap thru.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Trust/Ignore/Message functions are not used on the regular, perhaps they can be hidden altogether under an "options" button or something
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
I like coloration, but the con is that I am a "pink lady" person, and not one of the guys / self-proclaimed PLs.

It is a little busy, but I'm sure I'll be able to get used to it, and the old layout will become a thing of the past.

Founder, I am on a phone right now. Idk if that helps.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
"Add Comment" button is smaller than "Start Discussion" button - should not be so since "Add Comment" is used more often
avatar for ppwh
8 years ago
I am on Firefox and have also looked at it on mobile.

The TRUST IGNORE MESSAGE buttons make it hard to read through the comments as a coherent discussion. My eye is drawn to them as something to read, which breaks the train of thought of the commentary. I prefer the previous icons with ALT tags that pop up tool tips when hovered over.

Otherwise, I like the new main screen. On the desktop, I would browse the previous version at 133% zoom, so the front page would look screwed up with the text links overlapping the boilerplate text, so I would have to click around to get to any link off the front page. The new layout looked weird at 133%, so I am at 120% and it looks good.

For the discussions page listing the posts, the light purple is almost too light to see, so the topics kind of run together with only the thin gray line separating them at a glance.

avatar for founder
8 years ago
Thanks for all the input... Getting a little overwhelming... I will look at all your comments, but I can't respond to each one.

avatar for ppwh
8 years ago
Update: The triangle that pops out the user options looks way better than the text buttons did on every comment!
avatar for AnonymousJim
8 years ago
Yeah, on mobile, everything got a lot smaller, namely the fonts and buttons. That's not necessarily a good thing.

Also, something to think about with this site: The redesign made it a little less discreet. I liked the old logo because, from a distance, you had to stare at it a while to realize this is a board about strip clubs. I could more easily get away with reading it on the subway while in New York, for instance, without anyone giving it a second thought. This, with the white type, is a little less so.

Eh, it'll evolve.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Hiding static and semi-static info is a good move IMO, that way it's there if one wants to see it but not there all the time providing no useful functionality
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
I am liking the new triangle "twisty" on Desktop, that collapses the profile buttons. Thank you, founder!
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
I'm also on 120% zoom on the desktop. I found 120% to be a good balance.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
In my small screen ph the "Messages" icon appears by itself at the bottom and kinda cutoff a bit
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
On mobile, I like when I rotate the device to landscape, the font gets bigger. (insert ED joke there).
avatar for sflguy123
8 years ago
On a desktop.

I don't neccessarily hate the discussion board but I hate the "recently reviewed clubs" summary screen. With yesterday's version it was easier to quickly see the clubs I was interested in now it's too busy.

Also it appears the "Message" area changed in before if you were replying to a message you would type within the message you were repling to. Making it easier to quote the messengers specific questions you were answering. I would leave the original question and quote it and then provide my reply on the very next line.
avatar for GACA
8 years ago
Im on mobile

What UI/UX platform are you using? It's a little clunky...

I too was a big fan of the minimal looks. Also why are you defaulting to times new Roman that font is terrible visually.

The menu button is But over sized on mobile too (5.8 screen).

I think the UX took a hit with the update.

Again I'm not the type to complain about change I embraced the Microsoft ribbon when it came out
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
Update: The triangle that pops out the user options looks way better than the text buttons did on every comment!
^^ Totally agree.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I like that "Messages" is now always shown (on mobile) vs hidden that way it's easier to be aware of new messages (especially for newbs that often seem unaware of pending PMs) - in mobile I don't think "My Settings" nor "Hot List" should be shown all the time, should be hidden if possible b/c they are low-use functions thus should not be taking valuable screen real-estate
avatar for founder
8 years ago
Gaca... The font is set to sans serif... Not sure why you're seeing a serif font.

As for the software I use... It's homegrown. I can customize anything... Just looking for constructive feedback

avatar for majorramrod
8 years ago
The only complaint I have is the removal of the location based map (e.g. if I clicked Kansas City, I'd see every club in the area, and their relative distance from each other and me. )
avatar for majorramrod
8 years ago
Computer by the way.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Some of the longer rotating taglines seem cut off
avatar for ButterMan
8 years ago
I have to say at first glance I kind of hate it...sorry founder(I mean reech)
avatar for founder
8 years ago
Butterman, that's as helpful as a chick with a dick. Please expand on what you hate
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Where's the search function? I can't find it on mobile or desktop.

