
What to do about ATF?

Sunday, June 20, 2010 1:55 PM
My ATF that i've spent a lot of time and money on is all of a sudden treating me like a PL.She used to text me back before i could close my phone and she responded to all text msg [view link] she either doesn't respond or waits a day or week to reply back.When i've tried calling a one time,she says shes is busy but will call me when she gets done.Oblivously she is either tired of me and my money or she thinks i may cause a scene in the club.I haven't been in the club in about 3 or 4 months.When i go back should i go solo and see if she will approach me,or if she ignores me?Or should i arrange to hang out with another girl who wants me as a customer?I would like to continue to hang out with original dancer but hate thinking she can't stand me,and only toler ates me for the [view link] her not ansering phone,saying she'll call me later or not responding to text,makes me feel pretty pathectic.Please advise what you've done in the past maybe in a simlar situation.Thanks!


  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    It's time to move on. Any time a dancer does not treat you the way you want to be treated, DUMP HER. Don't try to figure her out. Thats useless. Plenty of more fish in the sea.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I see three possibilities: A. You're a Dick Johnson wannabe. If so, you don't measure up. B. She knows she's successfully transferred you from the hook to the net, or even right into the tank, and so no longer feels like she needs to expend the effort. If you're aching to see her, she's right. If you're contemplating using another dancer just to make her jealous, she's right. C. She's tired of you, no longer wants to see you, thinks you're stalker, you're not as big a spender as she thought she might have landed, or any of a thousand other reasons a stripper loses interest in a customer. For B or C, move on. If she's no longer providing the experience you want, she's wasting your time. And so are you.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Maybe it is Dick Johnson in disguise.
  • SnakePlissken
    14 years ago
    Whenever women pull this sort of stuff just remember what Dr. Dre said "bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks". Dr. Dre knows what he's talking about, he must be pretty smart since he went to medical school.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Didn't we already talk to you about this?
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    While you sound like a RIL, I have to wonder why you even want to bother with worrying about her. Just go back to the club and find the fun you want whether she approaches you or someone else. All it takes to have fun in a SC is money. Don't let a girl keep you from enjoying your fav SC. I am sure there are other gals there who knew you spent money and they will try to grab you first.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Move on. Best yet, don't text her to tell her it's over. If she texts or calls you, ignore the text and don't take the call.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    SnakePlissken says: Dr. Dre knows what he's talking about, he must be pretty smart since he went to medical school. ------------------------------ LMAO! that's funny! and yeah wasn't this just discussed? i was sitting at the bar in a club and a dancer i knew and liked a little was sitting a couple seats down talking with another dancer and a female bartender. they were discussing boyfriend troubles and the 1st dancer said that the more you treat them like shit the more they hang around. i laughed at that and told her that it doesn't work like that with every guy and if i was treated that way i would walk. she said all guys were like that. i had seen her bf, young stupid guy that didn't even look like he was old enough to drink and told her that if she was basing her opinion from her experiences with him she had alot to learn. a while later she asked me if i wanted a dance and i declined and told her that since she figured i was like her perception of all other guys this was lesson #1 in her new learning curve. never bought another dance from her again, never will. so brotherhood's lesson here is move on, don't waste your time or money on that girl.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    ahh ok.. i just checked.. brotherhood is the same dude that supposedly spent 3,700 on a girl in 4 days. new advice.. go find another board to troll on.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I agree with others saying if a dancer is not calling you and you don't feel respected, then just move on. Chances are she does not give a shit about you or despises you. I have had a stripper sit with me looking at her phone complaining about a PL/ex BF who sends them long text messages or pleas on voice mail and they just laugh while deleting them telling me how they don't care about that person.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    ^^^^ What is kind of ironic is that after a few weeks of getting to know this stripper better and seeing her OTC to go out to a bar to listen to one of her local musician friends play music (but not fucking because she said she was feeling sick - probably was SS and wanted to use me to provider her drinks, cover charge, and companionship lol), I became that PL that would call her several times a week and get ignored. Eventually just had to move on, it was tough but you can do it.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    sam, Just out of curiosity, why was it tough?
