
Looks-Whatcha Lookin for in a Dancer?

So, being a lady myself, and one who *gasp* actually has very much fun hitting up strip clubs with my fellow ladies. Yes, I know it is kind of strange, but let's just say my friends and I are a bit more liberal than most 20-something ladies and we just love the atmosphere, the characters we often meet, and not to mention, the the amazing shows! Hell, its basically gymnastics in 6-inch heels and awesome outfits, or lack-therof ;)

Anyways, I've seen loads of different types of girls in the various clubs I've been to (Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa) and being a girl I guess makes you a bit more judgey-judgey of what you see, and sometimes I don't believe the girls I see walking around with fistfuls (or garter-fulls) of cash. Its been said that women are their own worst critics...I have friends that think they're too "boyish/no tits/no hips" whereas I complain about my tits being too big all the time. One girl will complain about having a giant ass and her bff will be super jealous because she has yet to grow one. All of us think think we're FAT, whether we're a size 2 or a size 10, 5 feet or 6.

So my question to you dudes, is, what do you like? Who likes the slimmer ones, the curvaceous ones, the blondes, the athletes, the classy ladies, boobs vs butt, tall vs short etc. Do you just have preferences, or are they more like requirements? I know you will all have different answers...I'm just very curious to take a poll with anyone who has a minute:)

Thanks in advance!


  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    A couple of months ago I was in a club where five of the dancers looked like anorexia victims, a definite turnoff. Although I admire and like thin, I prefer a healthy thin to exposed ribs.

    My preference-she's 4'10" to 5'1", 100-120 pounds, skin porcelain white to caramel, A to C cup breasts. Long dark hair, or sassy bob. Barefoot, sneakers, or flats (HATE platforms). Simple costume-bikini or two piece teddy.
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    Honestly I have only seen about five women (not just strippers) that are SO ugly that I refuse to call them women they are negatives on the 1-10 scale. Aside from that all women are beautiful just in different ways (and yes I know how cliched that sounds).
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    A lot of guys have photos of the fairer gender posted on TUSCL. That's a place to start. You could even make a game out of it and try and profile the tastes from what you see.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    A GIRL going to a stripclub?
    As a *gasp* CUSTOMER?

    oh mercy!
  • inno123
    14 years ago
    When it comes to girls on the stage attitudes and moves are the most important. On the stage I am willing to appreciate all the different ways a woman can be beautiful.

    Now if we are going for a lap dance a different set of criteria applies. Having the right attitude is important, but being a good conversationalist is not. We aren't going back there to talk. I am going back there to play with some breasts so, well, there need to be some breasts! A pair of B cups are fine, C or D ideal, but larger than that is not proportionally more fun. Then there are height considerations. If a girl is too short then when facing me during the lap dance giving me a good view of the breasts would mean breaking contact with the grinding. Similarly a taller girl would have me looking up to her breasts.

    So in summary for a lap dance I am looking for good attitude, nice preferably natural breasts, and a height not too different from mine.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    My current tastes are in my photo gallery.
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    I like big boobs
  • Ironcat
    14 years ago
    My preference is a relatively thin (but not eating disorder thin) dark haired lady with natural C-cup on top and a toned athletic booty. If she has blue eyes and fair skin, that is a bonus. I guess as Ruskin once said "matters of taste are beyond dispute", but I suspect that there would be a lot of guys that would like this look in a dancer.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    lowpaw: How about a freakin' spew warning next time! You owe me a new keyboard. :)

    nastasia: Depends on the girl. In general, I like fit girls (if I want to look at whales, I'll check out the mirror), but individual attributes, breasts, butt, etc, don't make the girl. It's the total package, including, cheesily enough, the ability to form complete sentences without straining, that determines overall attractiveness.

    As others have mentioned, my profile pictures exemplify some that I find attractive, nut that's by no means comprehensive.

    And because I'm a horny old pervert, how about a pic of *you*? :)
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    LOL, lopaw, thanks for the smile you brought to my face.
    nastasia_p, unless they are anorexic or just ugly, like bigdude012 says, all women have their own beauty, everyone's tastes differ. I like them naturally busty
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Cute, girl next door type. Slim, athletic body with perky natural b-cups. In a cheerleader outfit.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Girls with thin waists, curvy butts (not too big but not boyish either) and natural tits. For some reason some latinas (the ones who are not fat) really fit the bill.
  • stogiebt
    14 years ago
    I like variety and that's one of the reasons I frequent SC's. Blonde, brunette, red, short, tall, B-C-D cup, long legs, Latino, Asian,etc. Depends on my mood. But, if you really pushed me for one: long-haired brunette spinner, 5 ft 1 or so, around 110, B or C real on top, with a bubbly personality. Does personality count here?
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    I'm affected as much by the looks as the personality. I've had some of my best times in SCs with women you would probably rate as average. Sometimes the "beauties" have bad attitudes to go with their looks. I think its a bit like dating...you have to be attracted AND get along together.
  • nastasia_p
    14 years ago
    didn't expect so many answers in just a few hours!