Also fonts are sans serif for me, like founder. Though I'm on a UNIX system.
avatar for alerius
8 years ago
Change is never easy, so it will take some getting used to. However, I like the new look very much. I know there will be little bugs and annoyances here and there (which are already getting called out), but all in all I think its an improvement. I've viewed desktop and mobile. The interface is definitely more mobile friendly than desktop friendly. That's the way to though to keep up. You mentioned 80% of your traffic is mobile, and I'm surprised it's that low. I would say the new look and feel is a good step in the right direction.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
I'm sorry founder. I'mean on my phone, Android.

It may take a short while to get used to the layout, but I do not like the graphics. I would prefer that it was more subtle so I can check and post more easily at work and home.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Mobile. The accessible screen is too small when the keyboard is available
avatar for founder
8 years ago
The search function is gone. It shelled out to Google, I figured it was worthless here.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
"Hotlist" is user specific so it should be under the triangle vs on the main screen IMO
avatar for ButterMan
8 years ago
Founder, I'm on a desktop and i'm not trying to be conforntational at all. I really don't know where to start. Compared to the last layout I pretty much hate everything about it. Just being honest.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
So far have only accessed it from a desktop and it's gonna take some getting used to.

I trust no one!
avatar for ButterMan
8 years ago
Ok one thing I hate is when I look at the latest comment on this topic i have to scroll all the way to the bottom rather than clink on a link that says latest comment for example.
avatar for ButterMan
8 years ago
Oh and now I see that has been corrected...Yay!
avatar for pensionking
8 years ago
I miss seeing data on the reviewer/commenter himself. Specifically, I like to see the number of reviews and the number of clubs reviewed right on the screen with each review/comment.

In this way, if I see that someone reviewing or commenting has only 1 review for only 1 club, I am less likely to value their opinions than I would someone who has 178 reviews at 31 unique clubs.

Also, if majorramrod is correct in his comment above that the location-based maps are gone, I am going to miss that a lot. Whenever I travel for business to a new area, I used to pull up the map based on where I was going to be and perform some advance planning and research. If I am not familiar with the city names or neighborhoods, I am not sure how I am going to do that . . .

Lastly, on the daily strip club reviews page, it would be great if the city/state were more prominently displayed (like before). I often scroll through every review every day. If I was especially busy on a given day, I might skip reading reviews from states I might not visit anytime soon(maybe rapidly skipping through Florida or Texas entirely).

I am 100% desktop, if you're still counting.

Your willingness to consider all these opinions is remarkable and commendable.
avatar for pensionking
8 years ago
Also, under My Settings, I would love to have a tab to My Reviews. If it is there and I missed it, my bad.

Sometimes I stroll down memory lane for fun. Sometimes I check back on my prior reviews when I cannot recall the name of a place I once visited and reviewed long ago.
avatar for founder
8 years ago
pensionking, if you click the little down arrow by a users name, you will see all the info you're used to seeing.

The city maps will be coming back... bear with me.

As for recent reviews, those two pages will be getting overhauled (sounds like they are roundly hated, by your's truly also)

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Along the lines of lopaw's statement I think "trust" is too strong a word to use on TUSCL

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Review titles are now visible!
avatar for HungryGiraffe
8 years ago
Like the entire new look! Congrats!

How can I enable "Geolocation"? Trying to find clubs near me.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
8 years ago
I'm a mobile-only user.
avatar for founder
8 years ago
HungryGiraffe... you need to allow it in your browser somewhere... what browser are you using? I know in chrome it's sort of hidden. click on the three vertical dots, then settings, then site settings, then location
avatar for GoVikings
8 years ago write reviews from your cell-phone? :‑O
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
The new TUSCL look has strengths and weaknesses. I had been maintaining local Internet traffic privacy by using a proxy server and encryption. This is not working with the new TUSCL interface.

Anyway, below is my own outside profile page. Please save this web address outside of TUSCL, like in some well labeled emails to yourself.

Heaven forbid, but things happen. Sometimes LE strikes, sometimes other things happen without any warning.

If anything happens to TUSCL, I'll start a lifeboat message board, and announce it on my outside profile. It would just be a life boat until we hear from Founder what he is doing.

