Interesting ski and muersault. I get it, big boobs aren’t the be all / end all for me either, but I still like them.
I’d def spend time with Linzee if I could. That first picture of her in her profile is really gorgeous. Her face is really appealing to me too. I have a thing for blonde hair with darker eyebrows thanks to my first girlfriend (who was a incredible babe I out kicked my coverage on - but it was fun while it lasted). Sigh.
In the last 10 years I have gotten dances with exactly 2 dancers with enhanced boobs. For me it detracts; it doesn't ever add. Not a comment on how pretty the dancer is, just not going to be my choice if there are spinners there.
I've never have met her or obviously received a dance form her ,yet.
I don't know about "Finishing School" but I'm sure think she would "Finish" me off for sure.
last commentWow - you gotta love a woman that gets straight to the point. 👍
If someone answers "NO" will you personally come over to their house and 'pound' some sense into them by any means necessary? Askin' for a friend...
Are they bought and paid for? If so, who paid for them?
Great body - and impressive porn scenes too. If you were dancing nearby, I’d be happy to come see you work!
Note to self, Landing Strip and Dream Girls after July!
i like!
After July? Why are you making us wait?
Yes I do!
Well good god who wouldn't? Can't wait to see you again Linzee.
Like your face (especially looking up). Don’t understand the fascination with big tits, but to each their own.
Not a big boob fan. Like the rest.
Interesting ski and muersault. I get it, big boobs aren’t the be all / end all for me either, but I still like them. I’d def spend time with Linzee if I could. That first picture of her in her profile is really gorgeous. Her face is really appealing to me too. I have a thing for blonde hair with darker eyebrows thanks to my first girlfriend (who was a incredible babe I out kicked my coverage on - but it was fun while it lasted). Sigh.
In the last 10 years I have gotten dances with exactly 2 dancers with enhanced boobs. For me it detracts; it doesn't ever add. Not a comment on how pretty the dancer is, just not going to be my choice if there are spinners there.
There's more here than meets the eye, and I wish more adult entertainers were like you/Linzee.
Like George is implying the best parts of Linzee are her attitude and personality..... she should run a dancer finishing school.
I've never have met her or obviously received a dance form her ,yet.
I don't know about "Finishing School" but I'm sure think she would "Finish" me off for sure.
Double meaning intended.... 😉
Linzee. Yes very much. And yes very much. Just answering your questions. You are definitely extremely hot!
I like longball’s avatar pics over any stripper, any day.
I'll take longball's avatar girls AS strippers, but second only to Linzee. The big tits and petite body are my kryptonite.
Yes would want enjoy your company.
Well.. Yea!