Comments by stripclubspy (page 8)

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    15 years ago
    Would I Lie to You?
    Not sure this topic is even relevant! I figure strippers lie for one of two reasons: (1) to try and build up some quick intimacy, like "yeah, we're from the same home town"; or (2) to impress you with how desirable they are, i.e., "Brad Pitt picked me out of a line up", so you will do the same. In either case, they're just trying to separate you from your $$$ while making you feel good. So, what's the big deal? I prefer not to go into the whole lying thing at all, because after all, the whole situation is pretty much a lie... I mean, how many young hardbodies actually want to have sex with 50+ grumpy old men? I don't hear any of you complaining about THAT LIE.
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    15 years ago
    Fishnet Stockings
    sorry again, had to get Judy's legs back on top.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Hookers looking for clients in clubs
    It probably depends on the atmosphere in the club. In some of the clubs I frequent, FS is available in the VIP no problem, so what would a hooker in street clothes be doing in a place like that? On the other hand, a lot of the dancers there do OTC "dates" for $$$, so in that sense they are also hookers. BTW, any dancer that does FS, BJ, or even HJ in the club for $$$ IS A HOOKER. It's not because she likes you...
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    15 years ago
    Breast Enhancement
    It's complicated, isn't it? There are really three factors, right? (1) how they look (2) how they feel (3) how they make the woman feel They need to be not too tight, and to still have some natural "hang". Large boobs that completely defy gravity look weird. I also don't like it when the surgeon moves the nipples half-way up the front, where they never really are... A couple of my ATFs were very tall, slender, elegant, and practically flat-chested. That's not typically my type, but in both cases it really worked for me and I encouraged both to NOT get their boobs done. Especially if she's really slender, big boobs can look really disproportionate and out of place. That said, I'm thinking of a woman who was very slender and petite, who had very large implants and that REALLY worked for her. I mean, she would have stopped traffic on the street in a cocktail dress, and at the mall in jeans and a french tee she would have had men pushing baby strollers crashing into each other. Giving a LD she was extremely sensuous. I think part of the appeal of really large implants is what it implies about the woman's nature... if she's so into sex that she's willing to modify her body to the point that her boobs become the first thing you notice about her, and dominate your memories of her, then HEY... she's really into sex! that's the fantasy, anyway... On the other hand again, I'm thinking of a dancer I only saw once... never approached her, because I was on a mission at the time to locate an ATF, but she had the largest, most beautiful, most natural looking breasts I've ever seen. 99% sure they were natural... based on gravity effects, plus nipple placement... they were huge and full and round yet not saggy and just looked so soft. Been kicking myself ever since for not grabbing "the opportunity". I guess I'm saying I'm flexible!
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    15 years ago
    My friends embarrassed me tonight
    Strip club "culture" (i.e., how to behave) is something you have to pick up. Everyone on this site pretty much knows how to act (even if they choose not to act that way), but some folks need an introduction. Perhaps a little education was in order.
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    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    Unplanned encounters with the dancers outside the club
    My rule would be, "what happens in a strip club STAYS in a strip club." If I am with someone I would expect a dancer we ran into to recognize that and not recognize me, lol. I would pay her the same courtesy unless we were both alone and she gave some sign.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Fishnet Stockings
    just had to get Judy's legs back on top, lol
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever give dancers performance advice?
    A 19 yr-old, nearly flat-chested newbie told me she was thinking about getting her boobs done, because she felt self-conscious up on stage with the other girls. She was about 6' tall, even without heels. I told her she was very beautiful, sexy and elegant just the way she was, and that for every guy who likes big fake boobs (myself included) there's one who thinks they look awful. Plus, the surgeon can always screw up! That made her happy, and she kissed so sweetly in the vip that i just about proposed on the spot. great GFE.
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    15 years ago
    New Jersey
    Nightmare Review, Literary Genius
    Excellent review, BaddJack has a great talent that somehow got channeled into strip club reviews!!! Is there a New York Times Strip Club Review column??? There should be!!!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Which city has the best stripclubs in the whole country?
    Detroit. Highest mileage anywhere.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Mood killing conversation with dancers?
    Was getting a LD once when the girl leaned over to the side so she could see herself in the mirror behind me, and started poking her hair. Me: Is something wrong? Her: I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow, and I'm wondering how I should have it done. Me: How much do I owe you?
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    15 years ago
    Wad blowing during lapping....
    That's retarded. What did she think was going to happen? Or, did u CIM without warning her?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is best thing a dancer told you she shouldn't have?
    Her: Do you want to go back to the VIP again? Me: No, I'm broke! Coming here can can get expensive! Her: It's nothing compared with Crack.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is best thing a dancer told you she shouldn't have?
    Her: You remember I don't do penetration, right? Me: yes, I remember. Her: well, are you gonna go straight for the penetration, or do you need a girl to fluff you first?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Police: Man leaves kids in car, goes to strip club
    He should have taken the kids inside for their first LDs. Perhaps one of the single moms could have fed them, too, if u catch my meaning.
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    15 years ago
    Admit you don't know who the hell she is?
    my favorite is when dancers approach me in a club and think I've had dances with them when I haven't. Dancer #1: "It's been a while since we had a dance." Me: "Yeah, like forever." Dancer #2: "Didn't we have a dance a few weeks ago?" Me: "No, we didn't." Dancer #2: "Well, doesn't that make me an arrogant psycho-bitch!!!"