This is a good group and we should not get scattered…

I'd start a lifeboat right now, just that I am tied up with lots of stuff.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
# of comments not currently listed in a PL's profile - it should be since sometimes one needs/wants to search one's comment history
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
@founder - did Juice put you up to this?

On mobile most of the time (and right now) and like it. Bringing back the ability to post a photo within the discussion forum would be great. If you don't wanna host, ever think of adding an Imgur link?
avatar for HungryGiraffe
8 years ago
Thanks for removing the "prop review" function. It was being abused.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I often surf TUSCL in public - def would like to block the new pics that now show-up of half-naked hos
avatar for HungryGiraffe
8 years ago
Just read review comments coming back. That's fine too. I've used it to correct errors. Just don't like the routine badgering of first time contributors or those with low number of reviews. Seems the harassment of new contributors would discourage their participation. We need to encourage participation.

Founder, understand what I need to do to enable Geolocation. I'm on an iPhone 7 using iOS. Thanks!

GoVikings, yeah I have full functionality using my mobile phone.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
8 years ago
Big prop for the visibility and recognition of top contributors. Hope to make the list some day! Very cool!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I for one usually go to my profile and look at my last posts, and start by looking for any replies. On my new profile, I don't see any way to find my posts. So this makes it much harder for me to respond.


Anyway, below is my own outside profile page. Please save this web address outside of TUSCL, like in some well labeled emails to yourself. If anything happens to TUSCL, I'll start a lifeboat message board, and announce it on my outside profile. It would just be a life boat until we hear from Founder what he is doing. This is a good group and we should not get scattered.…
avatar for foxhole
8 years ago
I checked it on the desktop and it is a little more easier on the eyes. The mobile version is truly difficult to navigate, there is way too much going on in terms of club pictures, ratings, vampiness and not to mention the font. Its definitely not easy to navigate nor easy on the eyes.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Yes, there are many navigational limits.

I also still have a few people on ignore. One of them was able to send me an obnoxious PM. So ignore is not being enforced in this new interface.

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@founder on my laptop I am able to log in in the saved I'd box but now my iPhone is making me retype my login every time I switch to another function and come back, previously it would keep me logged in unless I was off for several hours is there a shortcut available so I don't need to retype my user name & password on the phone constantly ?
avatar for Dlee305
8 years ago
What happened to the props under reviews?
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I feel that a great deal of useful information is absent in the new interface.

Also, I feel that even with the old one, some useful things were absent:

1. Easy way to get to view, not edit, your own profile. I have always kept some links on mine.

2. Easy way to get a link to a post. I have had to use the poster's list of posts, or do view source to construct this.

3. Way to view Articles sorted by last post, as it works for Discussions. I feel that Articles have been getting the short shrift because of this not being available.

4. For my privacy on my end I have been using proxy servers and encryption. This has always been touchy in how it worked. But I was able to remove the banner ads, and this is important sometimes for me to stay out of trouble and be able to spend lots of time logged in. At least as of today this is not working. Also, I have not been able to get the option of sorting discussions by last post to work, unless I get completely out of the proxy server. My current proxy server, one of the most common type:

I do everything on full sized desk top computers.


Save this web address as a lifeboat:…
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"Learn the art of seduction in the front-room."

Thank You Founder!

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Also, I see now that articles can be sorted by date of last post. I believe that this will help get more comments on old articles, as people can bump them

Thank You Founder!

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"The place to research a strip club motorhome tour."

Thank You Founder!

avatar for warhawks
8 years ago
It would be great if we could post pictures instead of just links.

Is that possible now?

Like I'd love to be able to post a picture of a basement for SJG. A red head stripper for JS69. A picture of McDonalds for Crazy Joe and a girl covered in tattoos from head to toe for Juice.
avatar for warhawks
8 years ago
Oh, and an EDIT button! Lol!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I do appreciate having the stripper on the left edge of the screen gone, for the front page. Sure I like the picture and all pictures like that. But it makes it easier for me in various environments not to have to deal with that image.

Also now the avatar pics are even smaller. Again, better for me.

I assume the new revisions are to make things go easier on mobile devices. Makes sense. But I only use full sized desktop devices. I can see how very small pictures would work better on mobile and limited bandwidth devices.


"Where the bottom of my shoes feel sticky"

Local underground Mexican Bar show, girls were indeed doing front room FS, and doing it bareback. I kid you not. LE partook fully, before busting them.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
As I know this forum has never had an edit button. Sometimes people post wild stuff to bait and provoke someone, and then edit away their extreme comments. A kind of trolling.

