Comments by stripclubspy (page 7)

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    15 years ago
    Shadowcat, how come your cat is giving me the finger??? I definitely am seriously addicted. Being married, that is a bit of a problem. For a while, I was pretty broke, and I didn't like visiting a club while my wife was in town... hard to disguise since I don't smoke, and I'd come home stinking like a tobacco factory. That was working pretty well, limiting my spending and time in clubs. Then when she went out of town on business, I would spend what I could. Now, I'm getting restless since she's traveling less. Today I went to Bogarts and saw a fav there... it was wonderful. Hope this doesn't lead to a slippery slope.
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    15 years ago
    Exotic Dancer Gets Probation in Stiletto Heel Attack on Co-Worker
    One of my favs got banned for a few months for fighting recently. She's spunky and passionate... i like that.
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    15 years ago
    The horror...the horror!
    Hmmm... - a couple of cop cars are in the parking lot of a club as I drive in. What the hell, I'm not doing anything illegal, so I walk in anyway. As I pass one of the cars, the cop rolls down the window and says "good evening" and waves. - sitting at the bar, a dancer comes up and before i know what's happening she rams her tongue down my throat and grabs my crotch at the same time. almost fell off the bar stool. - used condoms in the urinals - short, overweight dancer with cellulite thighs walks up to me at the bar and throws her leg over mine and mounts my leg. - three dancers beat up a newbie in the dressing room while a couple others block the door, keeping the bouncer out. - black dancer asks me for a ride home, because she doesn't have enough cash to pay for a lift. She seems like a nice girl in a hard spot so I say yes against my better judgment. "that's my house, with the guy in the front yard." "the guy" is a huge black guy, and man does he look mean! Is it a setup??? I deliberately overshoot the driveway and she gets out no problem. Funny thing is the next day, I see her again, and again she asks for a ride home. I tell her sure, but advise her against asking for rides home from strangers. She says "yeah, last night when you were driving me I was thinking over and over, lord, just let me see my daughter again!!!"
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    15 years ago
    Do you occasionally encounter a dancer biting you on your neck?
    I had a relatively clueless dancer bite my ear once... left an "ear hickey". She also had the worst DFK technique I've ever experienced... kind of stuck her tongue into my mouth and left it there, like a piece of meat, like she was trying to block mine from entering her mouth. She was pretty experienced, really made me wonder.
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    15 years ago
    Have we done stripper names lately?
    How about "4 on the floor"?
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    15 years ago
    Do you have any routine strip club lies?
    Ah, Superdude, you have such a cynical attitude. I have an atf who not only remembers my various family relationships but the political leanings of each person. She also remembers the last time I was in, even if it's been months.
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    15 years ago
    How old is the oldest dancer you have ever had?
    Mid-forties, easily. I like older dancers for one good reason... if they are still fit, it has to be because they work very hard at it and take good care of themselves. Regular workouts, vitamins, age-fighting lotions, eating right, etc. I don't believe a woman can be a burned-out druggie at 45 and still look good.
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    15 years ago
    Have we done stripper names lately?
    "Pleasure" is a great name; on the creepy side, "Miley".
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    15 years ago
    Buying Drinks BS
    If I am enjoying the girl's company I will offer to buy her a drink when the waitress does show up. I had an atf tell me once just to say "no", however, because if I offered to buy her a drink in front of the waitress she would get in trouble if she said no, even if she didn't want one. Personally, I think the best strategy is to say "no, thank you", and then slip the dancer a $5 or $10 tip and say "I'd rather give this to you than the house". Always warms her up.
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    15 years ago
    How perverted are you?
    I think about this quite a bit. I don't think paying for sexual favors from beautiful young women is perverted... as long as they are in agreement. What does qualify as "perversion"?: (1) Forcing someone to have sex against their will; (2) NOT keeping your hands to yourself after being told what is off limits; (3) Deliberately trying to hurt or humiliate the girl. Basically, as long as the girl is in agreement I think it's okay. That doesn't mean it doesn't qualify as adultery if you're married or "cheating" if you have a gf; but not perversion.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer feels old at 24
    One of our wise men here said that as he gets older, he's happy that he appreciates women of a wider age range then he did when he was younger. I couldn't agree more. When they look too young, however, it can bother me. At Bogarts last winter I saw a dancer who was maybe 5' tall max, cute as a button, and looked 15. It was her first night dancing. I was waiting for a fav, so didn't avail myself of the opportunity, but I did give her a little shoulder massage to help her relax. Told me she was 21, and I believed her, but she sure didn't look it. What cemented the creepy part was her stage name... Miley, as in Miley Cyrus, as in Hanna Montana. I thought holy crap, when strippers are using "Miley" as a stage name I am getting way too old. I think others thought the same thing because she changed it later. Anyway, she said she was in school pre-dental, and a friend had told her this was a good place to make money and brought her in... ironically, her friend was about 6' without heels. Anyway, a few months later I was in and saw her again. The change almost appalled me. I saw her leading a man across the floor to the VIP, with a look of triumph on her face and a swagger in her step. Nothing wrong with confidence, but to me it spoke of corruption... the loss of innocence. I was afraid the formally sweet young thing had succumbed to the allures of the quick buck and sexual power of stripping. When I got a chance to talk to her, I asked if she was still in school, she said yes, and I said "Stay there! Don't get sucked in here long term!" She agreed that wasn't a good idea. I guess time will tell.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer feels old at 24
    Actually, I remember reading somewhere that women reach their sexual peak around age 30... men at 18, sad to say.
