
Strip Club Recruits Recent Grads

'Class Of 2010' Sign Drawing Mixed Reactions
A gentleman's club is taking some heat over a recruiting campaign that targets recent graduates, Jacksonville TV station WJXT reported.
The sign outside the Centerfold Lounge reads "Now hiring the graduating class of 2010."
Some people think the club should take it down, saying it lowers the bar for young people.
"I think it's terrible. I mean really, young people could do a lot better than that," nearby business owner Rose Chirkovich said.
Recent high school graduate Meghan Russell, 18, called the sign "pretty disgusting."
The job posting is club manager William Warner's brainchild. And although he finds it funny, he said it's no joke.
"I mean, look at the economy. We have nothing to offer these grads," Warner said. "I do. I have what they can make money. Yes, we're looked at as scum of the Earth, but it's a paycheck -- money that will put food in their stomach and keep a roof over their head."
Warner admitted the sign is somewhat of a publicity stunt, and hoped it would drive in more customers.
"Yeah, I hope some people will come and say, 'That's funny. Let's check this club out,'" he said.
Customers must be 21 years or older, but dancers can work there as young as age 18.
Warner said he and his staff members have gotten mixed reactions.
"It's not profane. It's not obscene," Warner said. "I don't see what's wrong with it."
The club's owner said he planned to keep the billboard up for a few more weeks until graduation season is over.


  • snowtime
    14 years ago
    I think the sign is great and may open up some eyes. An attractive girl at a decent club can average $100/hr. with minimal effort. Tell me any other place a high school graduate can do as well. A smart girl who works at a club and saves some money can retire in her mid 30's with a nice nest egg. Not too shabby.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Sam, where do you dig up all this stuff? I read FOXNEWS.COM daily and sometimes CNN.COM but I never see all of the stuff you manage to find.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    snowtime, except it doesn't usually work out that way. I've met several dancers who successfully executed their exit strategy with an intact body, and sufficient finances to pursue their life goals, but it was by no means a majority.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    Where else can an 18 year old make that much money and still have her days free for school? GMD makes an excellent point. Most dancers will end up fucked up after stripping, but they were likely going to be fucked up anyway.
  • snowtime
    14 years ago
    My point was not that most strippers are able to save their money. I was only pointing out that they have the opportunity to do so and a few smart ones will be successful. I agree that most of them will squander their money on drugs, loser boyfriends, fancy cars and clothes. Even so, the ones that piss it all away will probably enjoy a better standard of living while stripping than they would from a "Waffle House" or "Walmart" job. So even if stripping does not provide them with long term security, they will enjoy a better/easier lifestyle while "dancing". So I think the club's graduation billboard does have some merit, although its true purpose was most certainly for publicity.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    Job opportunities are few and far between, prompting more girls to consider stripping. At the same time there is less disposable income out there; guys are spending less money in the clubs. I'm seeing more dancers than custies (or at least spending custies) at most clubs.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I thought they were stripping to pay their way through school? Are they going to school for stripping careers? Sign up for Stripping-101
  • SnakePlissken
    14 years ago
    Haha, this isn't a bad idea.

    This might be a bit tangential, but as someone who recently graduated college, I think the US college system needs a huge purging of students. I got an aerospace engineering degree and am going to use that in the Navy, for me it was necessary to get a degree. I knew people who majored in art history or some useless generic business degree and are going to end up being office receptionists or coffee shop waitresses, what sense does that make?

    More girls should probably graduate high school and become strippers as opposed to majoring in philosophy or underwater basketweaving, which will result in nothing but their parents wasting a ton of money, or them being saddled with so much student debt it borders on indentured servitude.
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