This forum also has never had the typical kind of member look up facility. More just you have to take it as you see it. For me to find members I use the SEARCH, which is google, or I just look for previous PM's.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Post pictures on an outside profile, like I have:

Save this address…

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"Making out in the front room for free since 1995"

Yes indeed!

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I like it. Looks like I can bump 20 threads call rickdugan a fag to the first page now!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"The place to research a strip club motorhome tour."


If someone were to ask me, I don't think such tag lines need periods.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
On many message boards, when you look at the list of threads, for each thread they will tell you:


Name of OP and time and date

Name of last poster and time and date

And these are listed horizontally. I think they also include number of replies.

This is helpful, especially the last post, so I can see if anything has changed.

On TUSCL the way I do it is just to remember the number of replies for the top threads. If they change, then I know there are more posts. But the other way would be easier.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"Where not only black lives matter but black strippers matter also"

I would probably say,

"Where not only do black lives matter, but also where black strippers are loved"

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"You thought stripclubs were just about lapdances? au contraire."

"You thought strip clubs were just about lapdances? Au contraire"

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"We have San Jose Guy."


Thank You Founder!

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
"So this makes it much harder for me to respond. SJG"

Founder... You can probably leave that exactly how it is.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Just checked, the tag lines are being done server side.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"The exact opposite of stripper web."

"The exact opposite of Stripper Web"

Even though their site doesn't capitalize it, their name is still a proper noun.



Royal Gigolos - California Dreamin…
avatar for goosman
8 years ago
Perhaps an option in the settings to allow the pictures of girls & purple, or not allow (i.e. a more plain background & colors) for a more discrete browsing experience. I don't know how websites work, so I don't know if that's even a realistic option.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Sounds good to me. What is purple?

Oh, you probably mean that on some displays, like mobile devices, the purple does not work well.

avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
Always use a laptop when I post.
I don't like the change, I prefer the old style and I didn't think the search function was useless, I liked and used it.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Which web browser are you using. I am using Internet Explorer on a desktop. It does not work very well. Mozilla works much better. Will be using it tomorrow.

avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
I also don't like that there doesn't appear to be a link where you can read member's comment history as was previously possible. I also preferred the former 2 options to view reviews as opposed to the present single option.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Search Function was the only way I was able to find members. But you should be able to do the same thing with Google Advanced Search on this domain.

TUSCL has never had the more common kind of member look up.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"link where you can read member's comment history "

I agree. I used this all the time, especially to look for replies on my own comments.

avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
I agree with Papi, I surf on TUSCL in public places sometimes, I can't do it with all the half naked girls popping up.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
I find the new look of the discussion hard to follow. It's so busy and the text is smaller. I'm on a phone.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I also have the public place issue, and the institutional Internet issue. The banner ads are what have gotten me in trouble before. Used to use proxy server and that handled it. Will try and see if I can get that to work again, using Mozilla or Chrome, instead of Internet Explorer.

Even if the girls are not really naked, it still draws unwanted attention.

Putting a button at the top of the page for getting back to discussions would help, not just the one at the bottom.

I understand that for mobile devices everything has to be inline, rather like the way the organs are arranged inside of a snake.

avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
We need a bottom of thread button now so we don't scroll into the other discussions scrolling down on an iPad on a long thread like this one.

Is there a way to get a strip club list of recently reviewed strips clubs by state instead of seeing part of each review?

I used to use the Search feature when searching a city for strip clubs, can that be used somehow? I don't see it anymore.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Also, the "More Discussions" under a thread is not so useful. Even when you post something, it does not update. So you still need to get back to the main Discussions Page, and sorted by last post, to see what is happening.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Agree with what Shark Hunter is saying about scrolling. But maybe best to just eliminate the "More Discussions", especially since it is not updated and not in the correct order.

I have not even started to deal with Reviews and Clubs under the new interface, sticking only to Forum and PM issues for now.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
In essence - we need a new website

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Papi, that is going too far. Founder is trying to make this work for everyone, full size computers and mobile. Not an easy task, and programming this sort of stuff is very complex and time consumptive. This is only the first day.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I was being facetious
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
TUSCL is clearly a custom software. It has strengths and weaknesses. Probably Founder started it so far back, that it just got going that way. He may have had other reasons too.