    @Prim0 that's interesting that you compare picking out your favourite dancers to dating, I would have thought it would be the opposite...that since you are essentially paying to have a girating body on top of you, that it better be hot, thanks for the insight!

    I'm surprised that the majority of you favour b/c cup breasts. The majority of women fall into this bust category, and we always think the bigger the better, which is why so many women get implants! Apparently we shouldn't even be thinking about them :)

    @georgemicrodong: the thing you said about whales is exactly what confuses me!!! I always always always see at least one fat stripper (by my standards anyway) who seems to be quite popular, and it baffles me to no end. Maybe men have a different perception of what "chunky" means than women? The ones I see usually either have a bit of a gut or a looot of extra junk in the trunk/thighs. That sounds horrible and mean...and believe me I don't have a perfect figure either, me having my "problem area" being a bit extra tummy, I don't know if I'd be comfortable showing it off or ahem, expect to make a lot of money if I was a dancer as long as it remains...perhaps I'm wrong? What constitutes "fat" in the male perspective? And sorry hun, no pics of me unfortunately, but perhaps one day you'll be one of the "horny old pervs" buying me and my friends drinks on the SC scene (Oh, you guys think that its only the dancers that want something from you? ;)

    @inno123 What exactly do you mean when you say attitude? Like friendly vs snobby or cute vs seductive, or something else?...ahemextrasorientedahem

    @wallanon Thanks for the tip :) I will now procede to stalk all of your profiles.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    Ergo, "Melon Girl".


    Wow, so you are a woman (he says tongue in cheek)?

  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    You shouldn't really be surprised at the number of comments. After all, we're still guys, with the inborn desire to impress the girls. Some us have just progressed to the point where we make that attempt with our insightful comments and erudite wit, rather than the size of our di...er, muscles.

    The whale/mirror comment was an attempt at endearing self deprecation, acknowleging the fact that I prefer dancers who meet a standard that I myself can't meet, and hoping that you won't notice the hypocrisy inherent in that fact.

    As for the standards of "chunky," it's been known for quite some time that both men and women apply different, and stricter, standards to themselves than they do to others, of either gender, in that regard. What you call a problem area, many of might not even notice, and as for your ability to make money, you yourself pointed out your surprise at
    some of the dancers with wads of cash.

    For myself, I'm fine with some extra padding, but I'll hypocritically draw the line at somebody who approaches my size.

    You could still post a picture; just take off all your clothes and crop your face. We won't tell anybody. :) The likelihood that you'll ever make it to Louisville, or that I'll make it up to your neck of the woods seems slight, but if it happens, I'd love to buy you a drink. I'll even buy you a dance, but I get to watch. Hey, I *said* I was a pervert, didn't I?
  • jost
    14 years ago
    young (18-25), above average face, slim bod and I'm good to go for laps..large natural firm and bouncy tits on top of that would make her the perfect woman for me physically but not a dealbreaker..
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    I like young(18-25), fit, flat abs, C or larger boobs(natural or augmented). Height is not important. A woman who's 6'5" in her heels is HOT. Pretty face and good teeth are a must. A tan and manicure get bonus points.

    Luckily I live close enough to Tampa that I can visit Mons regularly. It's a buffet of my favorites.

    Why am I so particular @ the SC? Because I'm paying money to see and experience women I don't encounter every day. I like women who are out of my league.
  • nastasia_p
    14 years ago

    @georgemicrodong: i find the fact that guys use their dick size to pick up girls hilarious. Because as a 23-year old female, a huge 9-inch dick is going in there OVER MY DEAD BODY. Rather saying you know how to trust like a bunny would get much more brownie points :) And I'll work on that picture.

    How important are tans to the rest of you? I know all the strippers I see almost always have tans, but I think it makes some of the naturally fairer ones look trampy and fake, what's your opinion? Also: how does class rate as a quality in a dancer? (Like, maybe a classier outfit, appearing more educated, maybe wearing a short dress instead of walking around nearly naked, etc) Or is that completely unimportant, or maybe even a turn-off?

    @Clubber I'm slightly confused by your comment
  • SnakePlissken
    14 years ago
    I like petite blondes and brunettes. Breasts don't have to be huge, ass doesn't have to huge either, but both of them must be present in some form. Facially, I don't like a round face, and I like sharp, well defined features.

    Hillary Scott is a good example of what I like.
  • inno123
    14 years ago
    @natasia...since I am not usually looking for 'extras' (if I am I would be using an escort) what I am looking for is somebody who is going to put a nice vibe on the experience, in particular to at least seem to be enjoying doing this with me.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    @Natasha...The best dances I've had came from ladies I made some kind of connection with...that's why personality plays such a big role. Since I'm paying for it, I want to have the best time for my money and a fun lady that is also attractive will probably give me that. It is a bit like dating...its more fun if you like the girl than if she's just arm candy.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    You state, "@Clubber I'm slightly confused by your comment". I'm not sure what confuses you, but ask and I shall clarify.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    nastasia: You're just trying to make me feel better. :). It *has* however, forced me to investigate other methods, with seem to suffice. But my wife agrees with you. From experience.

