
Unplanned encounters with the dancers outside the club

North Iowa
Monday, September 7, 2009 8:48 AM
So I go to the club tonight, which in tonight's case was the Playhouse south of Council Bluffs, Iowa. I get a dance from my ATF and this other dancer who I never had a dance from before tonight, although she has the type of body I adore in a lady. Anyway, after I leave the club, which was at closing time, I go to the IHOP on the way home. I get seated, except this table is next to the rest room, and this particular lady just happens to walk by. Is there anything you can do other than smile? It seems like an awkward situation. It seems like you should go and see the lady, but this is not the club.


  • steve229
    15 years ago
    DandyDan - I'm not much help, can only remember one encounter and it went pretty much like yours. Saw a dancer I knew at a gas station/convenience store once. She had on these tight, white shorts and I recognized the rear view right away. I thought about saying hi, but then noticed that she was with these two huge biker guys. I decided to just pump my gas and leave. I mentioned it to her the next time I saw at the club and she she said I should have come over, her "friends" were cool, etc. Still, better safe than sorry.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    This has happened to me 6 times. All at restaurants. What is really amazing is the fact none of them happened where I live. The rule here is to ALWAYS let her make the first move.Once with 2 dancers at Applebes in Memphis, once at the IHOP in Columbia SC and 4 times at a Waffle House in Columbia that is just down the street from my favorite club. Twice with the same girl. The IHOP experience has turned into a very special relationship with gridget (see her reviews and posts). She was with her now ex husband. As soon as I sat down, she spotted me and waved and smiled. He had his back to me. Every time I looked in her direction, She smiled at me. As they were leaving, she smiled and waved at me again. An hour later, in the club, I tried to tell the story to several girls. They had already heard it from her. The experience with the same girl twice was cool. She came in to get an order to go. As soon as she spotted me, she came right over and sat with me while she waited for her order. She has become one of my top favorites. Matter of fact, I did a 3 some with her and gridget on Aug 19th. Great!!! The others avoided contact.
    15 years ago
    Dan, I don't know whether you could've gotten away with it (ie the crowd in the rest of the place and whether it would've been appropriate), but you could've asked her to hold up for a second while you dug into your wallet for a $1 (a play on the tip walk at some clubs.) Depending on whether or not you thought she was game for some flirting, you could've offered to write your number on it, and see where that went, etc.
  • 59
    15 years ago
    Left a club one time and stopped into a Baja Fresh about a mile away. Placed my order and one of the girls from the club walked in and got in line. As SC says I believe the best approach is to let the girl make the first move. The girl spotted me and we chatted. She was by no means one of the hotter girls in the club but somehow she looked better in civilian clothes. Her order was for takeout, quite a bit of food, I think she had a family. Saw another girl one day in the same general area at a Walgreens or CVS or something. I don't think she spotted me.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    shadowcat, just curious what your reason behind letting the girl make the first move? A lot of girls are shy and like it when the man makes the first move.
  • deogol
    15 years ago
    And a lot of girls want to leave "Fawna" in the strip club and live "Stacy" in the real world. That's why you let them make the first move.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    If they are with another man then I will not make the first move, but if they are alone then I will make the first move. My most recent example of meeting a dancer unplanned OTC was at the columbus health department. We were both in the waiting room alone getting tested for STDs. I finished my testing first and offered to wait on her. We went out that day to "celebrate" us both being negative. I remember several other times if I had not made the first move then I would have not scored pussy.
    15 years ago
    "We went out that day to "celebrate" us both being negative. Wow. Had I been in your shoes I suppose I would've taken her out for some miniature golf, and wondered who would shoot under 60...
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    samsung1 - your last post is a parody, right? CT - wasn't this scene in your sitcom idea?
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    sam, deogol answered your question. No point in making a fool out of yourself.
    15 years ago
    Steve, a visit to the clinic for testing is, but not under the idea of it being an opportunity to pick up a gal. Sam has outdone me there...
  • DickJohnson
    15 years ago
    I was wondering if maybe running into a dancer at the IHOP might be a good time to approach her for extras? I'm not really keen on the protocol, but maybe that is why she is there? I once saw a dancer at a wiccan meeting, i thought it was AA, boy was I wrong. Never approached her for extras tho.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Most recently I went into a Firestone and saw a dancer there with a young boy. I knew the manager and he told me it was her son and she was a regular customer. She had yet to see me. Now, she danced where my ATF did, so I never spent any time with her, but she knew me in that club as did all the dancers. When we made I contact, there was just an exchange of smiles and a nod of the head. Next time I saw her in the club there were some laughs and nothing more.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    In the few times I have had unexpected encounters, I have only approached if it was someone I had a good rapport with in the club. You can tell by eye contact if you should approach, and then you treat her as a normal acquaintance, not a stripper.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Dick J- There's nothing finer than running into a stripper at IHOP, order them up some flapjacks and you're in! Bet the dancer at the wiccan meeting was a real witch. You probably could get extras but it would involve one of those little voodoo dolls and her sucking and fucking the doll and not you.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    In case anybody wonders, you definitely should not make the first move when you see her with someone who could be a parent. Strippers have told me about idiot customers who did stuff like waving and calling them by their stage name right in front of their mom.
  • pop
    15 years ago
    It's fine to say hello but don't mention the strip club until she does.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    I've never seen one of them first in a chance meeting OTC, so I usually just reflect back whatever type of greeting the dancer gives me. If I am not alone, I'd just smile politely and explain away who she is after a quick hello.
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    My rule would be, "what happens in a strip club STAYS in a strip club." If I am with someone I would expect a dancer we ran into to recognize that and not recognize me, lol. I would pay her the same courtesy unless we were both alone and she gave some sign.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Many years ago in Key West I was in a store waling around and a woman walked up to me said. Hi, how did you survive last evening?" I had no idea who she was and told her so. She took off a scarf she had on and wrapped it around my neck and pulled me to her. Then I remembered, a dancer from the evening before. Damn I sure wished I could have gone back that evening but as soon as I left the store, I had to head Northward.
  • TooManyMPH
    15 years ago
    I saw dancer who lives in Charleston at an amusement park with her son in Myrtle Beach. She is a mooch in the club so I walked the opposite direction. In the club she always asks me for a $20 spot if I decline dances. "Hi TooManyMPH, do you have $20 I can borrow?" Yeah right, like I will ever see that again. In the park she chased me like I was her last dollar and bummed some ride tickets for her son!
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    DandyDan, I like your new photo, I had a crush on Ms. Ireland when in college. Dammit, where do I keep those old Sports Illustrated swimsuit editions? Seem to remember one with Kathy riding a bicycle...
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    Steve229- She was one of my first crushes way back when in my high school years. I wish I never tossed out my old swimsuit issues (or any of them for that matter).
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