
Blinded by the Lite

avatar for gk

Lite beer, of course, actually cheap light beer which is my main drink in clubs with only a rare shot form time to time. Now, I'm not one to complain about drink prices too much. I simply write them off as the cost of having fun and make sure I have enough to handle the tariff wherever I go.

Now to the point; my friends and I have recently cut back our attendance at our formerly favorite club because of the drink hustle. We get good contact dances there and sometiomes more given the right dancer. The dancer drinks are high as you would expect--no complaints, we know how it works.

But the hustle was getting too annoying. They know us, so they gather around us and hound us for drinks and if one of us buys one it's like dropping crumbs for one pidgeon and then having to scare away the entire flock. We know how to say no, that's not the problem. It's the annoyance of the whole game, which they are coerced into playing by management. If I'm one-on-one at the bar, I'll buy a drink or two to help out on a quota, but the gang hustle got to us.

So we've started going to a more glitzy club down the street where I don't particularly like the management, but T&A is T&A, especially when you can find accommodating dancers. We three beer drinkers found $1.50 beers there during the afternoon without the annoyance. I'm not entirely "at home" there, but we're having fun with the hunt in new territory and we've already bagged a few trophies.

So after all this rambling--my question: has anyone else made a major change in club patronage because you were so annoyed by the drink hustle? Was it permanent? If not, how long did your boycott last? And are you happy with you your new club "home."


last comment
avatar for steve229
15 yrs ago

gk - sounds like you "cut loose like a deuce" from your old club?

avatar for SuperDude
15 yrs ago

Yes,I've moved on and left clubs where the drink and shot hustle was just too much. Dancers and managers have started treating customers like ATM machines and will try to get a quota from you in your first fifteen minutes in the club. With dancer drinks priced at 20% higher than regular drinks, it's now wonder that customers are resisting the hustle. I have had dancers camp on the bar stool next too me 10 seconds after I sit down and not leave until I buy her two drinks. So, I get up and move or leave.

avatar for samsung1
15 yrs ago

Yes, Kahoot's used to be my favorite club by far. No doubt about it.

Now it is still my favorite club but it faces some competition from some other local clubs.

I can't stand the drink hussle and bitchiness of the waitresses if you decline a drink.

avatar for bumrubber
15 yrs ago

I can't stand this either, and I won't patronize any place that has it.

avatar for samsung1
15 yrs ago

It sometimes is hit or miss depending on what manager or waitresses are working. Also on slow nights they will do the drink hustle more so than on busy nights.

avatar for CTQWERTY
15 yrs ago

"were so annoyed by the drink hustle?"

Flight Club's particularly annoying version just ruined it: "Buy me one, puleezeeeeee!!!!!" Why is that 'sales pitch' allowed at a 'high-end' club???

avatar for lopaw
15 yrs ago

I just started visiting a nearby club with the "buy the lady a drink" hustle. Until now I had never ran across it (just lucky, I guess). Since I like the club & the dancers, I just factor in the cost, and write it off as a cost of doing business. I'm sure it will get old soon, and then I'll boycott the club for awhile. But for now I endure it.

avatar for Clubber
15 yrs ago

Like anything else cost verse reward.

avatar for DandyDan
15 yrs ago

I rarely see it since I go to BYOB places. But even places that aren't like that, I don't see it. But the one place I remember where they pulled that crap, I avoided that place like the plague. (It helped that that particular place was way out of town.)

avatar for potheadpl
15 yrs ago

Oh I hate the drink hustle. It's weird. My ATF drinks Bud Select 55. Those are the same price whether it's for me or her. But when I bought a drink(a freaking COKE!!) for another girl it was six bucks. And they gave her a drink ticket right in front of me.

The clubs I go to have all been busted for "solicitation of purchase of alcohol", which is illegal in Florida. As a matter of fact, they were on The Smoking Gun. www.thesmokinggun.com

Some were busted for prostitution, but some were for asking guys to buy them drinks, apparently.

avatar for uscue13
15 yrs ago

Whoa, potheadpl, looking at those mugshots, look at the girl in mug shot 12. She looks like the Terminator with that robot eye

avatar for steve229
15 yrs ago

Yes! Stripper mugshots!!

avatar for steve229
15 yrs ago

I liked #'s 1, 3, 4 (great smile!) & 7.

avatar for slickpeter
15 yrs ago

Real name - not their stripper name ------ age and all-----did anyone notice that they were all busted in 2005----over four years ago!

Numer 12 has a real jewel of an eye!! Only one smiling face in the crowd! I wonder how long it took for them to be back at work at the clubs ----locally in Michigan whenever there is a bust they are generally out no later than the next day after arraignment

avatar for pop
15 yrs ago

More mug shots here:


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