Strip club consulting service

avatar for cnyknight
Maybe there is something embedded in all these "brilliant ideas" after all.

Recently there has been a few reality shows about resteraunt stake outs and consulting services.

We have all had good and bad experiences in clubs... in general there are some universal truths about what makes a good club and keeps customers coming back.

What if there was such a group of consultants who made a niche of turning dying strip clubs around.
Travel the county, go to clubs, stake them out, take them over turn them around... all expenses paid.

Not only would u be heros to guys everywhere, i think it be a pretty cool way to make a living ...

Maybe a reality show... strip club take over !


last comment
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Well, here's some of the brilliant ideas that have surfaced recently in this forum:

1. Ignore the dayshift customers because that's not where the money is, and they shouldn't expect to be treated well.

2. Turn on your cellphone camera when you're having sex with a stripper, because then you can tell the police you were merely making a legal porn video.

3. Give your favorite stripper a million dollar term life insurance policy and name her the sole beneficiary.

4. Give your favorite stripper a credit card with a $20k limit for free sex for 10 years.

Yeah, I think there's great potential there.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
@jerikson: of your three ideas, only one was being proposed seriously. I think (hope) you know that already, but alot of guys on here just like to clown around or troll.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
The first two were very serious, and very vigorously defended. Number 4 was a joke, but number 3 was probably not beyond what many guys here would consider doing. Or at least consider some variation. When guys pay rent and bills, a life insurance policy is peanuts.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
@jerikson: I think only 2 was serious. I can see how you might think 1 was serious, but I've know txtittyfan's antics for years on this site, and am convinced he was just arguing a ridiculous position because he likes to do that to stir up shit. He is definitely the type too who will just dig himself deeper in when proven wrong rather than just admit he was wrong.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Ah, okay. My mistake.

So where's the really good ideas? Strip club consulting service sounds like fun.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Since most owners/managers won't listen to cutomer complaints that are given freely, it is doubtfull that they would pay to listen to suggestions.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
It's an interesting idea but even if you could legitimize yourself enough to do it, I'm not sure there are enough clubs out there to make it feasible.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
"What if there was such a group of consultants who made a niche of turning dying strip clubs around. Travel the county, go to clubs, stake them out, take them over turn them around... all expenses paid."

Someone already beat you to it. See: http://www.stripclubconsulting… That is just one. Maybe there are others.
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
In fact thanks to the articles written here two club owners, one current and one looking for a club to buy, have contacted me regarding helping them with club designs. So I guess I do qualify as a strip club consultant.

On the other hand I have a few skills not found in the average TUSCL member. Look at the profile pics if you doubt it.

And hey, I am already in Los Angeles: just about everybody here is either in a reality show or has one they are pitching, so go ahead, it has topless women and oversize personalities so it sounds like a winner. But not as a 'take over'. Getting a transfer of ownership on a SOB business license can be a real pain. Your reality show would have fewer topless women and more irate planning commission hearings.
avatar for mjx01
12 years ago
@shadow: right on!

@cnyknght: if someone is such a good SC 'consultant' why not just run you own club?
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
Because as a consultant you don't have to deal with the day to day BS that goes with owning a strip club.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Jerkison:If clubs made no money before the evening none would be open. Many clubs service a lunch crowd that stays only a relatively short time. I do not go to a club to drink. If I want to drink I will go to a sports bar! Clubs also catch guys on the way home from work. They do not stay and drink but do tip and get lappers. I tend to go in the early evening 5 to 9pm . After 10 pm the dumbass trouble makers start to come in many clubs. I hardly ever see fights or someone being thrown out before 11 PM.
Consulting would be a great retirement career.
Most clubs that do not do well have only three problems:

1) Bad attitude of management that rubs off on the dances

2) Ugly Dancers with poor hyiene (add bad attitude and you have a disaster)

3) Dangerous location without security and parking. (no brainer)
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
You got that RIGHT SC.
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