
Comments by potheadpl (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Are Older Girls still sexy ?
    LOL! Well, perhaps "give" was a poor word choice. How about "perform"?
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Way off topic...Buy a new car
    I think I'd buy a BMW M3. Just as fast, excellent handling. Plus BMWs make strippers drool.
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    15 years ago
    HOw to pick up a stripper
    That's classic.
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    15 years ago
    Are Older Girls still sexy ?
    How old are you? I see dancers in their 40s who seem to do well. They probably give extras.
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    15 years ago
    I've seen dancers crying at the end of the night because they "owed the club money". Those were usually homely girls who didn't hustle. The dancer who was doing $150 anal at the club was raking in a ton of money on a 7 hour shift. One dancer tells me girls are making $1200/night on occasion. I can't imagine how much a girl at a top end club makes. I'll bet girls at Mons Venus rake in the cash. $30/song, 12 songs/hour(assuming 5 minute songs) equals $360/hour. I'm sure most are making less than that, but even if it's $200/hour that's a bunch of cash. And it's all tax-free. Scores girls made huge money back in the day. I'm sure girls at top clubs in big cities make BANK when pro athletes are in town.
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    15 years ago
    Do you go to SC's because you have issues with women?
    Yes, I have issues with women. I've had some bad experiences, dating back to adolescence. Lots of rejection, girlfriends cheated, etc. So I look at them with suspicion, I suppose. With strippers there's no possibility for rejection. I like the ego boost I get from strippers. I suppose it helps that I've learned how to dress myself fairly well, and that my issues have driven me to be overly concerned with my appearance. The clubs I visit aren't usually filled with guys who dress well and are in shape, so I attract a lot of attention. That doesn't happen at Applebee's. LOL. Being able to say whatever I want to a stripper is fun. IRL, you have to worry about offending women. Not strippers. They're fun to talk to, and no subject is taboo. Plus, I've met some interesting women. Met some nutjobs, too. I'm very picky about a woman's appearance. I cannot stand fat women, and the general populace is FILLED with fatties. My gym is filled with fatties. But the SC isn't. The SC is filled with thin, tan, tight-bodied young women. And for a fee I can grope them. I can grope $5000 boob jobs for $30. My lifestyle isn't really one that attracts women. I'm 39, never married, work an OK job but not one that's ever going to make me rich. I live in a man cave of an apartment---bicycles and stereo equipment everywhere, and I like it. And I get up @4AM every day to work out, so I need to be in bed early during the week. Try picking up a woman with all that going on. Hence the use of the SC, escorts, and massage parlors.
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    15 years ago
    Lapgirl Preferences
    I like to pick the hottest girl in the place. And by that I mean SUPER high maintenance. I like tans, fake boobs, acrylic nails, flat stomachs, and a high fitness level. Being tall is preferable, but not required. I tend to choose younger girls, so under 30 for sure. That being said, new ATF is all natural. But she's a hot all natural. And 19. LOL
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    StripperMobile grounded, but grinding strippers will return
    Yes, Luke Lirot is Joe Redner's lawyer. He's pretty much the go-to-guy for any First Amendment issue in Tampa.
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    15 years ago
    Ease off
    Can't say I've ever had a dancer grind too hard for me. But I'm a sick bastard.
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    15 years ago
    Guy got kicked out for messing with me
    Steve---I think he was a jobber. I've spoken to him about wrestling but I don't think his name was familiar. The guy who owns my gym, however, was part of a tag team-The Power Company Twins, or something like that. He knows DJ guy too. Floor manager guy is so obviously Mafioso it's not even funny. Nice guy, though. But I'm staying on his good side. LOL
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    15 years ago
    Fulton wins ruling in effort to ban alcohol at strip clubs
    And the Tampa clubs don't lack for business.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripclub alternatives
    I smoke a bowl or two then jerk off.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    kissing pussy...when and how to ask
    A stripper left a nice wet stain on my jeans once. It kinda freaked me out, wondering what sort of super STD was making its way toward my johnson. LOL!
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    15 years ago
    kissing pussy...when and how to ask
    Like lopaw said. Herpes---HPV, gonorrhea, syphilis, and God only knows what else. Plus there could be leftover semen. Not worth the risk. I only eat girlfriend pussy. And then only after a shower.
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    15 years ago
    kissing pussy...when and how to ask
    Are you nuts? Never, ever eat stripper pussy. Would you eat hooker pussy? Unless you're carrying a dental dam, I don't think it's worth the risk.
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    15 years ago
    Champagne room at Flashdancers, NYC
    Player11---that's a heck of a deal. So you just tip the girl?
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    15 years ago
    OTC Action in Orlando
    Yeah, get the hell out of Orlando. Drive to Tampa. Better yet, drive to Pasco County, which is just north of Tampa. There you can have full nude and full liquor.
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    15 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    V-Day Fallout
    I had a date with a dancer on Thursday night. It was her night off from her THREE jobs. We've been spending some time OTC so I picked up a little necklace for her. Got her a cute little Coach heart pendant. Total cost was $60, so not an extravagant gift.That's the cost of three lap dances. When I gave it to her at dinner, she reacted like it was the Hope Diamond. She said, "I don't think my boyfriend will give me anything.". LOL! She attacked me in the parking lot. Pushed me against the car and stuck her tongue in my mouth. I'm not pushing the sex issue. She's young, beautiful, sexy, and smart(really). I figure every guy she's met for the past 5 years has tried to screw her right away. I'm having fun just hanging out with her. But there will be some sex soon. LOL No, I'm not a PL. :-)
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    15 years ago
    Champagne room at Flashdancers, NYC
    But we all know Chris isn't exactly accurate there.
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    15 years ago
    Talking with other customers
    Struck up a conversation with another customer in August. Now he's my buddy and we hang out all the time. It helps that he's a sicker fucker than I am, I guess. LOL
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    yes or no?
    I'm picky. No fatties, no uglies. Have I turned down sex? Yeah, for some odd reasons. I told a girl no once because she was WAY drunk and I didn't want to deal with the repercussions when she sobered up. She was cute, too, but I don't want a rape charge.
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    15 years ago
    Walk this way
    I usually walk with my arm around her waist. In the case of the ATF, that waist is usually around shoulder height. LOL!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    too much too soon?
    The heart wants what the heart wants. LOL!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Are the Backpage.com gals driving down POP, especially extras at the Club?
    I don't think the "Backpage girls" are necessarily street whores. I think they do this instead of being a street whore or working for an agency. There's a girl who adversises on Ocala, Fl Craigslist. Name is Emily Sweet. Pictures are amazing, TER rating is very high. Supposed to be a graduate student at UF. I used a Craigslist girl who lived in a nice, clean apartment and was believable as a college student. LOL
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How strict would a dress code be to deter YOU?
    I wouldn't wear a suit to a club. Well, maybe to a non-smoking club. I've been to The Penthouse Club in Tampa. It's a high end steakhouse with a strip club attached. I would not have felt out of place in a suit there. They can probably get away with a strict dress code, considering the quality of the food and talent.