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Fishnet Stockings
    my ATF wears fishnets a lot. very sexy, but she's sexy in whatever she wears. and she's not a slut... quite conservative in the vip.
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    15 years ago
    Competition between Dancers
    I agree, if I was that small I think I'd keep it covered up.
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    15 years ago
    Competition between Dancers
    I just had to do something to get JudyJudy's sexy pic back on top.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is the dumbest thing you ever had a stripper say to you?
    Stripper: You remember I don't do penetration Me: yes, I remember Stripper: So, are you going straight for the penetration or do you need a fluff girl first?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Competition between Dancers
    First of all, it's easy to fire dancers. They are not employees but need the permission of the management to dance in the club. I have seen the police called on dancers who went ballistic and refused to leave. I'm sure the competition will always be there... after all, it's a pretty primordial thing. Imagine a million years ago... the young hard bodies probably traded sexual favors for the best cuts of meat from the returning male hunters. There was certainly a pecking order among the men as well as the women, but I'm guessing any man who came back with enough game to share ended up with a happy Mr. happy! Have things changed at all? I'm sure the constant turn-over of dancers fuels the competition. The newbies who don't know which customers belong to whom probably step in it all the time. But an earlier writer was right, the girls who feel cheated should be mad at their customers, not the girls who wooed them away. It really can get cutthroat. I was in Bogarts in Inkster Mi when a bunch of dancers ganged up on a new girl. Three beat her up in the dressing room while several others barred the door to keep the bouncer from getting in to break it up. If you know Bogarts you'll know the atmosphere is extremely competitive. I visit a number of clubs, and tend to have a regular dancer in each one. When you first start visiting, it's okay to "play the field", but after having a few dances from one girl they tend to get possessive and territorial. The other girls do get to know you, and if you have a dance or two with someone who is not your regular it will get back to her 100% of the time. The waitresses will let her know, even if the other dancers don't. At that point, it comes down to kindness and respect. Okay, my theory is that most men visit strip clubs because they love the attention of a beautiful young woman trying to please them (as well as actually getting them off). The want to feel "special". The woman are there to make money, but of course their egos get involved also. Who wouldn't enjoy the ego strokes of knowing a man is coming in just to see you, because he thinks you're the most beautiful or the most sexy or because you're the best at getting him off? So, if you think that way about a customer, and all of a sudden you hear he's been getting dances with some hardbody who's five years younger than you, there's a good chance it's going to hurt. A lot of guys complain on this site that no dancers approach them. Assuming you don't look or smell like a slob or a psycho or a cop, it might just be because they think you're someone else's regular. I like to visit a day-shift dancer at one club, and I would never get a dance with anyone else there, because I know it would hurt her and embarrass her on her own turf. When she leaves at 7PM, I leave too. If I stayed and had any contact with anyone else, she would find out about it. So, at 7 I would go to another nearby club. I know she didn't really like that either, but hey, we're not married! Plus, at least it isn't her turf. Now it gets complicated, however. There's another dancer who works at both clubs. So, I have to worry about anything I do at the second club getting back to the first. Anyway, I'm not going to go "monogamous" with a dancer, but I do want to respect her in her own club. I don't think the dancers can reasonably expect anything more, and after all, how many guys do they take to the VIP? It's not like they're being monogamous with me! If you reach "favorite customer" status with a dancer, however, it can get complicated. Since I have a regular in each bar, I sometimes end up sitting alone if she's not working that night. If a dancer approaches me, I'll say "I'm sorry, but I'm waiting for someone" just to be polite. Sometimes they demand to know who, like they think the problem is that I'm too cheap or think they're ugly, rather than that I'm just being "loyal". Very non-classy. If my regular is there but I'm waiting for her, I'll say "I'm sorry, but I'm waiting for so and so". Sometimes then I get psychological games and put-downs. "Oh, you must like big fake boobs." "Oh, you must not like the cute girls." "What does she have that I don't have?" "It's probably better that way, because she gets to keep more of the money, and I'm not going to even begin trying to explain why" (like my decision about who to visit the VIP with would have anything to do with the percentage that the management was going to get). And my absolute favorite: "Two for $30?" (no thank you) "1 for $15?" (no thank you) "1 for $10?" (no thank you) "$5?" (no, I'm sorry) "What are you, a f***ing homosexual???" The thing that really amuses me is that these girls think they're actually going to get money out of you by saying these things, when in fact the exact opposite is true. A few weeks ago I told a girl I was waiting for so-and-so, and she said "Yeah, she's really hot." I almost fell out of my chair. It really made me curious and interested in her. It certainly made me respect her. Say I was visiting a new club. If a girl approached me and I told her I'm sorry, you're not my type, if she responded by looking around the room and saying "Who is your type? Is there anyone you'd like me to introduce you to?" I would probably fall out of my chair again. At that point, she would have shown she was more interested in making sure I had a good time than in just separating me from my money. That would make her much more attractive to me, and I might just decide she was my "type" after all. At the very least I would respect her a lot. Oh well, enough babbling.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "Everything I need to know, I learned in a Strip Club"
    Thanks for all the responses. Good reading.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    the weekend is almost here and you know what that means
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    15 years ago
    judy judy, appreciate your outrage over DNGV, but honestly, your energies are better spent elsewhere, *wink wink*. He doesn't deserve your attention. Don't give him the satisfaction of knowing he "got to you", that's all he's interested in.