  • brotherhood
    14 years ago
    It truly amazes me that i joined Tuscl because it seemed like a great place for people of similar interest to be able to share views and and have a bit of [view link] also seemed like a great place to get differ ent views on various situations from people that have had it happen to them.I've asked 3 different questions to get feedback and you've got some serious assholes out there that think they got their shit together, but are probably a bunch of punks living in their mommas basement.I may be new to sc's and easy to become a pl, but i never repeat my mistakes. If I thought my question had been answered in my previous post,I wouldn' t have posted this one.I don't know who are what a Dick Johnson is but it doesn't sound very [view link] for troop who the hell are you telling someone to find another board to [view link]'ve only been a member since Novenber of last year.Get some more time on the board and a couple 100 more post and your opinion might mean something.For all who offered some thing constructive I really appreciate,for you other miserable men go screw yourself.For any offended by this post i apologize it's my turrets.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Geesh, brotherhood, what an outburst. We are sorry we couldn't be more helpful to you. LOL!
  • troop
    14 years ago
    well if the number of posts is the measurement of knowledge.. dude you only have 4 posts. by your own admission, you've started 3 threads asking questions and never responded to any of your answers until now. if your question wasn't answered in the previous post why didn't you say something? i called it like i saw it.. but i will do you and myself a favor and stay out of your threads seeking the meaning of life. anyway.. i gotta go now, my mom's about to turn off the basement lights.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
  • Player13
    14 years ago
    brotherhood, What's the fuckin' big deal with living in my mom's basement? You want a piece of me, brother?!?
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    On the main issue, moving on the best advice. Moving on after giving her a message is better. How about giving all of "her" money and attention to another dancer in the club. Payback.
  • jackschitt
    14 years ago
    I disagree. You will not succeed in making her jeleous or feel bad. If you were ever close you should ask her in person. From my experience she could have a bf and/or sugar daddy taking up most of her time. Could be drug addiction or just trying to be discrete around family visiting. Hooked up with a few dancers OTC and they sometimes drop out of touch once in a while for various reason. Worse case she ignores you or just not interested seeing you. Then you can either move on or throw $ at her until she comes back. Depend on what kind relationship you want.
  • how
    14 years ago
    Do try to avoid the common response, which is to treat her even worse than you perceive she's treated you. Apparently you had some tender feeling for her, if her behaving like a typical stripper upsets you. Best to forget about it.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    yayyyyyyyyyy, this discussion got lively, it's been relatively peacefu around here lately. LOL. As far as the dancer, there's plenty of fish in the sea. I found some really nice fish on my visit to Platinum Plus last week, too bad it's soooooo far away.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    b'hood: Just to clear, I'm one of those who suspects you are a troll, or attmpting to emulate DJ. For an explanation of why, search the user base and peruse a few of his posts. If you're for real, then I think you're terribly naive. There's nothing wrong with that condition in and of itself, as long as you learn something from it. There are some who apparently believe that they sprang from the womb perfect knowledge of women, how to treat them, and how to maximize their time with them, but those folks are full of shit; we've all been where you at some point and to some degree, even if not to the degree you appear to be. :)
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    This smells a lot like one guy messing around with a few different screen names and self generating some buzz. However, in the interest of being a good sport... My brother, this is about the whiniest shit I have read on here, and that is saying something. You ARE a PL to her (and maybe in general) and the only thing left to do is move on. If this is real, then you need to toughen up. Dancers are head cases that think only about the $$$ and if you have been texting/calling her for 3-4 months without going into the club, then what the fuck do you expect?! What have you done for her lately?
  • KitTastic
    14 years ago
    As Eddie Murphy says, "What have you done for me lately?" If one of my customers spent four months harassing me by text without spending a dime at the club, I would stop replying to his texts altogether. I am not a charity, you want me to touch you right then you have to grease my palms, so to speak. Strippers are not there to be your girlfriend. Our job is to provide you with a fantasy in exchange for money - lots of it.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Fantasy? WTF? I pay strippers to suck my cock. For real.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    KitTastic, are you Shecat or do you know her. We swapped some emails a few years back.
  • KitTastic
    14 years ago
    No, I don't know Shecat, sorry.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    "If one of my customers spent four months harassing me by text without spending a dime at the club, I would stop replying to his texts altogether. I am not a charity, you want me to touch you right then you have to grease my palms, so to speak. Strippers are not there to be your girlfriend. Our job is to provide you with a fantasy in exchange for money - lots of it." Thanks Kit for the input - and I'm hurt that you have me on Ignore ;) The fantasy part is generally crap. This may be true for the casual clubber or for a slice of PLs, but a majority of us have a variety of other motivations, from seeing lots of T&A to more seedy intentions. Also, plenty of guys in the clubs I frequent have hot girlfriends or wives, including me, though I must admit that my hot wife is also my age (40), so I do not mind seeing fun girls 10-15 years younger than us ;)
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