Because there is only one forum section, less moderation required. No need to worry about people posting in the wrong section. And no editing eliminates one particularly nasty type of trolling. May be other reasons too.

avatar for bubba267
8 years ago
Viewing on IPad . New site is generating "micro font" . Virtually impossible to read and difficult to accurately select "buttons"
avatar for founder
8 years ago
lol @papi... I call that being Fat Jesus. No disrespect to the Good Lord. ;)
avatar for founder
8 years ago
wow... Just looked at the site using IE7... sorry folks, but I ain't fixing it for the 3 users that still use that POS.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
I'm on a desk top and just found out after 10 hours that the site had not crashed but rather my book mark no longer worked. My first observation is the lack of the search feature. I used it a lot and Google is more cumbersome. I can live with the rest.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
founder, on the iPad mini (7 inch), using Safari browser, the discussions use the "desktop site" instead of the "mobile site." I would prefer the mobile site on the tablet. (mainly because I *want* to see the front page hoes.) ;) ... and the bigger fonts the mobile site defaults to.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
sharkhunter --> "We need a bottom of thread button now so we don't scroll into the other discussions scrolling down on an iPad on a long thread like this one."

shark, there is a "Last comment" hyperlink (in blue, bold) near the top of each discussion topic. That jumps you to the last topic. I think Subraman pointed that out earlier in this thread.
avatar for Yusuke305
8 years ago
Seems to work fine and looks more organized and more elegant than before. Only complain I have is that there's no more free passes for pt's
avatar for pistola
8 years ago
Oy vey. The old website was so nice and simple. Sometimes you dont want your ATF to get new tits.
avatar for rossl
8 years ago
Sorry - mobile. Buttons are too close to margins at bottom, also. Everything I refer to is another 'click' away. Loads slower, too.
avatar for ndnman
8 years ago
Just when I get used to the old they come out with the new.
avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer
8 years ago
I like that there are a lot more topics on the main discussion page. What I don't understand is that if you were going to take the time to do a complete redesign of the site, why not create separate forums so those who want to post political, sports or other off-topic discussions can have their own sections, and those of us who actually come to a strip club site to read and talk about strip clubs don't have to sort through mountains of dreck to get to the topics that are actually relevant to this website?

avatar for rentz2
8 years ago
It's really bad
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
Thanks for pointing out the blue hyperlink for last comment. I missed it.
avatar for clubdude
8 years ago
It's going to take some time to get get use to.
avatar for Cowboy12
8 years ago
Desktop PC
Not a fan of the layout, seems like a lot of wasted space.

"More Discussions" at bottom of page, could be along one side.

Maybe i'll get used to it after a while.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@SJG you are a fucking idiot you need to stop ruining every fucking thread. Having to scroll thru a shit storm of posts jus to look and see if founder answered my question. You are a real fucking troll I promise you if you don't stop your shit you will be alone on my ignore lis so fuck off !
avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago

It will take getting used to!

The text is a bit small on my iPad. But I can increase the font size. The site does look slicker overall. So I'll give the following ratings:

Overall look = brilliant!
Need to click arrow next to name to see information about posters = non-brilliant
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
"Need to click arrow next to name to see information about posters = non-brilliant"

Originally, founder had all of that information in full view with no ability to collapse it. If you read comments above, there are many complaints that it made the page too busy.
avatar for NeverEnuf
8 years ago
It's good that the review titles now appear. In the past many reviews would read something like "my title says it all" and we would have no idea what that was.
avatar for roccoballs
8 years ago
I miss the "Details" view on the Recent Reviews. Could scan all the reviews and look for interesting information.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
SJG: " It has strengths and weaknesses."

Weaknesses. You mean like ZERO security?
avatar for laplurker
8 years ago
hi founder - I logged in today. Instead of detailed reviews, I now see a front page of just club names and cities. I like that much better. I don't read all of the reviews. I need to see the club city and state up front to know if I want to read it. I read Florida because that's where I live. I read California because that's where I used to live (old times sake). I read the foreign country reviews because there are not very many of them and I'm curious. I don't read Idaho or Texas or New York because the chances of me being in any of those places is remote.

Is it possible to have the number of clubs and reviews next to the reviewers name? Right now, you have to click something to see that information. As everyone knows, many of the first time reviews are either club ads or fake reviews. I am instantly suspicious about any reviewer whose numbers are "1/1".

