
Comments by 4oureyes (page 3)

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    10 years ago
    Cash and Carry
    $300 in 20s in one front pocket for dances, $20ish in ones in the other pocket for stage tipping. There's usually some money in my wallet for incidentals -- cover, drinks etc. I usually don't spend more than the minimum for that.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Found Money
    It goes the other way as well. A year or so ago I lost my wallet in a strip club. I realized it was gone when I got back to the hotel, so I went back looking for it. No luck. I had to do some fast talking to get the hotel to give me another key for the room, since I didn't have any ID. (I always keep those key cards in my wallet.) The next day I called and they told me another customer had found it and turned it in. Not only were my cards and ID there, but all the cash was as well.
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    10 years ago
    Soft hands
    I get the soft hands comment all the time. My hands spend most of their time on a keyboard, so they're frequently softer than the dancer's are, which is one of the reasons why given a choice between "manual" extras and no extras I'll go with none.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: RIP Pete Seeger
    You're suggesting that Pete Seeger and Peter Yarrow are the same guy? I don't think so. On the other hand, PPM did sing some Pete Seeger songs, and traveled in the same circles.
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    11 years ago
    @rockstar You don't think there's anything on a check that would violate your privacy? I mean, other than your name and address and, well, your checking account number? Once upon a time I had my driver's license number there too, until I realized the dangers of that. These days I even shred junk mail because it's got my name and address on it. Yes, it would be illegal to change an amount on a check. But since everyone who works at a strip club is a fine, upstanding citizen, I guess we should just put that out of our minds.
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    11 years ago
    Stage show
    She'd get a dance from me for sure, and depending on how that went, probably more. The only thing holding me back would be the lack of a smile, but she was probably concentrating. Not a big fan of the tattoo, but I've had great dances from girls more tatted than that, so I'd overlook it. But she's got exactly the kind of body I like, and I've had great dances from ladies with that kind of flexibility and control.
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Self-Righteous Question
    I lost a wallet in a strip club a couple of years ago. I went right back in and the manager and the girl I'd been with helped me look. No luck. Took considerable talking to get the hotel to let me back into my hotel room, since the hotel keycard was in the wallet. I hadn't noticed it falling out of my pocket during the visit itself since it's my practice to pay for dances and tips from cash I set aside in a different pocket. The next day I went back and the manager had it waiting for me. A customer had turned it in. All intact, money and cards. The credit cards had already been canceled by that time, but I did get them back.
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Planner or Seat of the Pants ?
    There are strip clubs in my town, but they're pretty low mileage (and too much chance of running into a student.) The nearest strip club of any quality is just a bit over 100 miles away. So yeah, got to plan it in advance.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much time do you need?
    I've been fortunate that all the places I've been there's either no room fee or just a one time fee. The most I've ever paid for a one time fee was $20 (and it was good for the rest of the night), and the places that used to charge fees like that have mostly dropped them. They now mandate a different per-song rate (or per-unit of time) in the more private rooms.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I just have to Rant!
    Too many strippers have rough hands. A girl in a COI club was surprised when I asked her to stop, but 100 grit sandpaper would have been more comfortable. Nothing beyond a handjob was on the table. Given that choice, I'd rather spend the dance using my hands on her and keep my pants buttoned up. I tend to agree with #10 -- most handjob attempts in strip clubs are just painful. I don't go looking for extras, but will take advantage if they're offered. Except for handjobs.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I should have known this
    I had a dancer at a high mileage club (COI) get upset when my hands moved from the boobs to the navel. No problem as long as my hands stayed on the boobs. Very pretty girl but she didn't ask if I wanted another dance, and I didn't ask for one. The next girl was a lot more fun.
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    11 years ago
    Honk Kong Club
    What is this "change" of which you speak? I wouldn't expect that to be an issue.
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    12 years ago
    When to go to clubs - day, evening, or weekend and what do you look for in terms
    I'd love to be a weekday guy, but work says no. I've had some decent experiences the few times I've been able to get the time off. Mostly I club out of town, which means when I'm traveling for some other reason. That means it's usually in the evenings and on weekends or holidays. The few times I've gotten a chance to see the day crew I've had decent luck finding younger girls, which is my preference. I like 'em slim, with smaller boobs -- fake boobs are a big turnoff, and if I make a mistake and find my hands filled with silicone, I politely thank them and move on after just a dance or two. The better looking girls are usually there in the evenings, but the mileage tends to be lower.
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    15 years ago
    Girls, Girls, Girls and other uptime songs
    I don't know how big a hit this was, and it's been a few years, but Bob Seger's "Down on Main Street" had a strip club subject.
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    15 years ago
    Breast Enhancement
    Personally, I think a B cup is the ideal size, anyway, disregarding the question of real or fake. That's just a preference, I'll cheerfully enjoy any size if it's natural, but I hate fake boobs. To look at under clothes, fake boobs are OK, but most I've seen nude just look wrong, and they always *feel* wrong. I once had a girl that had B cups so I thought everything would be OK (who gets B cups put in?) but once I got my hands on them I discovered that they were hard as rocks. She was a nice enough girl, so I didn't say anything, but I was quite disappointed.
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    15 years ago
    Just Asking
    1) My preference is for nude, but steve is right that topless places seem to attract more of the type of girl I want to see. 2) Both 3) Cute costumes are fine. I've seen both topless and nude, but that was in the old days (in LA anyway) when the dancers *were* the waitresses. No lap dances in those days. 4) I really could do without the booze. All else being equal I prefer a juice bar. 5) Food's ok, I'm just not sure I trust it, or want to pay the overhead of them providing it. Is it ever self supporting?
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    In the wind
    When Porn Stars Come to Your Club. Good Deal or No Deal?
    It's been years since I've even seen a feature dancer advertised. Maybe I just don't go to clubs that 'feature' features.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    My Perfect Night and My Perfect 10 - Part 2
    Aside from my preference for redheads (especially with lots of freckles), your definition of a perfect 10 matches mine exactly.
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    13 years ago
    Clubs that Get It and Clubs that Don't
    rl27 -- I'm not quite sure of your math. My calculator says that an hour's worth of 3 1/2 minute songs at $25 each adds up to $425. That's roughly 17 songs -- I suppose that if there's enough gap between songs it might only be 16, but that's still a lot of $25 songs. It comes out to $510 for $30 songs.