Shape up or ship out...

avatar for shadowcat
Have you noticed any clubs making a serious attempt to get rid of the porkers? My favorite club started 2 years ago. A lot of dancers got a notice. I personally know 3 that got warnings. One trimmed down, one quit and one got fired.


last comment
avatar for how
15 years ago
Nope, I have not noticed any such trend. But market forces work, even in SC-land. Don't buy dances from dancers who lack appeal, and they will seek more fruitful endeavors elsewhere. Then again, "appeal" varies widely, and thankfully so for all of us...
avatar for magicrat
15 years ago
The mid/high end clubs will get rid of them so they end up at the low-end hole in the wall places. I've seen them there. Shadowcat, I'm assuming the one dancer you're talking about that trimmed down is one we both know well. She is the biggest dancer there, but nowhere close to some I've seen in the dive clubs.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I had a favorite at Kahoot's that got fired for putting on too much weight. When I saw her at her new club, she was even heavier than before and had several tattoos and piercings. No longer a favorite but still has a nice ass for grinding.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
OTC Gal told me that months ago, St. James had shipped off several gals who had gained weight. She was concerned because even though she's skinny, she's got a very shapely (not bony) rear end.
avatar for minnow
15 years ago
Well, sc, some of MY favorite clubs wouldn't hire 'em in the 1st place! Seeing porkers are very rare/non-existant @ Mons Venus, & several CA clubs. At "worst", maybe 5lbs or so OW tops.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
shadowcat - I hope you're referring to dancers. Hate to think the clubs were trying to get rid of some of us patrons!
avatar for txtittyfan
15 years ago
Although the Houston clubs I frequent do not have a lot of porkers, they do have a lot that could stand to lose 15-20 lbs.
avatar for bumrubber
15 years ago
A lot of girls really aren't that fat but have terrible shapes, not SC (or bikini) material IMO.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
The Penthouse Club in Detroit told one of my ex-ATF's that she looked "OK for now," but she had two weeks to lose some butt fat. Tycoons in Detroit purged all dancers over a certain age late summer of 2008.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I wonder if they decide who gets fired based on their looks/appearance or if they actually use BMI to determine who is overweight or obese?
avatar for stripclubspy
15 years ago
I expect it depends on supply and demand. If there are lots of hotties applying a club is more likely to looks for less attractive ones to cut.

It probably also depends on how long they've been working and what kind of relationship they have with the manager. I'm sure the manager knows that in some cases the girls will be out on the street if they can't work. In some of the smaller "family owned" places they might be more soft-hearted.

Clubs in Detroit area tend to have steep tip-outs, so girls who can't bring in a lot of cash get squeezed out naturally over time.

There was a dancer at Bogarts in her mid or late 40's. Amazing body for her age, but her face was definitely a give away. I heard she's now working at Henry's South, which is a club known for having even higher mileage than Bogart's (which is saying a lot).
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
The clubs I go to tend to run the gamut from one club with a strict practice of hiring only the finest looking women (Bare Elegance) to a club that prides itself on it's thick dancers (Rio), to my fave dive that will hire anyone that can walk thru the door while upright(Wild Goose).

Thank goodness for variety, where most everyone will find something they like.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

Tell me, are you a "Bare Elegance". a "Rio", or a "Wild Goose"? :)
avatar for chandler
15 years ago
The clubs I like best around Michigan don't hire fatties, but some strippers put on weight after getting hired. Sometimes, there will be purges, but managers aren't very consistent about enforcement.

It's been hard for me to get used to all the fatties in clubs in the Carolinas. At every club I've been to down there, about one girl in three wouldn't be allowed near a stage in some Detroit clubs.
avatar for DandyDan
15 years ago
I know my #3 club has a policy where they have to audition in front of the owner before they can grace the stage during open hours, and that would seem to eliminate the fatties, but they still have a couple who are probably too fat, although they aren't anywhere close to obese. I suspect they were hired when they were low on dancers and they were forced to take them on because they needed any new dancer they could get. One of them is something of a favorite and has told me if she were trying to get on now, she wouldn't make it because of her weight. As for other places, I believe it is all the free market, although my #2 club never has anyone with any serious weight issues, probably because the ones who have them get weeded out quickly.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
Coincidentally when police busted my local jack joint they arrested 4 porkers and 2 girls over the age of 45. Maybe the club didn't fire them but police took care of the firings for the club.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I think the fat girls provide better extras!
avatar for jablake
15 years ago

Fat girls are in demand. Better personalities usually and more sensual. I strongly prefer the spinner.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
Fat girls usually end up at the lower class clubs here. In Pasco County, the clubs ranked(IMHO) from best to worst are Bare Assets, Brass Flamingo, Emperor's, Calendar Girls, Foxy's, Lollipop's, and The Player's Club. Bare Assets has lots of ex-Mons and 2001 dancers.

The Player's Club is filled with ugly and overweight girls, but extras are plentiful. Not so much at Bare Assets.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
Steve, yes. I was not talking about customers but I do think that the girls would prefer to perform for a guy that is fit. I remember once seeing a guy so fat that he needed crutches to walk. I saw him getting a private dance. It was mostly air.Later, I asked the dancer if his dick was as big as the rest of him. She replied "I dunno. I couldn't find it".
avatar for magicrat
15 years ago
I know this is somewhat off topic, but Shadowcat's post reminded me. Last time I was in PP Columbia, I looked over at the vip room as I was leaving the restroom, and saw a walker in there. I didn't see the guy come in, but hey, more power to him. We all may be there some day. Hopefully not fat where the dancer can't find our dick though!
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
I dont really want a grind or lap dance from any stripper weighing 300 pounds!
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
Watch out for those heavy ones. If they sit on Mr Happy he could get hurt!

They also need to get rid of the old hasbeen ROB;s.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
Actually they should get rid of all dancers that I do not personally like. Of course we might all feel that way, but it will never happen. That said, just rid us of the fuglies. We can weed out the rest.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Night shift dancer told me that management had met with a number of dancers recently and told them they had two weeks to get "fit" or they would be banished to day shift.

If that like being sent down to the minors in baseball?
avatar for chandler
15 years ago
At some clubs, it's more like moving on to the Senior Tour in golf.
avatar for AbbieNormal
15 years ago
I just started clubbing again recently. My first reaction to my old regular club was that they had finally done a good job of making sure all the girls, even the day girls, at least had good bodies (one exception on one dayshift). As for banished to the dayshift, that had long been one of my pet peeves at another of my regular clubs (now gone, burned to the ground). As mentioned the dayshift was the dumping ground, which had the effect not of getting the dancers to shape up and make some money, but of totally killing the dayshift.
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