You have a great site here and I know you are trying to make it better. Thank you.
avatar for pensionking
8 years ago
Well stated laplurker, both with your suggestions and your props to Founder!
avatar for WetWilly
8 years ago
Like anything new, it's going to take some time. I'm reading only from my Android lately, And I like it.

I haven't yet logged in from my Windows computer, so I can't comment on that interface yet.
avatar for founder
8 years ago
laplurker - it seemed from this thread the consensus was to hide all that info. Otherwise the site looked too busy. I actually released it with all that info showing. It was too much to look at.
avatar for rickdugan
8 years ago
Much better layout for mobile access, which is what I am now using. I will try on desktop tomorrow and comment further. The only problem I am having on my mobile is that the pages load slowly.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
I didn't like it on my laptop this morning, but it does seem better on my mobile
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago

1st, I apologize if this has been reported already...

2Nd, I have a shitty Samsung phone so that might be an issue too.

I just tried to send a message to a fellow PL but I couldn'the see what I was typing because the entire message box is covered by the keyboard and I can't scroll the box up.

When I respond to a discussion I can'tell see the entire box either, but at least I can scroll it down to see the top line and then scroll up to see the bottom if my post is long. That would really suck if I was SJG.

In any event, if it becomes too inconvenient to respond I will probably do so less which will probably please fishstix's boyfriends. It won'the matter to him because I'm sure he has me on ignore.

Just a question here...

Do ignores detract from the Trust rating?

BTW, congrats on that ranking Papi.
avatar for marktrinidad
8 years ago
I liked the old one a lot but the new layout is great! This is the only strip club review website on the web so either way I'm pleased. Both mobile and desktop seem the same to me and it has a lot of useful info. Just wish the reviews were easily visible like the old version. Clicking review to see the reviews is annoying ;-) either way I'm pleased for TUSCL
avatar for ime
8 years ago
Trust is just props
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Also Founder, I do appreciate your efforts at continuous improvement.

I'm guessing you have a testing environment. Any chance you could give access to users you trust to perform some UAT (maybe for a couple days) before going live with it next time?
avatar for rane1234
8 years ago
Change is good. Its just ok...
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Yes, I do appreciate Founder's efforts at continual improvement.

So as I see it today, using Mozilla instead of Internet Explorer:

1. Does not work with proxy server still. Cause unknown. Not founder's responsiblity, but still worth considering.
A) Cannot login
B) will not hold sort settings, meaning sort by date of last post, switches back
C) Cannot remove banner ads, which is important for institutional use. Banner ads mean money, but the most explicit ads are not necessarily required to do this.

2. I am not seeing any pics of girls on front page. This good. Better to have such pics in a gallery or something.

3. To make an enticing front page, how about a black surround, and a circular stage, well illuminated, and with a pole. But no girls showing.

4. For settings and profiles, how about having a "Profile" button. Then you see your own profile, but at the top or sides are menu options, like EDIT, SETTINGS, etc. Profile has active links.

5. How about dual width options, for mobile versus desktop. Basically the same, but for desktop the menu buttons are more spread out, greater width. And then the posts are also wider, but still not full 16:9 width.

6. But then always buttons are at top, not at bottom. Maybe the extra discussions at the tail end is not necessary.

7. Early in the days of WWW, most people were using variable width. I think it is neat. But still need to have a maximum. Lines too long are hard to read. Works good when you reduce window size.

8. About tag lines, maybe only capitalize first letter of first word when it ends with an exclamation point. Otherwise do not capitalize and no end punctuation.

9. Proper nouns should be capitalized so that people do not misunderstand. On their website, Stripper Web is not capitalized, as it is their log. But used out of that context, should be capitalized. Juice is not actually a member handle, it is a nick name. Should capitalize so that people understand the useage.

10. Let people select width formats, or let the machine auto detect.

11. Two groups of menu bottons at top of page. How about making them so they look the same, and width select the same, but still have some sort of divider, like background color, for the two different grops.

12. How about a post by post web address. You can click on something and it shows that in the address bar, and you can use this for reposting. But you can still scroll up or down to see the rest of the thread. They call these "destination anchors".…

I get these now, but by finding them in the source code.

Many message boards have this feature.

13. Some of what is known not to work in IE are the min and max table widths and some CSS positioning stuff. I once had to make a zero height division, but of what I wanted to be the minimum width, for a table.