    As for bunnies, since rabbits are one of the most untrusting rodents I've ever encountered, I'm going to assume you meant "thrust" instead. Once again, the better half agrees with you wholeheartedly.

    With regard to the tan issue, as with everything else, it depends on the person. On some people, a tan looks good, on others, not so much, especially if it's been overdone, or obviously fake. Likewise, absence of a tan isn't necessarily a turn off either. Healthy skin, not color, is the overriding consideration.

    I look forward to the picture, though I hope you won't be offended if indont hold my breath waiting for it. Chicken. :)
  • nastasia_p
    14 years ago
    @clubber: what does PAS mean? and what does it have to do with "Melon Girl?" and what is a melon girl? I appologize if I sound like a noob/a complete idiot

    @georgemicrodong: Your wife sounds like a cool lady, I'm happy we agree and that you are already educated on this fact :) And I appreciate your ability to translate my typos.

    I'd just like to say thank you so much to everyone who answered my questions :)
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Cool doesn't even begin to describe her. To be clear, I wasn't talking about some abstract agreement with your comments, she agreed with them after reading them over my shoulder. :)
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    PAS is Phillip A Stein. "Melon Girl" is the woman vincemichaels' pictures. You just sound like some new.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    Personality matters a lot with me but since this is about LOOKS:

    A pretty face is always a turn on but a pleasant face is more important.

    I love a thin athletic/dancer's physique with a lean flat tummy, toned abs and thighs, a nicely shaped ass, and perky natural tits -- any size, even really small. Good muscle tone all over but not too muscular, and nice skin.

    I don't like fake boobs, though some are really natural looking and that's OK. I don't like women who are too young looking. Mid 20s is probably my target. A lot of older women still look great, but most older strippers seem to have ridiculous fake boobs. Too tan is bad too.

    I have no racial preference and I would go for more of the latina and black girls if I clicked with them better.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    Late to the party on this one, but I'll throw in my 2 cents.

    My tastes even surprise me, to be honest. Even if we narrow it to just VIP trips, the gamut has been run in body size (skinny to pretty damn overweight), breast size (barely B to boobs that could put an eye out), ass size (almost nothing to J-Lo), age (20 to late 40s) and ethnicity (pretty much all colors, and even one Canadian ;-) )

    In all cases, unless she's a 20 (out of 10), she's gotta have some kind of personality to get anything more than a single floor dance (if even that).

    Sometimes what I like is very specific, sometimes it's totally intangible. On the specific end, my last VIP was with a girl that looks-wise probably missed every category of my "usual" preferences. I had seen her several times in the club, and already knew that she had a pretty good personality. I decided to get a floor dance from her. What I hadn't ever seen well enough on stage (but noticed during the floor dance) was that her nipples looked like the most suckable on the planet. Being a scientist at heart, I was pretty much obligated to take her to VIP to test this hypothesis. (Turned out to be wrong - they are the most suckable in the solar system.)

    On the intangible end, we have my ATF. Now, since my first meeting with her, I've noticed LOTS of tangibles, but initially, there wasn't anything like "I've got to get a closer look at that incredible ass." I just was totally drawn to her.
  • nastasia_p
    14 years ago
    @georgemicrodong: tell your wife I want to be bffs, she's officially the shit :P

    @clubber: yep yep yep, nooob all the way haha. Well...not really to the SC scene...but to tuscl-speak lol

    @bumrubber: thanks for your post!

    @LeeH: I appreciate your 2 cents, and its never late :) That's interesting that you like so many different kinds of women! When it comes to guys I'm so consistent on my pickings! (assholes) :P And I'd really like to know what colour that Canadian was that danced for you...because me and my friends are all bright purple :p But I know the French-Canadienne variety is usually more green-tinged, and that if you go up north they turn blue! And I hope your careful when you suck on those nipples...don't bite too hard ;)
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I hate trying to figure out my favorite type of dancer because I like a variety of women depending on what mood I am in...but mostly I gotta say the busty blondes with big boobs
  • nastasia_p
    14 years ago
    samsung1: I think we would be very good friends in that case :)
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    @nastasia I know an asian dancer who was recently considering getting a boob job (she had very petite breasts, but knew how to use them) I managed to talk her out of it saying that they wouldn't look right on her body as she had a very small frame.

    My general opinion on breasts: they should be appropriate to whatever the size of the woman is.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    lol Clubber
    I will be after that last pesky medical procedure! ;p
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    @nastasia_p, I never bite unless requested to do so. ;-)
  • nastasia_p
    14 years ago
    @lee: good to know :)
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    I have this vision of you in my imagination. Please don't ruin it! :)
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