
Comments by potheadpl (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Why the hangup about privacy in the VIP??
    I was pretty uncomfortable at Mons Venus, and that was just getting a nude lap dance. Maybe it's because the place was so busy that guys were sitting shoulder-to-shoulder on the couches. Doing FS in that situation would be a deal killer for me. No way I'd finish. I can't even pee if somebody's next to me. LOL
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
    It certainly seems like most strippers smoke. My two favorites don't. I like really fit women, and women who work out hard enough to have fit bodies don't smoke----usually. If a non-smoking club opened in the area I usually visit, I would go there exclusively. When I visited Mons Venus and 2001 I was happy that I left for the night not smelling of smoke.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Road Trips?
    I have to drive about an hour to get to my favorite strip club. The furthest I've gone is an hour and a half to Mons Venus.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    SC Mileage Increase
    Mileage has definitely increased. FS is available in most clubs in the New Port Richey, Florida area, if you have the money and the right dancer. BJs and HJs are pretty much a given, in the champagne rooms.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    why do YOU go to a strip club?
    Initially I went to look at and feel up hot naked young women, of course. But now I also go because I get to talk to some surprisingly interesting women with no pressure. It's funny. Spending so much time talking to scantily clad women has actually improved my confidence with women in the real world. Of course, now I tend to only talk to the most scantily clad woman in the bar, but that's not actually a bad thing. LOL
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you ever wondered if a dancer was on drugs and then asked her?
    Yeah, I assume they're all on something. Pills are huge here, and lots are on oxys. Florida is the oxycontin capital of the world, apparently. Local strip club magazine(V2 Magazine) even carries ads for "pain management" clinics.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The ultimate upsell!
    I have to agee with Dougster and Clubber. The $1000 figure sounds like BS. If she could get that much she'd not need to strip. Checked the Tampa escorts prices on TER and nobody's getting that much, and there are some amazing Playboy centerfold types available. Now, $500 for OTC GFE? That's believable. But $500 for a quick fuck in a champagne room is too much. For that much I want a bed and some privacy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Can you catch anything from a stripper (if you're a little careful)
    I've been sick for a week. Went strip clubbing last Friday. Ended up at a lower-class joint where a surprisingly attractive dancer sat on my lap and started making out with me as we sat at the table. Not an STD but a wicked cold. Do I know with 100% certainty that I got it from her? No, but it's a safe bet.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    who first (or at all) in VIP ?
    I will usually try a lap dance with a girl first. If she does a good job I'll spring for the champagne room. Sometimes it works out, and sometimes it doesn't. I've even had a girl provide extras on one occasion, and then not on another.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    mile high heels
    Not only are mainstream shoes not strong enough, they don't have the rubber grip on the sole. A veteran dancer and I were watching a rookie dance in regular pumps, and vet was telling me the girl was going to fall on the slick stage. She did.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    2 fers
    It's to the point now that I will turn down the free item offered on the 2fer. I already have 3 t-shirts, two polo shirts, and a couple of hats with various strip club names on them. And I don't wear them. LOL
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    2 fers
    Bare Assets runs the 2fer special every hour, with a free item giveaway, usually an article of clothing. I asked hot blonde dancer for the dance and she replied, "I don't do 2-for-1 dances. Only singles.". What the fuck? So she'd rather make NO MONEY? Stupid.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Pretty Girl with a Crooked Smile
    There's a girl at a local club who I'm assuming had pretty bad teeth. Maybe not bad from a decay standpoint, but judging from the severity of her overbite she definitely had orthodontic issues. Instead of getting braces, she got a bunch of veneers. Really, really white veneers. I'm guessing they're older, because they glow under the club lighting. It looks weird. Kind of like that episode of "Friends" when Ross bleached his teeth. So she's a redhead with a spray tan and glowing bluish-white teeth. But she does have gigantic fake boobs.
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    15 years ago
    Pretty Girl with a Crooked Smile
    Not quite. Same industry. I'm a lab tech. Dentures and crowns.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How easy are extras available at your club?
    My ATF told me there are usually a few "discreet hookers" @ her club. I've been offered extras once but I was out with a bunch of friends and we were leaving, so I didn't partake. Pasco county Florida's clubs are pretty extra-friendly. One club in Hudson is pretty much a brothel. BJs are offered as a matter of policy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Where to you like to sit at the club?
