
Obama vs. Rommney - Strip Club Types

Saturday, October 6, 2012 1:36 PM
Let's not get too political, but how would you describe Obama and Romney by the following strip club types. 1. Bar sitter or Table sitter. 2. Curvy or Spinner. 3. Beer or Hard Alcohol. 4. Big Spender or Thrifty. 5. Slacks and Tie or Shorts and Sweats. 6. Prefers ATFs or New girls in the clubs.


  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    No correlation.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I try NOT to mix politics and dancers.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Obama: Michelle says I have to worry about the abuse of women issues, but *damn* look at dat ass! Romney: Ann says I better not be looking at no whores, but *damn* look at dat ass! So basically, no difference, even though they'll never admit it.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    I don't think Romney would try and take money from the hot hard working dancer and give it to the fat ass lazy dancers.
  • 2ndScoop
    12 years ago
    Obama looks like a beer drinking, table sitting, New Girls everywhere, Life of the Party to me. Romney looks like a scotch drinking, bar sitting, Lone Wolf, with his ATF ready for some Extras! Both seem like they'd be boring...the guys I'd like to party with are Clinton and W...either one in Miami...Epic!
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    tittyfan again shows he is naive beyond all belief. Yeah, Romeny says he'll stop wealth transfers (or does he even say that anymore) so it must mean he really will, right? Republican have never and would never put up with that shit now would they?
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    JFK preferred bars William Howard Taft preferred tables Bill Clinton preferrred curvy James Madison preferred spinners Thomas Jefferson preferred beer George Washington preferred hard liquor FDR was a big spender Calvin Coolidge was thrifty Richard Nixon liked suits and ties Barack Obama likes shorts and sweats And Janet Reno liked both the ATF and new girls
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    ^I always thought Taft was a bar man? Wow. Romney's a Mormon, they aren't spose to drink at all.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    All indications are that Taft did like a taste of the sauce, but at 300+ pounds, he must have liked the (dining) table too :)
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    You do realize that Romney is a Bishop in the church that thinks that a diet Coke is sinful. He'd be the guy screaming at the Planning Commission meeting to have the club closed.
  • zipman68
    12 years ago
    But behind the scenes Romney is wearing a gimp mask and taking it up the ass from Carlos, his illegal alien lawnboy. But he would definitely want to close the strip club... (that is the Republican pattern) Obama would have done better if he had gotten more intern blow jobs. Clinton was getting them and look how good he did. I actually think that W was getting some, but not enough. Should have given him a bottle of Scotch and a room full of hot interns and we probably would have just kicked Afganistan's ass (like we did within months), killed Osama, and not wasted money and lives trying to rebuild the place. After all, it was broken when we found it... "I found it that way" works for Homer Simpson, why not for the POTUS? To help Obama in term two, if he wins, the secret service should make sure he gets a BJ er'y day from a different stripper. Hot ones. All 9's and 10's. fuck, why not some 11's too. Some introduced to him on their 18th birthday! Then we would be gettin' some good gummint. If Romney wins we're fucked because he'll have a hard time sneaking Carlos into the WH without the press noticing. Maybe we can hope that Jeff Gannon/James Guckert over for some "press conferences" (I have no idea whether Romney swings that way, both candidates are prob'ly as straight laced as they seem... dumbfucks... as POTUS could be getting primo pussy and ass [or dick if they swing that way]) Regardless, both will continue spending... And eroding civil liberties... And maybe start a war or two...
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    This topic is not giving me an erection.
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