
Comments by TommyMoney (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Is the President of the United States Physically Well?
    ^ Taco Bell strikes again.... #DrumpfDump #Mar-A-Squirto
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    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    This is one of the worst nights of my life. What is wrong with this country?
    Quick scan of @MaryLTrump 's Twitter timeline shows she sent a salicious tweet asking for comfort to @DogfartProd in the early hours of November 9, 2016 so... yeah... this could be true.
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    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Idle Hands ...
    Love the kid's official statement in the police report: "Gawddamn... driving real shit lot harder than Gran Turismo Sport on playstation, yo"
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    4 years ago
    Is the President of the United States Physically Well?
    ^ *mushroom dikk*
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    4 years ago
    Most memorable strip club stage dance
    @IHearVoices -- ok, I'll ask cuz I know everyone is just dying to know THIS about that monkey: Nice Ass?
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    4 years ago
    3 best albums.compilations of music
    Maynard Ferguson - compilation Dire Straits - compilation RUSH - absolutely everything they ever fukkin recorded
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    4 years ago
    Pussy tighter than a LA parking spot
    Like my big tits and petite body?
    If someone answers "NO" will you personally come over to their house and 'pound' some sense into them by any means necessary? Askin' for a friend...
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    What a shame that this club could not make it.
    ^ Well stated. I think you hit upon the single biggest (current) problem Strip Clubs have... which is: BRAIN.DEAD.MANAGEMENT Seriously, it's just amazing how SC Mgt takes idiocy & incompetence to a quantum level. A retarded bonobo with a lobotomy could run things better. I could break the internet chronicling some specifics of asininity just from the New York/Massachusetts clubs... but what's the point? Management NEVER listens to their patrons nowadays... ever. I've actually reached out to the new owners of a place in Mass. to give them FREE CONSULTING ADVICE that would help their business tremendously... (did I mention I was offering value for FREE?)... *crickets* -- not so much as a "thanks but no thanks appreciate you taking the time to show an interest" email in return. Just a big ol FUKK U of indifference. This is what you got nowadays... BRAIN.FUCKING.DEAD.MANAGEMENT (This is the same club that when they took over late last year, promptly went to a TRANS-QUEER-ANYTHING GOES! model in the corn fields of bumfukk Mass. -- ya seriously can't make this shit up. Sheer exponential idiocy, as also reflected in the other clubs around there, different reasons). Bad news is... nothing's changing anytime soon.
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    4 years ago
    Most memorable strip club stage dance
    Then I probably should've also mentioned the time I saw the not-so-well-known porner Frankie Layne (she kicked around in porn for a few years in 90's) @ the notorious SHOW WORLD in Manhattan. She gave a really wild all-nude show and right in the middle of it, she noticed this short, older guy with his ~4in hard pecker out for all to see. Frankie promptly jumps off stage and goes over and starts stroking it like it was a minature Space Shuttle in need of her personal O-ring help in order to get it to launch (I wish I could erase the goofy grin from the guy in my memory, but the fukker was straight across the stage and impossible not to see from where I was sitting). Anyway... Frankie really worked it, but alas, the poor guy's lil pecker was more Challenger than Enterprise. DOA, R.I.P. --- Frankie jumped back onstage and continued her show (about 3 minutes after going back up onstage, she jumps off, comes up to me and starts stroking me thru my pants... but naw naw naw... The Eagle WAS NOT LANDING out in the middle of SHOW WORLD'S 3rd floor stage, and I kept it in my pants like a true gentleman, tyvm). Eve: As Kurt would say, "So it goes." Papi : It's you. https://youtu.be/JwFE9tkq4KM
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Most memorable strip club stage dance
    I'm 59, and definitely share an affinity for the lost art of the erotic stage dance. If girls fully comprehended how important an erotic stage presentation was to ringing up lappers/CR's (from me and others like me)... well, they'd actually put some effort into it. Majority of dancers, these days, however, try to make money by doing as little as possible. The girls leave so much money "on the table" it's mind-boggling (from me, anyway), but I simply won't spend on a lazy gal that doesn't even make an effort to erotically entertain me on-stage. No doubt stems from my initiation into strip clubs, where as a 16yr old in the late 70's, I literally rode my 10-speed bike to a full nude club (I was 6'2 as a 16yr old w/facial hair... altho I was scared shitless I was gonna be busted - but nope - the burlesque-style main feature dancer started chatting me up at the bar, holla!); what I saw was gloriously forever burned into my memory. She had props & dildos and fukked herself onstage (puss AND ass) and was stunningly erotic in doing so; music was raw & sensual and it took everything I had not to blow in my pants while sitting watching her. She danced & moved so sexily for about a 45 minute show and finished by sucking this banana dildo that 'squirted cum' all over her tits. JUST.WOW. -- was I ever spoiled my 1st time at the club. And, uh... yeah... that remains my most memorable sight on stage (even tho she repeated the performance later that night, as well). I've been in strip clubs all over the fukkin place (military vet & biz traveler), and as the years have gone on, the stage dances have gotten worse & worse -- pathetic these days, really --and the dancers truly can't hold a candle to the eroticism of their sisters of yesteryear. Porn has gotten 1000% better since the 70's.... strip club entertainment has gotten 2000% worse. As a quick aside: I've seen a zillion Feature Dancers over the years and probably the most erotic FD performer I ever saw onstage was the infamous porn star Savannah (she was outrageously gorgeous IRL, and she even had a mini-meltdown onstage, throwing shit off the stage... ah, but I digress). And... she killed herself ~6 months later. But, hey... don't blame me. My brief interaction w/her was extremely pleasant and I tipped her well for being so gracious. l suspect it was probably Pauly Shore's fault....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Farting in the club
    I have never in many years of strip clubbing; however, once, years ago, at Anthony's in South Hadley... a decent looking black chick was completely naked & spread-eagled on stage in front of me (pretty much face level), when all of a sudden she let one rip. Unfortunately, she didn't have the courtesy to be in sync with the 2/4 drumbeat of the song playing, and the sound was piercing & unmistakeable. She immediately apologized (profusely) for unintentionally blowing her own personal Category 5... but it was still a lil hard not to take it personal.
