Chatty dancer?

avatar for steve229
When I'm hitting the club after a stressful day at the office, I usually just want to kick back on auto-pilot, so I tend to prefer the dancers who like to talk (and talk) and take the lead in the conversation. I'm married so I've perfected the art of smiling and nodding while pretending to listen to a woman. It passes the time in between dances and every once in a while they say something interesting/unique that leads to a real conversation. Plus the dancers seem be more ok with the fondling if they think I'm paying attention to what they're saying.

So, do you like “chatty” dancers?


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avatar for jabthehut
15 years ago
I prefer one who chats. Of course it gets old when they repeat the same old woe is me story.
avatar for Mr.White
15 years ago
i have a OTC stripper that used to sit and talk for a long time ITC.i liked it but after 2 yrs she hardly sits with me ITC more than 10 seconds before she has to go check her phone or go eat,go to bathroom etc.well i think it is from when we are in a room she wants to talk talk talk all about her friends or family.sometimes right in the middle of fucking she will go off talking about her costumers ITC and what she does for them.or that they pull there dicks out on her and she walks off. shit like that.WTF i don't want to hear it so i told her this in so many words. she got a little pissy about she shows up takes her clothes off and gets in posision and says lets go and rushes if she wasn't so fucking hot and tight i wouldn't call her anymore.she tells me i'm the only custy she fucks...LOL.whatever
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Um, in a dubious way I must confess. A dancer at $10 day yesterday at Henry's in Inkster, MI., talked and talked and talked and I heard, due to the music volume, maybe a third of what she said. Though I did 10 songs worth with her, I just smiled and enjoyed the time... why? Did I mention she was in Playboy, and looks every bit it? I have to say I didn't particularly mind the departure of the $100 from my wallet on that occasion...
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
What I've experienced lately is dancers that are conversation impaired. One dancer told me that I'm supposed to be the one doing the talking. One of the best experiences I had was a dancer, who, in an entertaining way, told me about the comings and goings of her family. She went on for ten minutes, and I was actually very interested. Suddenly, she said "But this is supposed to be about you."

At the time, I actually had nothing going on in my life. I was under FBI surveillance and was laying very low-work-eat-sleep.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Yeah for the most part they are entertaining. Just as long as they are not complaining about bills or boyfriends.

Conversation is more interesting than just having a trained monkey.
avatar for DandyDan
15 years ago
I don't mind this one chatty dancer at my favorite club, largely because she could do standup comedy under the right circumstances, but as a general statement, they better be talking about something I find interesting, because if they don't, I'm not interested in them.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
4 letters will resolve this probelm (STFU) and yes certain girls will talk through FS but BJs are actually better with some humming by her.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
As I've said before, I've always enjoyed dancers giving me their views on the stock market, national economy, political trends, existentialism or current Supreme Court decisions.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
It never fails - if I'm short on time and just want to get some dances, I'll wind up with chatty dancers clogging up my table and effectively pussyblocking me from getting to the dancer(s) that I really want. If I'm in the mood to just chill and chat with the girlies, all I'll get are the "wanna dance" girls. Ya can't win!
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
I will make an exception. I don't give out dancer names.But I could talk to Helena for hours. She will massage me,carry on an intellgent conversation and then rock my world on the couch. Not a 10(maybe7)She was married and then a lesbian life style. Now has a BF(a customer)Said it would NOT affect her dances and it didn't. It was interesting to hear her tell gridget how much she liked dick again.Some of you know her. She will be hard to find. She does NOT dance on stage.
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