While it may be a question relevent for the pink side do you REALLY want to ask a bunch of pms bias women who will chew your head off just for being curious. Dont think the few old yucks will support you either. Their just women with rubber dicks
I posted on this subject a few months ago. My dancer friends said 60% to 80% of their income came from regulars. This was in an upscale Detroit club. As Samsung indicated, it would probably be different in tourist areas like LV.
I would think it's higher than 50%. Could be a case where the Pareto Rule applies.
I would not at all be surprised if 80% of their income comes from 20% of their customers. I'm almost sure that's the way it is for my ATF and ATF Lite.
It's closer to what Slash said.And they do cultivate custies.When a PL loyal to one dancer walks in it doesn't matter,it's total smurf-wars between dancers,other dancers will circle,harass and just plain sit down and join them,uninvited.I can't remember how many calls I've had mid afternoon with them crying,"Went to the dressing room and the bitch stole my custie".
The x stripper I have been seeing for 5 years (quit dancing about 3 yr ago) gets over $10 k a year from me. This includes motel sessions where she will come to a location near my office and one on weekends near where I live. POP with her usually averages $135. Some sessions are $100 with others at $200 which involve nude and bikini modeling by her plus photos. I would call the relationship a sugar dating mutually beneficial arrangement.
I agree it depends on the club. By default, I would assume the 80/20 rule. 80% of $ comes from regulars (who are 20% of customers), 20% of $ for transients (who are 80% of customers).
If regulars didn't make up at least 50%+ of an dancers income... then way is my xATF so damn determine to get me back on her roster... even though I have zero interesting in going back to RIL psychosis.
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I would not at all be surprised if 80% of their income comes from 20% of their customers. I'm almost sure that's the way it is for my ATF and ATF Lite.