I have always gotten good info from:

avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
I think SJG is trying to initiate a front page makeout session.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I think flagooner is being a smart ass.


avatar for ppwh
8 years ago
If stripper web is spelled stripper web on stripper web, it's preferable to keep it that way when referring to it elsewhere, too, according to these guy:…

"Generally, follow the spelling and capitalization preferred by the company: eBay. But capitalize the first letter if it begins a sentence."
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I also feel that the more discussions and more articles, which come after you scroll down past the post box, are not really useful. Just makes it harder to find the post box.

avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
iPhone 7 using Dolphin (not that it makes a huge difference). Overall, I like it. The contrast appears to be better on my phone, and the font is good.

Things I don't like.
- I can't hit the little triangle to pop down the Trust, etc stuff more than about 25% of the time. Mostly I get the detail page.

- The big image at the top of the discussions page. Not discreet.

- Same for the non-disappearing TUSCL logo when in a thread. Though to be fair, I don't remember whether that was there on the old version or not.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
FYI, that's a pretty good assumption to think I'm being a smart ass
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago…

Interesting, but if used out of the context of a list of company names, rather as a proper noun, shouldn't it still be capitalized?

Ignore list not working, does not stop the ignored from sending emails.


Ginger Baker's Airforce, 1970…
avatar for anonlvone
8 years ago
Am I wrong, or is it no longer possible to look up our past comments? Seems to me this is going to make it much more difficult to follow discussions.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
^^^^ Yes, need back that way to track people's previous posts. Discussions and Articles we still have.

avatar for rickdugan
8 years ago
Just as an update, this looks great on my laptop too.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@founder I am getting a bit more acclimated to the new scheme I don't think it's bad but it is a little too busy I find the flashing banners a bit distracting but I suppose it'll be gotten used to at some point.
avatar for kirkland169
8 years ago
I'm lost. Was the old format broken? I'm on an iPad but this is just rediculously cheap looking. I'll have to relearn how to sort they way is used to. Change for the sake of change. What improved?
avatar for founder
8 years ago
@twentyfive... You can hide banners if you're vip

Kirkland, please email me a screenshot of your iPad.

City maps are back for those who asked

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@founder I have VIP status I described the wrong item I'm talking about the bar on the bottom that says hot list, messages when you type and go to add comment on my phone add comment seems faded and those two are bright causing confusion that is what I meant.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
For what it's worth, I find the new theme easier to use on desktop (and an improvement over the previous theme).

90% of my TUSCling is done on mobile, though. I'm getting used to it, as most will.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
My main issue is that I can't see the IM that I type on my mobile because the message window is completely covered by the keyboard.
avatar for EastCoaster
8 years ago
I've been following this discussion periodically for the last couple of days as I poke around the site and get used to the new format. I use both a desktop and laptop with Chrome and/or Firefox and have not yet tried it on my phone (which I rarely use to access TUSCL). Everything looks fine to me, including the sans serif font.

I'm generally OK with the new format. I am eagerly awaiting the return of "Comments" (formerly "Props") that used to appear with the reviews. Though some comments are not helpful, many ask clarifying questions or offer additional information.

I saw the back-and-forth discussion about being able to see the user profiles or not in the reviews, and the consensus seems to favor hiding those details as the default. When reading reviews, I **always** look at that info -- often first -- as it informs my degree of confidence in what I'm reading. (I usually skip reviews by first-time posters unless they are relatively long and filled with details.) I know I can get to the profile info, but every morning I peruse the previous day's entire collection of reviews and I hate having to click on that little triangle every. single. time.

Here's my suggestion, Founder: Would you be able to give us an option in My Settings to automatically show user profiles if that's what we prefer? It would be like the one for "Hide Banner Ads -- Yes/No."
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Living with it. Still can't make proxy servers work, like this one:

But proxies have always been touchy. Important though for me in using it.

Want to be able to see list of people's posts again, to see their posts, and also the URL's. Also want to be able to get post URL from an option to click on.

Not even thinking about Reviews, Clubs, or Props yet. Just focusing on the basics.

Letting Articles bump is a big improvement and I am sure there will be more and better articles, and longer discussions of them.


California Dreamin' - The Mamas & The Papas…
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
I believe you guys enjoy bitching for the sake of bitching

This is the best upgrade I have ever seen tuscl make

Love the new design and the new features

I love everything about it

Rock on Founder and fuck the hater's

Like always the old people will get used to it LMFAO
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
Someone call an ambulance for Juice! He spelled *every* word correctly.