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    15 years ago
    Do you have any routine strip club lies?
    "U.S.D.A. Boob Inspector"
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you have any routine strip club lies?
    "Hollywood talent scout" always works well... lol. just kidding.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer feels old at 24
    JJ, i'm afraid you're a bit optimistic. Most of the guys on here are older, and appreciate older women. A lot of the guys in clubs do not. I've had older dancers complain to me that the young guys taunt them and make fun of them. Sad to say, but at some point management will show all "older" dancers the door.
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    15 years ago
    Items Lost in a Strip Club
    Lost my dancer in the VIP once. Was having a nice dance, when the girl next to us started to have an ahsma (sorry abut the spelling) attack. My girl runs back to the dressing room to look for medicine in her locker. Bouncer comes over to see if she's okay, and notices me just sitting there looking dumb with no babe on my lap. Says "did u lose something"?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Told a dancer that I was feeling sick because I had just spent the day treating my deck (and breathing the fumes). She told me her deck needed it too, and would I do it some weekend when my Mrs was out of town. It was out of the question for several reasons, so I never did ask what was on the table.
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    15 years ago
    Halloween parties
    Two stories from a Halloween party: (1) stripper is wearing a butterfly costume, very nice but the huge wings make it difficult for her to walk among the tables without bopping people or spilling drinks; (2) customer wears a really real looking cop uniform, kind of puts a damper on things!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    The difference between a stripper and a dancer
    I think it's interesting that "StripperWeb" uses the word stripper. Guess they didn't want their site to get confused with the NYC Ballet or something.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shape up or ship out...
    I expect it depends on supply and demand. If there are lots of hotties applying a club is more likely to looks for less attractive ones to cut. It probably also depends on how long they've been working and what kind of relationship they have with the manager. I'm sure the manager knows that in some cases the girls will be out on the street if they can't work. In some of the smaller "family owned" places they might be more soft-hearted. Clubs in Detroit area tend to have steep tip-outs, so girls who can't bring in a lot of cash get squeezed out naturally over time. There was a dancer at Bogarts in her mid or late 40's. Amazing body for her age, but her face was definitely a give away. I heard she's now working at Henry's South, which is a club known for having even higher mileage than Bogart's (which is saying a lot).
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    15 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Life in Detroit
    Thanks for the updates, guys. I live in the Detroit area and have heard rumors about this, so I was glad to have the links to articles.
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    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    The difference between a stripper and a dancer
    I think there are 3 categories of stage "dancing": (1) "Striptease" Striptease is the art of seductive dance where the clothing is removed bit by bit. This is something you almost NEVER see in a strip club anymore. The women that practiced this art really were artists. (2) "Stripping" as practiced in modern strip clubs, this just means taking off your top and possibly bottom at the start of the second song while catching your breath. (3) "Real dancing" I think a stripper can be a real dancer. When I see strippers really working hard, doing highly athletic moves that are in fact physically dangerous, and making me admire their skills (as opposed to just their natural assets) I think "wow, she's really is a dancer." As I've noted in some reviews, there seem to be big local differences in stage dancing. In the Detroit area, where high mileage is normal, a lot of dancers get away with just shuffling around on stage for a while, maybe doing a twirl or two, but looking for the most part like they're waiting at a bus stop on a cold day (minus the clothes, of course). At Scarlett's in Toledo, the quality of stage dancing is pretty impressive. I would go there to watch the dancing (as well as ogling the boobies)!
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    15 years ago
    Weird questions dancers have asked you?
    Her: (on the club floor) you remember I don't do penetration, right? Me: right, I remember Her: well, did you come in here just for penetration, are you going straight for that, or do you need a fluff girl first?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    unban me you coward
    lol... can't wait to read the responses to this one..
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever get a free(?) lap dance?
    Used to visit a fav on "$10 dance Monday" for maybe 10 dances. One day went in on another day, did about 10 dances, she was apologetic about the cost and only charged $120.