
LETTER: Strip clubs represent a form of slavery, 02-26-10

The fact that slavery was practiced in our country until almost the 20th century is one of the saddest memories of our history. But, to see it rear its ugly head once more in Fall River in the 21st century is beyond belief.

Yes, I am referring to the infamous strip clubs that everyone is panting over, where human beings are lowered to the point of objects to be used by men under some delusion of how people are meant to be treated. The top three plagues that infect our society as far as illegal trafficking is concerned are drugs, weapons and our little girls. Every female child in this country is a target for the trafficking of women into the sex market, including prostitution and stripping.

I don't know what is worse — the men who want to create these businesses where we can treat our women as no more than objects like a hammer or chair, or the men who write to this newspaper, hiding their excitement of a strip club behind the weak excuse of saving money.

Exactly how much is the innocence of the little girls enslaved by the fuel of a man's need to get excited? Is it that hard to look inside yourself and see that these are people and there is a dignity that goes along with that? Can we stop the market for human trafficking? How much abuse does it take for a man to look past his desire for some sexual stimulation on demand, no matter what the cost, to growing up and taking a stand for what is right?



First comment: Outstanding letter! You are a true representation of civil rights. Unlike the counterfeit version who are always screaming the loudest to drown out opposition. There is a lot of evil going around & even though God respects the evil mans free will, they don't have a right to trample on OTHER PEOPLES civil rights. The strip clubs are a perfect example of this, when they very aggressively insist on existing. Same with prostitution, the constitution does not guarantee this behavior either. There are no negative behaviors guaranteed in the constitution, only positive, such as THE FREE EXPRESSION OF RELIGION. I'm guessing a lot of those who write in support of Garys club are his motorcycle buddies.


  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    I guess all the hoopla is over a proposed strip club ("Club Martinique") in Fall River, MA that's been in the works for around a year or so now.




  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    The letter is absurd and plumb full of fallacies and non sequitors
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    Tiverton wrote: The fact that slavery was practiced in our country until almost the 20th century

    1865-official end of slavery. 35 years before a century is not "almost".

    Tiverton wrote: where human beings are lowered to the point of objects to be used by men under some delusion of how people are meant to be treated

    Last twenty or so visits, it was the stripper, and not me, who set the boundaries. I don't think this writer has ever set foot in a strip club.

    Tiverton wrote: The top three plagues that infect our society as far as illegal trafficking is concerned are drugs, weapons and our little girls

    Drugs, I can buy, weapons? Is this why gun shops exist? Little girls? Really? If that were the case, there would be hours and hours of Dateline shows every night on TV.

    Tiverton wrote: Every female child in this country is a target for the trafficking of women into the sex market, including prostitution and stripping.

    I think someone is over reaching here, way over reaching.

    Tiverton wrote: Exactly how much is the innocence of the little girls enslaved by the fuel of a man’s need to get excited?

    Movie tickets run 8-12 bucks. For that price you can watch human beings being tortured, sliced, diced, stalked, barbecued, etc, etc. Violence begets violence. European countries, where nude beaches are plentiful, and so is the sex, has avoided war since 1945. In the 65 years hence, the US, which restricts nudity and sex, has been in no less than five wars. A coincidence? I think not.

    Tiverton wrote: Can we stop the market for human trafficking?

    Sure. First, legalize, regulate, and tax prostitution. You'll put the traffickers out of business.

    Tiverton wrote: How much abuse does it take for a man to look past his desire for some sexual stimulation on demand, no matter what the cost, to growing up and taking a stand for what is right?

    I was abused, repeatedly and often, by a man when I was a child. Despite my pleas to the Police, a Judge, and a school counselor, he was never prosecuted. Today, children have all kinds of rights, maybe too many.
  • Mr.White
    15 years ago
    i could go on a rant on this topic.but i wont.i do know there is alot of differnt forms of slavery.i always look a stirpper in the eye and ask if she enjoys her JOB.if for any reason i feel she don't i wont and cant give her my money.i'm kinds wierd like that.even though alot of strippers lie and try to run there hustle.you can tell from the look in her eye.i wish it wasn't like that but sometimes it is.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Mr. White: "you can tell from the look in her eye"

    So, judging from "the look in their eye", what % of strippers would you say enjoy their job?
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    The idea Strip Clubs are a form of slavery is and absurdity.

    Strip Clubs IMO are temples of the Goddess Religion. They should be exempt from regulation / interference by LE under the Bill of Rights / Constitution of this country. Prostitution and gambling should be legalized nationwide to reduce taxes and POP. I would like to see Galveston as the first wide open area with casinos, strip clubs, and brothels operating undisturbed. Think how much fun it would be to cruise Seawall Blvd seeking bikini girl call girls.

    It is the upmost of hyprocrisy that government would seek to interfere with SC's when it has allowed Corporate Scum to essentially loot the American people (Banksters, outsourcing US jobs overseas), refuse to root out and deport the Illegal Aliens, fund bilingual programs, overload our economy with taxes, and not shore up our southern border. I also believe that immediately following 911 there should have been a massive retalitory attack on the nations supporting our terriorist enemies killing hundreds of thousands of them and then repeated as necessary.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Last twenty or so visits, it was the stripper, and not me, who set the boundaries. I don't think this writer has ever set foot in a strip club."

    This is an excellent point, and it's one which even certain feminists (certainly not all of them though) have pointed out in the past. To argue that female dancers are completely & totally not in control of a strip club situation across the board is incorrect IMO.

    There's no doubt in my mind that human trafficking exists in the USA & even in the strip club industry here, but I don't think that it's anywhere near as widespread as some may think.

    "i always look a stirpper in the eye and ask if she enjoys her JOB."

    Putting your writing "style" aside, do you really think that a whole lot of Americans absolutely love their jobs? I don't think so.
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