This must be some sort of massive stroke!
avatar for founder
8 years ago
Thanks juice... Too bad you can't make Vegas

Ishmael... Technically Juice used the possessive "hater's" rather than the intended plural "haters", so all is right in the universe.

avatar for bubba267
8 years ago
Founder, let me know if Kirkland doesn't follow through on iPad screenshot. I'm using one too.
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Founder lol I wish I could make Vegas but my bankroll isn't up their day I got a good feeling we will's on my bucket list to share a meal, beer, laughs and strippers with you...hell even a hand of poker
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
LOL, founder is correct, Juice, it was kinda scary seeing a near perfect post from you.
avatar for rickdugan
8 years ago
I think that this looks great now. The new format will take a little getting used to, but it works much better on my dumb phone than did the old format while still being fairly user friendly on both my laptop and my desktop. My only initial concern was the loss of area maps, but founder added the feature back, so now I am all good. I look forward to being able to research clubs on the fly on my dumb phone now, which wasn't really possible before.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
hate to say it... i prefer the old layout.
1. easier to read on my i pad. (i haven't tried my iphone yet however)
2. larger avatars.
3. i haven't found my list of comments yet.
thank you.
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago

Words and grammar is hard lol
avatar for founder
8 years ago
If anyone has issues, send me a screenshot

I can't fix what I can't see :)
avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer
8 years ago
I miss being able to comment directly on the reviews. Was probably the best place to share feedback and comments specific to that club. Any chance of bringing that feature back? It doesn't have to be a "prop" or a "flag" but at least a comment to directly answer a question posed or add to the review.

Other than that, the new layout seems to be working well.

avatar for founder
8 years ago
Chili... It will be back as comments. No flag or prop
avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer
8 years ago
Perfect. Thank you, founder.

avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Lol founder loves them screen shots LMFAO

Chilli made a great point and I'm glade founder is adding it back
avatar for founder
8 years ago
Adding comments to reviews is now available.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
As others mention, it takes a while for one to get used to a change when they are accustomed to something already - my biggest issues currently is not so much w/ it looking different, but decreased functionality and ease of use (per how I surf TUSCL) - i.e.:

+ too many graphics thus taking longer to load and eating up data - this may just be an issue for some of us - in my case I have a cheap ph and a cheap data plan w/ not much data - I often have to use my phone's limited data-plan to surf TUSCL and I noticed my data-usage going up at a 45-degree angle w/ the new format (I actually ran out of data and could no longer surf on my cell ph) - I would like not to have to load photos every time I load a page (eating up my limited data and taking longer to load on my limited device) - on the data/loading-speed theme, at least when viewing reviews in "quick mode" I'd prefer not to have to wait nor waste data on up to possibly 100 avatars to load - I'd prefer for the "quick view" to be all text" and not for there not to be an avatar that has to be loaded every time I go to the page messing up my speed and data usage (i.e. limit club avatars to when loading the particular club that way only one avatar needs loading not 100) - thus I would like to be able to disable loading of data/speed eating pictures and avatars (at least it's an issue in my case but if I'm a minority then not worth doing)

+ I have bad eyes so I zoom in - when I zoom past 100% "The Ultimate Strip Club List" banner at the top does not move - it stays permanently displayed and "Hotlist" and "Messages" appear at the bottom thus shrinking the discussion area b/w two static banners at the top and bottom - will send you a screen-shot (looks like when I zoom-in my display changes to "mobile mode" vs just a larger version of "PC mode")

+ as mentioned already; when looking at reviews in "quick mode", IMO it's best if the single-review appears along w/ the club data and not just club data - if I look at reviews in "quick view" it's to read the review not look at the club data - club data is nice to have but not at the exclusion of the review I'm trying to read which is the reason I'm clicking on it - in quick mode clicking on the review then having to click on another tab to then read the review is cumbersome and inefficient IMHO - in fact perhaps the club data should only be listed when one purposely loads the club's page; in quick-view just give me the review I'm trying to read which is the reason I'm clicking on it

+ on my Windows laptop using Chrome; the current text on the discussion board text-box is too-light for my bad-eyes (would help if it was darker/bolder) and the funky right-justified spacing is distracting and at times making it harder to read

Thanks for all the hard work and putting up w/ our PL temperament :)
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