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    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Watched a good friend in poker go legit broke last night
    Zero sympathy for cheats, skibum nailed it. Hopefully, karma willing... next time either of you have QQ, not only do ya go broke on a 2-out river hit by your opponent, but a couple of real-life Sigfried & Roy (QQ's) Bear types that you cheated at the tables subsequently proceed to roll your asses in the parking garage.
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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    IG account of literally finest girl in the world
    ^^... georg gets it. BUT, being a fair guy... I've upgraded my score of her after going back and watching a short vid of her swaying; she really moves well, with still pics not doing her justice in that regard. She's a solid 8.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    IG account of literally finest girl in the world
    7.5... not close to "finest girl in world" -- only ones claiming that are the hyberbolic, myopic or unsatiated horny types.
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    6 years ago
    Anyone play the mystery card?
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More human trafficking bull shit.
    Politicians are in a neck-and-neck race with child molesters & terrorists for lowest human life forms imaginable, Why can't Ted Cruz threaten to carpet bomb politicos along w/ISIS?... and then proceed to step on a IED himself when he's finished doing that. Sounds like a WIN-WIN strategy there... and he'd definitely get my vote if he ever did that. Albeit posthumously for him. Fuk this Dembinsky asshole and his disingenuous bullshit blather.....
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    8 years ago
    Japanese porn
    Yeah, it all went to shit when the Yanks signed Hidecki Matsui. Only way they could figure to get us Americans back -- another Pearl Harbor would've been over-the-top.
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    11 years ago
    Mons Venus - MAJOR update
    The cam is LIVE as is the music you hear. You can ask any question(s) to Bianca or Monica or whomever Mon Venus employee is monitoring the chat at the time. I've seen a few guys request particular dancers so they can "rain" on them and Bianca or Monica have got them up on stage. The dancers can also read the chat (tho most don't, I've seen a couple respond directly to chat by blowing kisses/waving to the cam while on stage). NOTE: The cam feed is often choppy, especially when there are more than ~25 on server watching. The tech support peeps (SCO, or Strip Club Online) haven't worked out all the kinks and are constantly tweaking. I've also seen SCO admins boot "guests" and then require guys to register (free) to help w/bandwidth issues. There's a guy on there constantly (stevek14) who's basically a shill but he'll answer any question you have (name of girl on stage, etc.). He's more helpful than annoying even if he is def both. SCO also has cams at 2001 (Tampa, across street from Mons) and Lil Darlins in Vegas. Access them from their websites. The girls at Mons are Grade A looks/body/age-wise and put on a helluva all nude show.
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    11 years ago
    Does exotic dancing not pay as well as it did 10 or 15 years ago?
    shadowcat said: "Instead of trying to lure customers into the clubs with low dances prices, they are running them off with higher prices. Strippers just do not understand economics 101." ^^ THIS The stupidity of club owners/dancers is mind boggling in this regard. Clubs I frequent all raised their LD prices 50% (or more)in last coupla years. So, my friends and I spend LESS overall than we used to routinely spend. They aren't making more like they envisioned, but rather, FAR LESS. But try explaining that simple fact to a stripper or owner and their head starts to hurt... they can't grasp one of the Ten Basic Rules of Economy 101 class and just continue being stupid. Psst... girls... DROP the cost in these economic times... MAKE MORE. (*lightbulb*)
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    11 years ago
    Getting Caught Doing The 'Deed'
    Art is my HERO....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Does being mature, well dressed and having soft hands help with mileage?
    Dammit, mm... and I was just bout to push the send button too before you buzzkilled my thread. :(
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Does being mature, well dressed and having soft hands help with mileage?
    "So, in general do older men get better mileage than young guys? What say you?" That all depends, Steve. Do you happen to look like Brad Pitt, perchance?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Does being young and good looking help with mileage?
    Uh... the actual point is, good looking women are NOT rare in Portland, Mr. Pitt. You obviously just haven't figured out how to find them. But keep believing that they are, and that you're getting great mileage due to anything other than $$$ (ultimately... as the skilled dancers know how to work the "long con", which is exactly what's occurring with what you describe).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Does being young and good looking help with mileage?
    LOL... good looking women EVERYWHERE... including Portland. Try lookin a lil' harder, Brad.
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    12 years ago
    Porn Star Headline at a club
    Anne Marie sometimes guest-hosts on Sirius's Playboy channel...