
Ordering Strippers Off of a Tablet Menu

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
So is the title and subject of a SW thread.

The thread OP states it's been considered in her club; i.e. the club having tablets (similar to IPADs) where PLs can see a bio and pic of the talent for the night and can use the tablet to let the dancer know he is interested so she can stop by his table.

I'm all for technology and I would think it would help the PL be able to see all the talent at the club during a visit (especially for big clubs) and let the dancer be aware that a PL is interested w/o the PL having to hunt for her.




  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    One the whole it sounds like it's a good idea. For it to work for me, the pictures would have to be bikini or bra and thong (or less). Inevitably, there will be some dancers you don't think look as good in person. And many of them will not take it graciously.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I would need to try it to see. BUT in the end it is the "interview" that makes my mind up. I guess it wouldn't matter a great deal if I used a menu or just picked her out by sight.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    An interesting concept but I can see to many issues.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Sounds interesting but I believe it won't work well.

    I believe most men like to see girls in person before deciding to get dances etc. Some like talking to them first. I guess it could work as a screening tool but what if you said no to all available girls and you just arrived at the club? Do you leave? Do you hope someone much hotter shows up? Do you hope all the pictures were horrible pictures and that some of the dancers look better. Pictures need bright light. Bright light might make all the dancers appear much worse than they typically do in a dimly lit club where guys are too busy looking at tits or hot legs or ass to notice a not so pretty face or stretch marks or other flaws. If all the pictures look much better than the actual dancers or don't show what guys want to check out in a dancer, are the pictures really that useful? If a club is full of really hot dancers, the last thing I want to do is use a computer, iPad etc. I want to feast my eyes on the hot girls.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Sounds like a good idea to me!
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I looked at some of the pictures on one club web site. I thought some of the dancers looked a whole lot better in person rather than the pictures I saw online. If a club is boring with not too many hot dancers to watch, then yeah, iPads, smart phones, other entertainment is probably a good idea.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    It might be easier to rule out girls you are definitely not interested in.
    One way to make pictures much more appealing in my opinion is to do what one web site did before the web site disappeared. You could with a mouse scroll, rotate the girl in a bikini in a complete 360 degree rotation in the horizontal. That way on an iPad you could run your finger to the side and watch her turn around viewing her face, tits, and ass all with a swipe of your finger. If you could do the same with lots of girls all n the same page, that would be fast and cool and something I would definitely be interested in. I'm not really sure why the porn industry hasn't done it yet with naked girls, unless there is some expensive technology problem. Kind of like girls in 3d being able to spin them around. If you could do the finger pinch or stretch to enlarge a picture of a girl and still make her rotate 360, even better.

    I was probably in one of those alternate realities where I first saw this online with girls in bikinis because I haven't found it again. In that case you could keep turning the girl around and around. She had been photographed all the way around as if she was standing on a rotating foot pedestal. Probably was. I thought it was cool but hardly anyone seems to have duplicated it. That's what I call really being able to check a girl out with some nice pics.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    It'll be an AWFUL experience for r he dancer and a n easier even lazier experience for the patrons. We get SUPER INSTANT GRATIFICATION even for just for one dance and maybe for once the girl won't be monopolized by the whale. See the problems yet?
  • inno123
    11 years ago
    In practice it would be frustrating and impersonal. Impersonal for obvious reasons, frustrating because you see this hot girl, but it turns out she is on break or in an hour VIP or it turns out the outfit she is wearing tonight is not like the one in the photo, and on and on. Clubs offer real personal interaction. If you want to interact with your computer to contact a girl use a cam site.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I might be in the minority here, but I think I wouldn't like it(have to try it first). It would take away part if the hunt and adventure that I find in scing. Our lives are already sanitized, homogenized, and technified(if that's even a word) enough.
  • looneylarry
    11 years ago
    The photos on cam sites are usually not accurate as to what you get. I like the photos of a close up of boobs, Then you pick that girl and she is fugly in the face. The pictures will only accentuate their best feature. And there is no way to capture a plain girl's sensuality and flirty personality. Monitors at each seat in the club? Posted on their website? Then they will have to allow open use of cell phones in clubs.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    Great thoughts given by you guys in this thread. Here's my two cents.

    Overall, I don't think I'd like this. Sure, there would be advantages to it, but I think the disadvantages would outweigh the advantages.

    I like what inno123 said. Plus, I like to speak to the dancer for a little while, not just order her up like food from a restaurant.

    I should never say never, and technology is involved so much in our society nowadays, but I really don't picture this happening. If it does, it will probably be only in the expensive, upscale clubs. I just don't think the investment the club would have to make in the devices would be worth it.
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    They would need the girl's permission to post their pics. I'm guessing most girls would say no.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I would not see this technology as a *replacement* to meeting/talking to the girls in person – the girls would still circulate the floor and either can approach the custie or the custie can approach them, on the floor.

    How often does one see a dancer for a minute either when they first get to the club, or at any time during the visit; and then be frustrated b/c you don’t see them again or happen to see them again when you are about to leave - this can especially happen in a large club w/ many dancers.

    New technology often has its detractors/naysayers; but many a technology often improves things once implemented and tweaked.

    Again – I would not see this technology as a replacement to the current model of interacting w/ a dancer – but more of something that enhances the opportunities for a custie and a dancer to hook up in the club.
  • samsung1
    11 years ago
    The drunks would try to steal them
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    I would hate this
  • juiicebox69
    11 years ago
    But I wuld like it if I culd ordr som kfc takeout !
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    Those tablets would get pretty nasty real fast.

    Seriously though, I think something like this is inevitable. I can see a lot of issues with it though.

    The next ten years is going to be pretty amazing as for as connectivity goes.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… Seriously though, I think something like this is inevitable …”

    Social media is about ease of connectivity w/ people – seems right up the SC scene’s alley.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    I suspect that all of the lookers would never be available since they would be selected first. But it is certainly an interesting idea and I would definitely try it.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Maybe once this happens somebody can write a RickyBoyDugan The System app. Just launch and it runs The System automatically for you.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Hasn't anyone watched "Nemo": "Fish are friends, not food"
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