Honk Kong Club

avatar for TcVegas
Hi, going to Hong Kong tonight. For any of you that have been there, is it better to exchange money and use pesos, or do they do everything in dollars? The reviews seem to mention dollars, just double checking.


last comment
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
They work in dollars
avatar for TcVegas
12 years ago
Thanks. I've been to places where they take dollars, then give you change in pesos at a horrible exchange rate. Wanted to avoid that.
avatar for 4oureyes
12 years ago
What is this "change" of which you speak?

I wouldn't expect that to be an issue.
Is every body going to.do a thread on honk Kong ?
Maybe we should have a TUSCL meet in TJ :)
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Vegas, bring Greenbacks. TJ, is a border town and US currency is the go to deal. Papi, I'm all in for TJ.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Do they frown upon pesos though?
Just booked my trip to TJ in August. With the exchange rate now dollars are better than pesos. The smart guys exchange dollars for peso's for around a 20% savings (800 pesos or $80 for a Hong Kong girl), (600 pesos or $60 for a Adelitas girl).

Exchange rate is almost 13 pesos to the $1.

I personally have never done the exchange to pesos. I am ugly and dumb.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
12 years ago
"Maybe we should have a TUSCL meet in TJ :)"

Second that! TJ is quickly rising to the top of my bucket list.
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
I think TJ is paradise personally, but it is also not for everyone. Knowing Spanish is the key to unlocking most of the fun down there.

I actually paid lots of girls in pesos during my last trip, and found that:

1) It seems to make you look more experienced to use pesos, especially coupled with a working knowledge of Spanish to talk to them. They will typically respect you more.

2) Sometimes you end up getting a better deal when you negotiate in pesos too.

I also had no problem using the ATM in Hong Kong to dispense pesos, although it does have a relatively high fee it's not the worst thing in the world.

For a first time visitor though, probably easier to deal in dollars, and nobody in that area is going to mind being paid in dollars either.
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