

Tuesday, September 24, 2013 7:52 AM
My ATF wants to OTC. She gives me a cell #. I text her to meet up. I get some SS from her late last night that she had to work. No big deal. Then I awake to 3 missed calls at 3 am. Not good seeing how the only condition to our OTC was no calling! Any ideas as to how to keep my ATF get my OTC and keep her from calling me at 3 am? Or do I just end the whole relationship now?


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Walk away & find another more cooperative dancer.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    What alucard said
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Start gertung dances from her enemies at the club
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Start getting
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Is she worth a second chance? Does she do anything outstanding that seperates her from the pack? Is her physical appearance that spectacular that she deserves a second chance? How is her attitude & personality? If she doesn't light up any infernos then I say charge her to the game and keep stepping.
  • jacobs.patrick7
    11 years ago
    Burn phone and try at least once! Then decide. If life was easy, we wouldn't need [view link]
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    If you don't want them to contact you at inconvenient times, then don't give them your primary cell #. These girls are notoriously flaky and she probably forgot the restriction seconds after you told her. You cannot reasonably expect to control how they use your number once they have it. If you are sensitive about receiving phone calls, it may make sense for you to get a burner phone that you can hide away when it is not play time.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    OTC is just about money to her, not the desire to hang with you. Remember that all dancers are flakes. She will call at odd hours when she needs money. She will set a date and then break it because a better offer came along. You'll get a hotel room but your date will consist of grocery shopping, errands and a 5 min. B/J in your car, and you paid for the shopping and B/J and room. OTC only works if you can set the date and she's capable of showing up. This is rare.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Also most cells these are capable of BLOCKING calls from certain numbers. Simply block her number when you don't want calls.
  • preferblones
    11 years ago
    I have known this ATF for almost 3 years. She's very attractive and relatively normal, early twenties, no kids, trying to figure out her next step in life after a couple of shitty desk jobs. Her mom was an adict, dad was nonexistent so she was raised by her grandmother. She takes care of her grandmother now and her mother's second child that her mother cannot care for. She loves her vodka and redbull but does not use hard core drugs. I know she will apologize for the 3 am calls. I only want OTC if I pay her to keep this professional. I do not want a relationship just the really good sex that we have had ITK, OTC so we can get really have more fun. Not sure that is possible at this point. I appreciate the advice about a burner cell phone and blocking her #. I have considered a block if she tries to call me this week again. I'll go ITC and try and work it out because after 3 years of LDs and some really hot times in the VIP I am reluctant to quit now. Her friends in the club would like me to be available but they are for the most part twice as crazy as her.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^ Walk away. You probably need another club too, since according to you the other dancers are questionable in their behavior. "I know she will apologize for the 3 am calls" You do? Hmm...
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    Jeez, a few calls doesn't seem like a good enough reason to walk away from a long term ATF. Forget the burner phone and use Google Voice. Burner phones are easily found and are a pain in the ass to keep track of.
  • londonguy
    11 years ago
    I assume you are objecting to her calling your mobile, sorry cell, at 3am more than the actual time she is doing so? As rickdugan said it's best not to give your main number. This is one issue I never have a problem with, always buy a PAYG sim and always expect OTC's to commence at 2-3am at the earliest. I average 2-3 hours sleep per day on my visits so no wonder I come back knackered.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    As Lone_Wolf said – get a Google # ([view link]) and give the Google # to your hos (i.e. “lady friends” :)). Google voice offers a lot of flexibility in terms of call blocking etc (and it’s free to get a new Google #). As far as the 3:00 a.m. call – that is a bit of a red flag IMO as to her “state”. If it was a weeknight and she knows you have to work the next day; she should know better than to call you at that time (if she doesn’t know better or care – red flag IMO). And even if it was a weekend; her blowing you off and then calling you at 3:00 a.m. when it was convenient for her or b/c she may have not made any $$$ that night or w/e; is bad customer service at the least (you are the one who is paying for a service). One just needs to accept the fact that the only consistent thing about most dancers is that they are often inconsistent. You are the one paying and you should control the situation – if you are unable to – it may not be worth the headache. It needs to work on your terms; not hers. Just my opinion.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    These dancers also often have things going on in their lives that we either are unaware off; or they just keep from us. Often times they may not only be juggling kids; but a deadbeat S.O.; and other drama. Their lives can often be as upside down as their behavior and they may be doing the best they can under their dysfunctional situations.
  • das2183
    11 years ago
    Download an app like pinger or tango or get Google voice and give her one of those numbers. That way you don't need a second cell and can turn off notifications during bad times or you can completely delete the app if need be
  • preferblones
    11 years ago
    Thank you to all for your insight. I hope to make this work out so I can write about my good experiences and not these bad ones! I was leary of giving her my cell number but after her re-assurances both present and previously over the past few months I gave in. I just got a google voice # and will try and get her to make the switch now. If she can't follow the rules then the game will be over.
  • inno123
    11 years ago
    If she is worth a second chance text back. "I said no calling". If she texts back with an apology say something like "I'll think about it" and then go a day without answering her texts. If she calls do not answer and text back "No Calls" and block her number. If she goes a day with only texts then if she again promises no calls let her back. What you have to do is to make her understand that she really will lose you if she ignores your desires. That's actually the main thing, not the calls themselves.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "but after her re-assurances both present and previously over the past few months I gave in" & "If she can't follow the rules then the game will be over." I'm guessing, based on what you have said & my own experience, that you are a person who will keep giving in to this sex worker. Don't keep giving in. Walk!
  • GCMan
    11 years ago
    Walk away if it's not what you're happy with what you pay for. Plenty of future ATF available if you have the $$$.
  • partyparty
    11 years ago
    I know My phone has a way to block people from calling.. Never used it but i think it makes them go straight to voicemail or maybe not even to voicemail..
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    Some are dependable, many are flakes. If the girl will meet me at the otc place of my chosing and be on time then the hell with her. There many girls over the last ten years I will make an offer to meet otc and most were dependable and showed up on time. Confirm before the session - don't fool with whores who won't answer texts or leave u hanging. I will offer them after a couple of dances: "Hey honey, lets meet at Palace Inn tomorrow - I wan't full service (or everything), my offer is $200." My current fav is the most dependable girl I know in meeting up. When she was dancing she would meet me for nooners otc and also FS itc. Now she will even come out and meet me for nooners at notel just 15 min from my work place. POP with her tomorrow is $100. I fucked her last Saturday for $100 and the thur before for $150. A lot of time she gives me nude dances at motel then we will fuck on couch. She gets in my lap and goes up and down. Ignore the bitches who call at 3am - many of them are druggies and lousy fucks.
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    I meant if the girl will not meet me at where and when I want to hell with her.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    If you have an iPhone with iOS 7 there's a built in block list.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    +1 on the Google Voice suggestion. There's an older article about it on TUSCL. It's not secure in the same way a burn phone is, but it's hella convenient.
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