
Strippers turning to money for sex

Monday, September 9, 2013 7:02 AM
This has been one of the most interesting question to me for the few years I have been strip clubbing. Why do strippers (not all of them) start doing the money for sex thing ITC or OTC? I'm not talking about the ugly strippers, I understand the ugly ones are probably not making enough money stripping to pay their bills, so they have to turn to offering money for sex. I'm talking about the dancers that make pretty good money stripping, but yet turn to fucking for money on the side. This question was inspired by me being meeting two of the hottest strippers I have ever seen, knowing they make GREAT money stripping, but finding out they also dabble in money for sex. Here are some possibilities I was thinking: 1. Yes they make great money stripping, but they always want more money, that's why they turn to fucking. 2. They were escorting before they started stripping, so naturally they just keep escorting while stripping. 3. They really really love sex, and they can get paid for having sex. It's a win win for them. The positive outweighs the negative for them. In other words it's something they want to do. 4. They are lying when they say they make good money stripping. They are actually turning to escorting to help pay their bills. 5. Whores are gonna be whores. LOL Any other possibilities? My thinking is if you make pretty good money stripping, then why turn to fucking dudes for money if you don't have to? What do my fellow TUSCLers have to say about all of this?


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    All five of your answers were spot on. I'd add to it that many dancers(and people in general) have substance abuse problems that require a lot of money. Not all addicts look like toothless, meth morons. Another answer is single motherhood. Maybe the money is good just stripping but for a better future for her and her children she turns to sex for even more money. College is expensive. We've all heard of the college dancer. Maybe. Besides substance addiction, how about an addiction to shopping? Who knows...maybe I'm reaching here.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Mostly 1 + many equate money with self-worth when they start and are getting outrageously high offers. Then they just get used to a certain income stream, and, like anyone else, it is hard to step down (especially if they have drug addictions).
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    So I think an outrageously high offer gets most over the initial energy barrier then there is the desensitization. They see that god did not strike them down with lightning and the ground did not open and swallow them whole, and they didn't even get an STDs. After that inertia just keeps them going.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    RunDMC,I agree with 1 thru [view link] girl see's a smokestack and thinks penis,that's just the way she's wired.The only time she doesn't think of penis is when she's at the Y.This girl goes to the bank almost every [view link] a matter of fact if you are not a penis or credit union you don't count in her world.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    OF COURSE, Dougster is the EXPERT here about ALL things about Dancers & Strip Clubs & psychology. Discussion OVER!!! ;)
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I have sex with strippers both ITC and OTC, and I only choose dancers who are 8 or above on my personal attractiveness scale. (Well, I've probably done some 7's but I was drunk at the time.) You suggest there should be a negative correlation between a dancer's attractiveness and her willingness to engage in sex for money. I have not found this to be true. The best looking stripper I have ever known--a 10 in my book--was giving me a blow job 5 minutes after we entered the VIP booth. I'm not sure that it's true that good looking dancers can make good money without extras. Men can enjoy lap dances without extras, but that gets old fast. I may start spending money on a dancer because of her looks, but I won't keep going back to her unless she at least does BJ. If she won't provide the fun I want, I'll go to other dancers. Dancer friends tell me about the good old days (10 years ago) when they earned $1000 to $2000 a night simply dancing on stage and giving "clean" lap dances. I have come to doubt these stories. I suspect that extras, at least extras with their regulars, has always been the key to good income. "My thinking is if you make pretty good money stripping, then why turn to fucking dudes for money if you don't have to?" This question assumes that strippers don't like fucking dudes and only do it for the money. But the dancers I have gotten to know well don't dislike having sex with dudes. You can call them sluts or whores. I call them my favorites.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Alucard, you just can't admit when somebody you dislike might have a point, can you? I've seen examples of all five of the OP's points, as well as Dougster's. but don't let that stop you from exercising your religiously dogmatic decrying.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Alucard!Got your Scooby Do lunchbox?