    I sit on the padded bench near the stage. Not next to the stage, but near. I am usually at favorite club at the end of dayshift, so I get to see the girls walking from the front door to the dressing room. Getting a dance with the girl I want isn't usually a problem. Just like the OP I wait till they're onstage and tip them. As for smoking? Absolutely I wish Florida would make it illegal to smoke inside any building that's open to the public. As a non-smoker, I found Mons and 2001 to be much nicer experiences because they don't allow smoking. Would it be so difficult for smokers to go outside? Yeah, on a smoker's patio in Detroit in the winter.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Pretty Girl with a Crooked Smile
    I see many more strippers with crooked teeth than straight ones. Perhaps it's a matter of geography. I don't mind some malposition of the teeth. Perfection is not natural. A small diastema between the two central incisors is attractive and sexy. A slight overbite can be sexy. When a girl looks like she's throwing gang signs when she talks it's a definite turn off. Not as bad as missing teeth and visible decay, however. I know a stripper who seems to be a really intelligent woman. She's well-read, funny, and a heck of a lot of fun to talk to. She seems fit and healthy. Shiny hair, good skin, quick wit. Not a druggie, by all accounts. But she didn't come from money and has crooked teeth AND some neglect issues. It's a shame because it does detract from her appearance. Super cute otherwise. Pretty face. Great bod.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you think SCs give you unrealistic expectations?
    @Chandler----if you ever read any of the books that tell women how to get a man, they say women should do EXACTLY what strippers do. They're supposed to be accepting, laugh at jokes, and stroke a man's ego. Women don't do that any more. They used to. Women in the 50's knew how to play to a man's strengths. Now it's all shallow bullshit.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blinded by the Lite
    Oh I hate the drink hustle. It's weird. My ATF drinks Bud Select 55. Those are the same price whether it's for me or her. But when I bought a drink(a freaking COKE!!) for another girl it was six bucks. And they gave her a drink ticket right in front of me. The clubs I go to have all been busted for "solicitation of purchase of alcohol", which is illegal in Florida. As a matter of fact, they were on The Smoking Gun. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/mugshots/tampa14mug1.html Some were busted for prostitution, but some were for asking guys to buy them drinks, apparently.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you think SCs give you unrealistic expectations?
    @Book Guy----thank you. That was a very well-written explanation of the SC experience. I suppose the most appealing about SC to me is that rejection is taken off the table. I won't walk across a bar to talk to some civilian girl, but I'll approach the hottest dancer in a club, no problem. Funny story, actually. Last time I was in my favorite club, I noticed a really attracive woman sitting alone at a table. 5'11", brunette, tiny dress, sexy heels---so I thought she was a new dancer. I approached her and gave her my usual SC rap, "You are the best looking woman here. My friend and I are sitting over here. You're welcome to join us, if you like.". She did, and it turned out she wasn't a dancer! No, she was there with her girlfriend who was a dancer. If I'd known she wasn't a dancer, I never would have approached her. Weird, eh? Hooking up with a girl at a bar? Not likely for me, either. Bars don't play to my strengths. I'm a good conversationalist. I'm really funny. A loud bar/nightclub removes that from my aresenal. Hate bars. I think some dancers are put at ease for the same reason we are---there's no pressure. Other than money, that is. And a pretty girl with a good, genuinely good, personality will do fine.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If you think you are friends with a dancer or have a special relationship with h
    It is a welcome insight into the mercenary nature of strippers. Still, I read a thread there about dating customers, and most of the girls did it. A few had even married. So there is a shot, apparently.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blueprint for a quality club
    Yeah, what's wrong with shot girls? They're usually the one of the hottest girls in the club, and are usually dressed scantily. You don't have to buy shots. Just say no. I like the rest of your suggestions, however.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    ATFs or New Exploration?
    My ATF works dayshift. I usually get to the club sometime late afternoon. I spend a couple of hours and get some dances with her, then explore the night shift after she goes home. I don't have a fave on night shift, and this club has a lot of dancers.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you occasionally encounter a dancer biting you on your neck?
    They bite me all the time, but I really like it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you have any routine strip club lies?
    I told one hot dancer that I thought I was gay. I didn't act flaming, just acted real shy and nervous. She took me back for a dance and quickly found out I'm not. She felt my erection and said, "You're a LIAR!". With a smile, of course.