chicken soup, stripper poles and godamn cooking oil ?

avatar for JuiceBox69
So I'm going to be fuckin my girl with some cooking oil what's some other good rub all over this bitch ?


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avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
For some reason I'm reminded of this exchange from one of my favorite movies, Caddyshack:

Ty Webb: "Do you take drugs, Danny?"

Danny: "Every day"

Ty Webb: "Good"
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Peanut butter and honey
avatar for drzoidberg
12 years ago
on boobies

whipped cream

soft ice cream

it gets a bit sticky

avatar for drzoidberg
12 years ago
on boobies

whipped cream

soft ice cream

it gets a bit sticky

avatar for kittykate
12 years ago
Just don't put anything sweet up there. Yeast grows on sugar, u know...
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Grapeseed oil. All natural, mostly hypoallergenic and edible. If by chance she is allergic, coconut oil is a good alternative, though it has a stronger odor.
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
only water based lubricants should be used internally because they can be a growth medium for yeast and other infection. If you are instead talking about yummy things to lick from the outside you want something just sticky enough to stay in place but not so sticky to be a pain to clean up without a lot of residue. Also you want something that feels soft on the skin. Honey is too sticky. Peanut butter too hard, maple syrup not sticky enough. Good choices are pudding, chocolate or butterscotch syrup, and yogurt.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
I would advise against cooking oil. It clogs the pores and prevents you from sweating. A little heavy exertion with cooking oil can leave you very uncomfortable. I've been there. ;)
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
There are starving children in India. Don't waste food.
avatar for mrrock
12 years ago
I heard on the podcast "Having Sex with Katie Morgan" who's an ex porn star that white sugar free Popsicles are great for sex. You can put it up in her and she will get super tight because of the cold. Then you cum in to warm her up!
avatar for lotsoffun201
12 years ago
Grapeseed oil for sure. Great for anal!
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
juice - get a bunch of your buddies to circle jerk on her. :)
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Don't dip your dick in hot cooking oil as lube
avatar for kittykate
12 years ago
Canola oil is good if u wanna make some little juicebox juniors! Fertility specialist say not to use water based lub if u wanna reproduce because it inhibits speamies from swimming around. That say canola oil really gives some strength to you swimmers! Plus, canola oil breaks down latex!
avatar for mmdv26
12 years ago
Hahahaha, I diligently read everyone's suggestions all the while having my own in mind and suddenly I get to shadowcat...and boom, there's my suggestion. So, I second his motion.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
Give her a whip cream enema. Then have her squirt it out of her ass on to your chest. Then make her eat it off of said chest. The XXX pros do this, soooo... it should maybe kinda be at least a little safe. Unless it's one of those "don't try this at home" kind of things.
avatar for Daddillac
12 years ago
This comes from the advice column, ‘Ask Isadora’ April 6, 1995

Q: I am a healthy 30-year old male. My girlfriend and I enjoy a happy, active sex life. Recently we discovered a new twist we both enjoy. We bake an 8×10-foot pepperoni pizza in sections, assembling it on our living room floor which is covered with sheets of black plastic. My girlfriend goes into the living room, shuts off the lights, and activates a life-sized animatronic figure of the pope which stands at the end of the room. They pope’s eyes light up and he begins blessing the enormous pizza and my girlfriend, who reclines thereon clad only in slices of cheese. I am outside the room at this point and the doors are closed. I can hear the theme from ‘Rocky’ being played within as I wait, dressed as a huge clove of garlic. When the music reaches its climax I burst through the door and hurl myself upon my girlfriend and we copulate madly at the the foot of the robot pope while I shout “Poperoni! Come on Tony! Not a phony! Poperoni!” Anyway, my question is this: could garlic pizza sauce be hazardous to human genitalia? Could you recommend any particularly arousing brand?
A: Now really, those of you who accuse me of making up the letters that appear in this column, would a sane professional woman concoct a letter like this and risk offending Catholic readers, ‘Rocky’ fans and vegetarians alike? Not I.
avatar for txtittyfan
12 years ago
super glue
avatar for Experimental
12 years ago
Jucibox hows it going man? I think its a great idea but I have one warning type thing for you:
When u're balls deep and the frictions are going, if u start a fire DON"T try to use water to put out that fire!!!! lol
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Lmfao men ....thanks for the recipes warnings and ideas
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
This was a good thread. Haven't seen Juicey J all day, hope dat lil cracka OK.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Juice classic like coke
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I use to fuck this chick from Philly. When it came to the Cheese Whiz on her titties, she'd always ask, "Wit or Witout?"
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
Or, you could do it like Popeye and use Olive Oyl!
avatar for sofaking87
11 years ago
What about butter?
avatar for carl95
11 years ago
Use coconut oil, seed oils aren't good for you. That or bacon grease
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