
Comments by SnakePlissken (page 7)

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    14 years ago
    Shot girls
    A few months ago, the last time I was at a club, instead of shots, they had the chef going around with a plate of chocolate covered, Grand Marnier-filled strawberries. I bought one for myself and one for this dancer who was hanging out with me. Not cheap, but very tasty.
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    14 years ago
    VA passes law allowing concealed weapons in bars and clubs.
    "Who ever said that? Not I...now *that's* a strawman argument!" That's the whole thrust of your argument, people are too volatile to be trusted with guns, and for their own good shouldn't be allowed to have them. "...and there is literally *no way to enforce that law*, since the people carrying weapons will be doing so in a *concealed* way" Actually, there is, if you're a concealed carry permit holder and you get arrested for public drunkenness or drunk driving with your gun, you lose your permit. And your logic doesn't make sense, if every form of law regarding a concealed weapon is unenforceable due to their concealed nature, what's the point of prohibiting it? If we shouldn't allow concealed carry owners to go into bars which serve drinks as long as they're not drinking, then say that this law is unenforceable, then this whole discussion is academic because concealed gun owners are either going to do what they want, or they're actually going to take guns into bars and restaurants now, which they weren't previously since they weren't allowed, showing that they are actually capable of following concealed carry guidelines. "...and that shooting would have *never happened* had VA not made it easy for someone with obvious mental issues to purchases guns, period. " That was because a magistrate in Montgomery County failed to issue a proper detention order, which would have disqualified him. And regardless, that loophole has been covered by new legislation. People like Cho Seung Hui are never going to be able to get guns in the state of Virginia ever again, and definitely not concealed carry permits.
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    14 years ago
    About Drinks.....
    This thread reminds me, how much fun are BYOB clubs? I always thought it was be a lot of fun to go to a club and be able to watch naked strippers and drink strong dark beer, French wine, single malt scotch, or cognac. A friend and I were considering doing this a while back but never got around to it.
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    14 years ago
    Dating Advice ???
    Go for it man, just make sure she's old enough and don't get her pregnant.
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    14 years ago
    VA passes law allowing concealed weapons in bars and clubs.
    "Great...now try & do all of that while you're drunk off of your ass...ugh... " Just goes to show that you think all gun owners are stupid psychopathic hillbillies who need one little push to let their homicidal fantasies run wild. Once again, the law said you cannot drink in the establishment. You claim that that is unenforceable. It's just as unenforceable as the laws that say you can't carry concealed weapons into a restaurant at all, that you can't carry weapons at all, and that declare certain places "gun free zones". I went to school at Virginia Tech and was on campus the day of the shooting, a lot of good our being a "gun free zone" did us then.
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    14 years ago
    We are so much more classy than them.
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    14 years ago
    About Last Night's Booty Call...
    I heard that oftentimes women agree to become fuck buddies because they want a relationship with the guy but are realistic enough to know he wouldn't agree to a normal relationship. Same thing with one night stands; they hope the sex will be the bait to hook the guy into a relationship. Not surprisingly, this often backfires. Men 1 Women 0.
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    14 years ago
    I'm Moving To Geermany!
    I had a friend who went Amsterdam and he said it was the same way, like a garden of Eden, and 50 Euros was the going rate for BJ + fucking with condom. He even said you could "upgrade" for an extra 10 Euros and do anal!
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    14 years ago
    D.C. Jury to Watch Porn
    Glad to see a victory for individual rights!
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    14 years ago
    Indonesia Plans to Impose Internet Porn Ban
    Scary isn't it that the two most progressive Muslim countries, Indonesia and Turkey, are both rapidly becoming more Islamist. Within a decade one or both of them will probably have gone the way of Iran. Since the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th Century, Islam and scientific, social, and cultural progress have been fundamentally incompatible.
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    No lap dances?
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    14 years ago
    Hey, baby (sweetie, cutie, darling, honey, sugar, doll, pumpkin, cupcake...)
    To answer your question, Steve, I've never actually said that. I act polite at all times.
