
How strict would a dress code be to deter YOU?

In the "Racist SCs" thread, mention was made of clubs enforcing "draconian dress codes" to deter gang members and drug sales. What would, in your minds, constitute a strict dress code?

My favorite club does have a code. It prohibits exposed armpits, hats, cut off shirts, or cut off shorts. That's pretty lenient.


  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    In the clubs I visit, you can't have your penis exposed. Luckily, they don't always enforce it.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Actually, no shorts allowed, would keep me away.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Not allowing a Harley shirt would prevent me from going.
  • brewerfan
    15 years ago
    NO shorts allowed? WTF? Are you kidding me? Even in the summer when it's 95 degrees outside? They honestly expect you to wear pants? Wow, that's crazy.
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    Well, there are different kinds of shorts. My club specifically prohibits cutoffs. I can understand that. I'd like to see a ban on all gym clothes. It just looks sloppy and low-class to wear gym shorts out in public, even if they are expensive.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    No shorts and t-sirts would pass me off. That is my offial dress year round.
  • SnakePlissken
    15 years ago
    I wouldn't mind going to a club in a suit. It's fun to dress sharp sometimes.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I know of at least two places that ban the hoodie, presumably to keep out the thug element, although I've only worn them when and because it's cold. That is part of the reason I avoid Saries, the topless bar by the Omaha airport (part of it is also I don't feel the vibe there). I've also known about places where collared shirts are required, although I would never go to one of them since that place (Heavenly Bodies by O'Hare Airport) is a complete waste of time even without that rule. Fortunately, most of the clubs I've ever gone to make people wearing suits feel out of place.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    The sign says "No shoes, no shirt, no service." That ought to let us know there are standards here. When I see women wearing flip flops to meet Pres. George W. Bush at the White House, then I know that standards of decorum and good manners are gone. Same when a guy enters a strip club in a torn t-shirt with paint stains. Same when teen-agers were micro-mini skirts to church--well at least they're there. I'll abide by the hoodie rule, because it would take lawsuit to win the argument. There's enough litigation in this country and I will not add to it.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    I would love to see a "collared shirts" required dress code. If nothing else, it would keep out the Ed Hardy/Affliction assholes. LOL! I'm not a fan of t-shirts. And shorts? Well, that would a judgement call. Nice khaki cargo shorts? Sure. Gym shorts? No.
  • Philip A. Stein
    15 years ago
    I prefer shorts, t's and sandals is my standard wear in the warmer months. I'm always very casual. But if a favorite club had a dress code, it would weigh on my decision.

    I had a stripper a couple weeks ago say she didn't recognize me at first, when on and on about what was different. Then she said she hadn't ever seen me in a long sleeve shirt or jeans.
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    I always "dress for success" myself at a club. I've actually seen landscapers come in after being out in the sun all day, and I've seen strippers pass these guys up because I'm wearing a dress shirt and suit pants.

    Besides, winter and you need a winter jacket in Houston clubs and same for summer as they keep the AC cranked waaaay up.

    I wore a polo shirt once and about froze my nuts off, in August. It's always long sleeve for me.
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    I would rather see Shadowcat in his shorts and tshirt than a bunch of young guys with their baseball caps turned backwards. I'm all for banning hats/headwear..I think everything else is probably ok.
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    i guess to answer the OP though, I have no problem with a dress code at all as it would no deter me from going.
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    Dudester---I agree. I usually dress pretty well when I hit the clubs. No dress pants, just a nice western shirt(they're stripper GOLD) and jeans/brown Doc Martens boots. Dressing well at the SC gets more attention. NO doubt.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I hate the mandatory coat checks at most clubs. I would not trust a strip club with my coat. One time I lost my coat check ticket and they refused to give back my coat. I had to wait 10 minutes while they went in the lap dance room to search for it. Despite the fact that I told them I had paperwork in the pocket of my coat that would show my name.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Dudester said he likes to "dress for success." I define "success" as getting inside a beautiful dancer, so dressing for success often means shorts or accessible sweatpants...
  • sinclair
    15 years ago
    I usually wear a button-up collared shirt with jeans or Dockers. I would never wear shorts because my legs aren't that great to look at. If you are dressed sharp, shaved, and smell good, you just get more attention from the dancers.

    I agree with pothead, wearing Ed Hardy and Affliction shirts is for sheeple. Anybody wearing a white t-shirt twenty sizes too big (like the rappers) or pants riding below your ass should not be allowed in a club no matter what race they are.
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    I'm with those dress nicely. I've never gone in a suit or tie, but nice shirt and trousers, along with a shower, fresh shave and mouthwash have worked well.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I find clubs requiring or encouraging dress codes are less extras friendly and therefore I prefer clubs with minimal or no dress codes. Why mess up a nice suit.
  • how
    15 years ago
    When I have gone dressed in a sportcoat and nice slacks, people asked me questions, thinking I was the manager...
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    I wouldn't wear a suit to a club. Well, maybe to a non-smoking club.

    I've been to The Penthouse Club in Tampa. It's a high end steakhouse with a strip club attached. I would not have felt out of place in a suit there. They can probably get away with a strict dress code, considering the quality of the food and talent.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I think it's possible I might never visit a club that required a suit and/or tie. I had and maybe still have a gift certificate I won for a restaurant worth anywhere from $40 or so that I never used. I read online that they required mimimum sports jacket or black tie or some strict dress code. I wasn't interested after that. I have avoided one club on several occasions that had or has a collar shirt requirement. I'm thinking they may have relaxed the requirement or dropped it but I don't really know for sure. One very good reason for not wanting to get too dressed up to visit a strip club is because your clothes retain that smoky smell for days afterwards unless immediately washed. I always take a shower afterwards to remove the smoke smell. It's possible I may smell like a few dancers as well. :)
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Not allowing shorts in the summertime would deter me as well. I get hot easily or I do compared to a few people around here. I wear shorts in my house in the winter time even though the temperature is in the 50's to low 60's. It's warmer in certain rooms and higher up off the floor. Actually I am comfortable wearing pants in those temperature ranges I mentioned. If it's warmer than that, I'm sweating.
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