
Comments by SnakePlissken (page 9)

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    14 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    When will you give up?
    When it quits being fun, which I can't foresee for quite a while.
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    14 years ago
    Talk Dirty to Me
    I prefer non-dirty talk, it seems more genuine. I know if a dancer is talking really raunchy with me she's just trying to butter me up to get more money. If she's talking to me about non-SC related stuff, especially her own personal life, it shows that at least to some extent she's just hanging out with you and not hustling.
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    14 years ago
    "The purpose of dancing, IMHO, is to be a fantasy, to be a desirous form, a delectable, interesting, intriguing individual. " Fetish dancer, that sounds a lot like the role of geisha, an artform I sadly will probably never have a chance to experience and appreciate.
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    14 years ago
    April Fool's in Strip Clubs?
    Haha, good one, Steve.
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    15 years ago
    Monique Alexander, Raylene, and Nina Mercedez
    I see what you're saying MisterGuy. Maybe it has to do with her being older than the other two, she's 34. I'd still definitely bang her if I had the chance, but in general she's not my type. Monique is more what I like: short, petite, toned, and blonde or brunette.
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    15 years ago
    Monique Alexander, Raylene, and Nina Mercedez
    Imageshack deleted the pictures, so here they are again. Monique Alexander: http://www.dumparump.com/view.php?id=5E5j03v Nina Mercedez: http://www.dumparump.com/view.php?id=86cwDb1 Raylene: http://www.dumparump.com/view.php?id=PkLaMvw Raylene with the troublesome printer: http://www.dumparump.com/view.php?id=5IpM1QQ Dudester, didn't try to get any mileage while I was there. It's more of a bar with strippers than a strip club, the girls didn't even go around offering lap dances, but there was a lap dance area. I don't think there was anywhere private enough for ITC extras. OTC might be available. Steve and Sinclair, Raylene was super hot, she was also really cool and I got to talk to her a little bit more than the others. Monique was by far the best dancer though, she really busted her ass on stage and was super friendly. Steve, you'd like this. My senior year of college my roommate was going through some girl troubles and getting all wrapped up emotionally with this bitchy girl. When I told him to basically forget her and get over it, he said, "I can't be like you man, you're like Snake Plissken (my Halloween costume that year), I'm not". So, I taped a picture of Snake to the wall of his room with the caption "WWSD: What Would Snake Do?" written beneath it, to serve as a morale booster. Did it help? I don't know, but now he sees that it was a good life lesson, and for me it inspired my username.
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    15 years ago
    Will a topless bar strip homes of their value?
    I'd pay extra for a house near a place that's full of naked chicks all the time.
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    15 years ago
    Iceland outlaws striptease
    "Progressives and Greens? And strippers thought the conservatives were to be worried about." The progressives and Greens are all feminazi cunts who have more upper lip hair than any of us do when we don't shave for a month, and their pussy whipped, limp wristed men. Just as those people resent the rich for being wealthier than they are and develop idiotic Marxist and Marcusian philosophies to justify robbing them in the guise of socialism, they also resent pretty girls who are attractive and well groomed enough for men to want to pay them to see their bodies. So they developed second wave feminism to moralize being lonely, embittered spinsters. They called bikinis oppressive because they look like shit in them, and called cosmetics sexist because it wouldn't do them any good anyway. Like most leftists, it all basically boils down to resentment, in this case the fact that some pretty girl got asked out and they didn't.
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    15 years ago
    Stripper Compliments
    I was once sitting with some friends at a strip club and some strippers came over and said "ooh, that smells nice, who's cologne is that?" I often get compliments on my cologne and my friend didn't wear any, so I thought it might be me. I learned forward, pulled my shirt collar toward them and said "is this it?" They took a long, deep sniff of it, smiled and replied with a "mmmm, yes, what is that?" It's Chrome by Azzaro, I get a lot people who say they like it, hence why I keep wearing it.
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    15 years ago
    TxTittyFan Says Short Treasuries and Short Dollars
    Clubber, are you kidding or do you really think it's a bad idea?
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    15 years ago
    TxTittyFan Says Short Treasuries and Short Dollars
    This seems like the place to ask this investment question. I've calculated that my tax returns this year will amount to about $2,000. I was thinking of taking that and some of my savings and investing roughly $1,000 each in Netflix, and Coinstar (the owners of Redbox) since this year Blockbuster will probably fold and those two will gain almost all of Blockbuster's former video rental market share. Both of their stocks also show a consistent upward trajectory for the past 2-3 years. I was also thinking purchasing $1,000 of Apple, since they seem to be coming out with more and more lucrative products as the years go by. So, would that be a wise investment of $3,000 or should I just spend it on time in the Champagne room?
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    15 years ago
    Prince Phillip puts his foot in it again...
    I love that the girl was cool enough to get that it was a joke and think it was funny, and not act like some feminist bitch about it.
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    15 years ago
    surreal night at an adult book store......
    Was the liquid white and thick? If so, it was obviously the filling to a Junior Mint. The person behind you must have bitten into one and shot the filling into the back of your head. P.S. Does this story remind anyone of that scene in Taxi Driver?
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    15 years ago
    Muslim group hacks 500 Christians to death in Nigeria
    I hope no strippers were injured.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on TUSCL_Brother
    Child porn is in a league all its own. Trying to compare that to OTC extras, is, in my mind, like comparing someone who smokes a joint every now and again to someone who is a raging meth head.
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    15 years ago
    Free porn on 'tube sites' puts a big dent in industry
    As long as attractive girls need coke money, there will be plenty of porn and strip clubs, I'm not worried.
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    15 years ago
    chances of getting virus
    Almost 100%, talk to you later Magic Johnson. Seriously, are you worried that your jizz soaked through your pant leg, into the handkerchief, then a virus rode the jizz stream in the opposite direction back into your bloodstream? Take some Prozac and quit being such a hypochondriac.
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    15 years ago
    "Call Me" (Blondie)
    How, my guess is she had just broken up, and she might have rebounded on you or something like that, then, between your night of passion and your unanswered phone call, she got back together with him. Or perhaps she was just cheating on him outright because he's a jerk, and you're so totally awesome. Keep us posted. Have you seen her since this incident?
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    15 years ago
    looking for some feedback...
    Try escorts.com, I'm sure you can get a date with any woman on there.
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    15 years ago
    "Call Me" (Blondie)
    I tend to agree with you Clubber, but I do like the fact that you can use a text to make conversations very short, without the need for all the pleasantries and yacking you get on the phone.
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    15 years ago
    definition of a gentleman
    I'm a big fan of "I dont care about the fact that this girl is a mother, wife, sister or daughter club"
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    15 years ago
    Guess who they believe when a woman screams rape
    Current rape laws are a travesty. Men are guilty until proven innocent. That and divorce laws are the two greatest injustices perpetrated against men today.
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    15 years ago
    Best porno chick
    Two chicks who I think will have very prolific 2010 careers are Rachel Roxxx and Kagney Linn Karter. I also really used to like Jaclyn Case and Karina Kay back in the day, anyone remember them?
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    15 years ago
    Best porno chick
    Dougster, I agree. Hillary Scott is the dirtiest chick ever born. I'd kill for her to come feature dance near where I live.
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    15 years ago
    yes or no?
    Steve, GK, what you were saying reminds me of me sometimes. The Onion had an article about that sort of thing. http://www.theonion.com/content/node/34124