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    14 years ago
    Hey, baby (sweetie, cutie, darling, honey, sugar, doll, pumpkin, cupcake...)
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    I definitely know what you mean. The last time I had a one night stand the highlight of it for me was when I was over the girl and I could feel her pussy starting to clench and I looked down and saw her make that contorted face and her eyes rolled back and her lips began to curl.
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    14 years ago
    Police: Priest's Secret Sex Life Cost Adoring Parishioners more than $1 Million
    Male escorts are a step up from choir boys. Give the Church another 10 years or so and they might even be banging women.
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    14 years ago
    Nanny ODs on Vibrators, Porn
    At least she died happy.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Looks like you know where the next wad of cash for OTC is going.
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    14 years ago
    Why Men Cheat
    "Ryan writes that men may confuse this testosterone spike with "love" and make decisions they later come to regret." Haha, may?
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    14 years ago
    Cheapstake Alert
    I disagree Gatorfan. Just because you can spend practically no money at a place if you really want to doesn't mean you should and it doesn't mean it isn't disrespectful to the business you are visiting at the time. It would be rude and a waste of a waiter and restaurateur's time to go to a restaurant and do nothing but eat bread, drink water, and maybe order something very small like coffee. You're wasting time they could spend on customers who are actually going to order a full meal. There was a really weird Greek foreign exchange student at this bar I used to go to in college who would come in for hours at a time and not order a single drink. The bartenders said he would just stand around and talk to his friends and give off a very creepy vibe to girls he would try and hit on. Bar exist for people to come into them and buy drinks, it's disrespectful to the bar employees to do anything else. It's the same principle in a strip club. You don't have to buy lap dances or anything, but you should order a few drinks and not try to screw the girls out of their dollar tips.
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    14 years ago
    VA passes law allowing concealed weapons in bars and clubs.
    I am a Virginia resident and have had a concealed carry permit for about 2 years. I carry a Walther PPK .380 caliber with me whenever I leave the house, and like previous extensions of the rights of concealed carry owners, I'm glad to see the rights of law abiding gun owners extended, but once again I'm insulted by the insinuations by those opposed that this is going to lead to put people in danger. To get my concealed carry permit, I had to pass a criminal and mental health background check, take a class where a retired cop told all prospective concealed carry holders when and where they could legally use their weapons, and then go to a firing range and demonstrate that I could safely operate and accurately fire my handgun. Just like every time the right to carry has been introduced or extended, people like you claim that this is going to lead to rampant gun battles and murders; as if all the people who want to concealed carry are violent rednecks, just itching for some excuse to play Dirty Harry with real bullets. And every time, they have been wrong and crime has dropped and not risen. Actually, in two other right to carry states, Florida and Arkansas, concealed carry owners were shown to be 300 and 1,000 times less likely to commit a violent crime than average citizens. If the average American was as likely to commit a crime as the average concealed carry permit holder, the US would have the least crime of any country on the planet. I can tell you exactly how this is going to play out. The Democrats, Million Mom March-type housewives, and do-gooder college students are going to piss and moan for about a week, saying that very soon our state is going to look like Mogadishu or Baghdad, then nothing will happen and everyone will go on with business as usual. Then another bill that extends gun owner rights will be put before the legislature and the same hysterical predictions will be made.
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    14 years ago
    Aboriginals' fury as French exotic dancer strips on Uluru
    Maybe they should have studied science and technology a little harder too.
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    14 years ago
    Aboriginals' fury as French exotic dancer strips on Uluru
    If the aboriginals don't want people doing certain things on their "sacred territory", maybe they should have fought a little harder.
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    14 years ago
    Miley Cyrus Camel toe
    Am I the only person who thinks that, face wise, she isn't attractive at all? That's of course not to say that I wouldn't bang her if the opportunity presented itself, I would just prefer Hayley Williams instead.
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    14 years ago
    Do you prefer SC's?
    I like strip clubs because I can go with some of my rowdier friends. Can't exactly do that with escorts or anything else.
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    14 years ago
    Western Australia to legalise prostitution
    Yet another reason to request the Western Pacific as my duty station.