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    Dougster: you remind me of the guy who asks the girl if she'll sleep with him for a $1,000,000 . She hesitates, says yes, and he replies, well, we've established that you're a whore, now lets haggle about the price. Slicspic - I think you've hit the # 1 reason. Every stripper that I've fucked has been an addict. Crack, heroin, meth, coke - take your pick. Some of them have been 8 - 10's. in my own case, I started seeing a 9.5 OTC 4 years ago. She had been using heroin for close to 10 years, but had been on methadone for several years, had a nice car, a nice apartment and had her shit together. She started saving money, found my money to be easy , so she added 2 more OTC customers and the loot started flowing in. Then, with her BF behind bars, she went on a month long bender getting addicted to crack. She blew through her savings, lost her apartment, and went into detox & rehab. (For the 17th time). She got her shit together (after getting a meth habit) and kept stripping. The other two customers used their heads & dropped her. Not me. I kept pouring money into the bottomless pit. She started missing the methadone clinic (oversleeping after partying all night, and would "buy a little brown" heroin, just to take the edge off. She started missing shifts at work & got suspended. Got her car repossessed, got evicted from her apartment, but always knew, I was a good mark. Her weight dropped from 135 to 105. Her face is gaunt, every rib shows, and she's not getting dances at work. She once was an easy $1000 a night stripper, but now she's lucky to earn $150. Right now she's a 5 or 6 if she remembers to put on makeup. She'll gladly suck any guy's dick in VIP if he's got an extra $100. She called me yesterday, crying, said she and her boyfriend were moving to a couple's sober house today, but needed a room for one night. She had no one else to ask and pleaded with me for help. I sent her $100 for a hotel room. She called again at 9:30. She needed a phone charger and tampons. Did they have a room? No. They spent the money on crack. I dropped about a grand a week on this "beauty" over a 4 year period (about $200,000) and look where it got her. Why do strippers turn to P4P? Think about it. Look closely at their arms for needle tracks. I enabled her addiction and regret it. She was a great carefree kid. Now she's a washed up whore, who's probably giving $40 blowjobs in alleyways outside bar rooms.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Are great looking girls (model quality) more prone to addictions than others? My take is "yes".
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I think there is also point 6. With the real 9s and 10s, often their entire being is about sex, their looks, sexuality. Often this contributes to how they got/mantain those looks in the first place. Not true in every case, of course, but you see it alot!
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    When you make money, you wanna make more money. When you make good money, you want great money. You want to hold on to that money. But you can't. You spend, spend, spend and buy, buy, buy. Oh Lord, it's a vicious cycle of make more, spend more, spiraling out of control.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    They do it because they like me. They only take my money, so that I won't feel like I am a charity case. :)
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    sc is correct. Many dancers I met at Follies told me he is a charity fuck. Now they are trying to get college credit (of course all strippers are working their way through college) for their humanitarian efforts. :)
  • inno123
    11 years ago
    Of course it is for more money, but there are two factors that you did not include. 1. If this is an 'extras club' the customers know it. They are there for extras and if she doesn't supply them then there will be no repeat business and world will get around if the customers talk to each other. 2. The small extra step. She is already completely (or almost completely) naked, mashing her body up against him, grinding his cock against her pussy, and having his hands on her. It is easy to think 'heck I might as well just be screwing him', particularly if it might mean having to do it with fewer men each night.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Ranukam, I have seen some of each of these over time: "1. Yes they make great money stripping, but they always want more money, that's why they turn to fucking. 2. They were escorting before they started stripping, so naturally they just keep escorting while stripping. 4. They are lying when they say they make good money stripping. They are actually turning to escorting to help pay their bills." Some indeed also have habits to feed, an issue I am running into with greater frequency since I started clubbing more regularly in the dirty South. ;) But in my experience, another important factor is the timing of their cash needs. It doesn't matter how much you made last week if you did nto keep some of it to pay today's bills. This is what leads even hot, decent earners into doing this, at least opportunistically. I had a favorite one time who was the hottest girl in her club and had a shitload of good nights in there spanning 3+ years. It wasn't until things really got bad in the club that I was finally able to convert her and I'd been trying almost since she started there. But even after I did, my chances of getting her OTC were far better on slow/bad nights than on nights when she banked. She was earning a great living by most standards on paper, but she spent the money almost as fast as she earned it, so she walked into the club each day needing to earn enough to cover her most pressing bills. Just another aspect to consider.
