
Comments by SnakePlissken (page 8)

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    14 years ago
    What to do about ATF?
    Whenever women pull this sort of stuff just remember what Dr. Dre said "bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks". Dr. Dre knows what he's talking about, he must be pretty smart since he went to medical school.
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    14 years ago
    Stripper gave me her number?
    I think there's around a 50% chance she is legitimately interested in hanging out with you for no other reason than she finds you attractive and enjoys your company. As for the other 50%, my gut tells me this: she's looking for a way to quit her job and thinks you're it. However, that might not be as devious as it sounds. She could be looking for a legitimate boyfriend and relationship that will let her leave her life as a dancer and live happily ever after, and she sees you as great boyfriend material. However, she could also just want a sort of sugar daddy relationship, but since you weren't throwing around a lot of cash, I think this is much less likely. Either way man, I say go for it, it sounds like it will be an exciting adventure into the strip club world. And just remember, you owe us details as compensation for our advice. As well as invitations to the wedding and bachelor party if you two get hitched.
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    14 years ago
    Montreal police target prostitution
    Steve, as far as I know, the selling of sex for money is not illegal, but soliciting a prostitute in public is, as well as a being in a "bawdy house". Call escorts or arrange OTC and I think you're in the clear as far as Canadian law is concerned.
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    14 years ago
    there goes the neighborhood!
    Buy them up while you still can I guess
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    14 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Jeessica Biel in "Powder Blue"
    I thought that was terrible, with all the sad music, and the slow, sorrowful dancing. It's movies like that (often the only image people have of strip clubs) that give strip clubs and their patrons a terrible name. "What kind of idiot was that getting a lap dance from her???" In the film, he's her long lost father.
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    14 years ago
    Jesse Jane is coming to a nearby club
    Go see and her and get an autograph. I have a small collection of pornstar pics from this Baltimore strip club.
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    14 years ago
    Do it, just remember that as compensation for our input you owe us graphic details.
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    14 years ago
    Feature Dancers ?
    I'm going to be in the minority and say that I love seeing porn star feature dancers and try to go see them whenever they're in my area.
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    14 years ago
    What do you make of this review?
    I've been to that club a bunch of times, and I always found it very hygienic and the girls to be attractive, I think the review is BS, since I don't think I've ever seen anyone get a lap dance while I was there. My bet is it's a dancer from a rival club trying to drive down the rating.
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    14 years ago
    Notorious South African strip club boss gunned down
    "What kind of pursuit cars do they have in South Africa?" Impalas. Not the car, actual impalas.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Recruits Recent Grads
    Haha, this isn't a bad idea. This might be a bit tangential, but as someone who recently graduated college, I think the US college system needs a huge purging of students. I got an aerospace engineering degree and am going to use that in the Navy, for me it was necessary to get a degree. I knew people who majored in art history or some useless generic business degree and are going to end up being office receptionists or coffee shop waitresses, what sense does that make? More girls should probably graduate high school and become strippers as opposed to majoring in philosophy or underwater basketweaving, which will result in nothing but their parents wasting a ton of money, or them being saddled with so much student debt it borders on indentured servitude.
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    14 years ago
    My New Job Will Let Me See Strip Clubs Around The World
    Hot racking is when multiple people share the same bunk in a submarine in order to conserve the limited space that there is. So one person will wake up and report to duty and someone else will get off duty and get into the bed the first person was just sleeping in. As one of the perks of being an officer, you don't have to do that.
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    14 years ago
    My New Job Will Let Me See Strip Clubs Around The World
    Minnow, you are correct. Officers generally do not hot rack, however sometimes it is unavoidable. There are also no more diesel submarines in the US Navy. The navies of the US, UK, and France operate only nuclear powered submarines.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I've never had this problem. I just sort of tune out whatever women say to me.
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    14 years ago
    My New Job Will Let Me See Strip Clubs Around The World
    I'm hoping I won't be on a boomer, I'd prefer a fast attack. I heard that after submarine officer's basic course I fill out a dream sheet of which boats I want to serve on. I heard if you pick a boat in Guam you'll get a fast attack and see all of the Orient; and since it's so isolated nobody with a family or anything wants to go there, so if you request it you're guaranteed to get it. Since I'm single I'm planning on doing that so I'll get a cooler assignment and the most travel I can.
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    14 years ago
    investment update..
    She's probably busy touring the offices and operations of the companies in which she's planning on investing your money. You don't make 500% yields without doing your homework.
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    14 years ago
    stripper gonna make me rich....
    DJ with a return like that you should give her more to invest. Could you get a second mortgage?
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    14 years ago
    An easy argument for prostitution
    Like I've said before, women want prostitution made illegal, and MisterGuy is right in pointing out that it was women who did that in the USA. Prostitution undermines the whole system of pussy whipping they do to their husbands and boyfriends. If men could simply pay for sex, that would be a whole lot easier than dealing with a lot of relationship issues they are currently forced to endure in order to have regular sex. If wives and girlfriends have a monopoly on pussy, they can charge outrageous prices for it. Dates, movies, dinners, and finally marriage and children are a lot more expensive than even the highest class escort if all you really want to do is bang some hot chick. It's the same reason women are the first to call other women sluts as a pejorative; they're underselling the product women hold a natural monopoly over. South Park had a good take on it: http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/251903/?searchterm=Butters%27+Bottom+Bitch
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    14 years ago
    Looks-Whatcha Lookin for in a Dancer?
    I like petite blondes and brunettes. Breasts don't have to be huge, ass doesn't have to huge either, but both of them must be present in some form. Facially, I don't like a round face, and I like sharp, well defined features. Hillary Scott is a good example of what I like.
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    14 years ago
    TxTittyFan Says Short Treasuries and Short Dollars (Continued...)
    Sorry to disappoint you guys, I didn't make that purchase yet, I've been in the process of joining the Navy, and I've been studying calculus and physics every day after work and most of the weekends for the past week or so, and will have to do so till May 20th. However, when that's squared away, I'm definitely going to make those investments.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Steve Jobs Reiterates: "Folks who want porn can buy an Android phone"
    gk, the world you speak of is simply terrifying, I'm glad it's not really happen...ah, shit!
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    14 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Baltimore recomendations
    Sorry, the Block is an area in Baltimore, not a specific club, sorry for any confusion.
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    14 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Baltimore recomendations
    I've only been to Scores and Fantasies, but I think if you go to the Block (East Baltimore Street) you can get as much contact as you want.
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    14 years ago
    Why is Virginia so strict about nudity in strip clubs?
    I'm from Virginia too, northern Virginia to be specific. That's what we get for being home to the capital of the Confederacy: good old Christian uptightness.
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    14 years ago
    Russian Strippers
    I really don't like strippers from the former USSR. I remember this one club in DC I went to and ran into 3 strippers from the former Soviet Union. One was a not very attractive Russian (my friend referred to her as "cave troll") who came by and said "you watch show?" and then when we replied "yes" she said "then you pay". Another was a Ukrainian who came by and introduced herself with the question "why do guys like to come to strip clubs?". The third was also Ukrainian and was chatting with us for a while. We were discussing her life and she said she was studying photography and wanted to work for National Geographic. We both wished her a sincere good luck with that and then she joked "but if that doesn't work out, I'll just marry one of the rich, young guys here". My friend and I laughed at that, then she said with venom in her voice "just kidding, I hate them, ha!" Then she walked off. It was kind of off putting. That's why when it comes to lap dances, I prefer to buy American.