  • RedskinLover
    11 years ago
    Finally a thread on topic. I agree with slick
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    Some girls just like having sex.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "When you make money, you wanna make more money. When you make good money, you want great money. You want to hold on to that money. But you can't. You spend, spend, spend and buy, buy, buy. Oh Lord, it's a vicious cycle of make more, spend more, spiraling out of control." This applies to other groups besides dancers. "Some girls just like having sex." For free, for $$$$$$$$ - Or both?? :)
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Liking sex is a far cry from liking to fuck every guy with a few $$$.
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    I think duo has a good answer. Not only do girls like sex but they like shopping money as well. My ATF told me the first time we met OTC "I don't believe in monogamy and sex is my hobby.". When she got married a couple of years back "my getting married won't affect our meetings.". It did not - been seeing her 5 yr. She also told me as have a few others "I would rather do this (fuck OTC) than have to go to work (dance at club)." Additionally a lot of them like the excitement of different dick. They find they can enjoy a sex position with their SD they don't enjoy with their boyfriend or husband. So add shopping money to that it's a win win for them.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Gawker- it's time for you to find a new girl. If I were you I would drop her today. Jackslash- "You can call them sluts or whores. I call them my favorites". Classic! LMAO
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    There is no correlation between hotness and being an easy fuck. This applies to civies as well as strippers regardless of monetary considerations. (OT... and damn I wish I knew that back in my undergrad days.) There are some strippers who will not cross that line fore any amount, but many will. The only correlation I would draw is with desperation to meet their immediate monetary needs. It could be for rent, it could be for their kids, or it could be for their next fix. The more money they need and the more pressing the deadline, the better your odds are for p4p.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    Same reason hookers do it For the free healthcare
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I recall it being stated in other similar threads that sex work may not be as looked down upon as perhaps in past decades. Also, the web has been a disruptive technology w.r.t. many an industry - and also the sex industry. No longer does a girl need to stand in a corner for hours often in bad neighborhoods and even in bad weather – with the internet; the clients come to them w/o them having to go looking for the clients and they can also advertise themselves to a very wide audience. Thus technology (internet) has made sex more accessible and perhaps more acceptable and/or common; and this may lead to a more passé attitude w.r.t. dancers and sex (plus not discounting the competition from web escorting). Also, once a dancer gets the high of a big CR/extras hit; she may like that high – i.e. being able to have a very good night by performing extras for 3 or so customers rather than breaking her back grinding one LD at a time.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    With strippers and escorts, I think it's very rare that they are forcing themselves to do things that strongly disgust them. Consider these activities: - Have sex with a stranger. - Have sex with someone who looks down on you. - Have sex with someone of dubious hygiene. - Change a bed pan. - Clean and dress a bloody wound. - Give mouth to mouth to a person who has recently vomited. Every person would be different as far as how hard it would be for them to get use to doing each of these things. A big difference is that society admires people to some extent who do the last three for a living, but looks down on people who do the first three. There are many strippers who may not be that disgusted by doing sex for money, but don't do it because of the shame it would bring on themselves and there SOs/families, and/or the anger that their SO/family would feel about being shamed. Strippers who are conflicted about doing sex for money are generally wondering if they can keep it a secret "in real life", not because they are struggling with their disgust for sex for money.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Once again, Papi Chulo brought insight-sex and sex work doesn't have the negative stigma(as much) it once had. Look at all the young gals doing cam shows these days. Now that's something I don't get-cam shows. Why pay for a cam show when I can see & feel the real thing in person.
  • jackninety
    11 years ago
    Maybe the men think to themselves why did they ever pay for cumming in their pants after they found a willing women at the SC and the seedy side has become mainstream. I like it the way it has become.
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