
Soft hands

Tuesday, March 11, 2014 7:52 PM
So I'm in the naughty corner with my CF and as I'm groping, er, I mean, gently caressing her skin, she exclaims, "your hands are so soft, I love it!" I get this all the time from dancers, lol. I guess it's a good thing, maybe I get a little more leeway with where my hands roam. So who else is a member of the soft hand brigade?


  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Never, but one girl told me I had a nice touch.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Clubber raises his. I've heard that many times.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I've heard that about my hands but never about my dick. :)
  • bxbomber51
    10 years ago
    I've gotten that too. I guess compared to the dirty old men and sleezy vagrants that frequent the club I might be a welcomed sight midweek.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    I got that one too
  • MrDeuce
    10 years ago
    I get it all the time. Some strippers probably like the calloused hands of a manual laborer ("not that there's anything wrong with that") but others genuinely prefer my soft touch. I take it as a compliment and continue to grope :)
  • rh48hr
    10 years ago
    Yes that and soft lips. :-)
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    Yep I get the same thing because I'm in sales and don't work for a living just collect a paycheck LOL !
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    I do. And then I have a standard joke that I make about it. I ask the dancer, "Do you want to know how I keep them soft?" She always says, "Yes." Then I point to the stage and say, "I don't do pole tricks." It's among my repertoire of strip club jokes when I first meet a dancer and gets a laugh every time.
  • sflguy123
    10 years ago
    Shit I thought I was the only one with the soft hands comments! :( But half the strippers I've met have rougher hands than me, especially the AA ones.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Nothing fucking soft about me.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I file my callouses down on a weekly basis.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Around the lake tonight.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    I get that all the time, which is funny because in my job, they don't get soft there. Just more SS.
  • ReadyPayerOne
    10 years ago
    Yep, I've heard that one a few times.
  • grand1511
    10 years ago
    With all these positive responses.....might just be SS.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    I've heard that and felt it was a variant of "Oh, you've got such a big dick.", because most can't get that line out with a straight face. In fact the last time I was complimented on my "throbbing manhood", we both ended up laughing.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Girls like when I scratch their back with my calloused finger tips...
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Could be SS, but my manicurist says the same thing :)
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Oh, you've got such a big dick." Sadly, never gotten that :(
  • canny
    10 years ago
    I work at a deck job, so I have soft hands and I get that comment frequently.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Add one more to the soft hands brigade. Just about every dancer has commented on them and asked for a back rub.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    As a desk jockey I get this all the time.
  • gatorfan
    10 years ago
    Use Aveeno it improves masturbation too
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I guess that Farmer Art and I are the few with sandpaper hands. This cutie pie said my hands felt like 30 Grit. She's a funny honey, that one.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I get that too – and like “sflguy”; the AA dancers mention it more often b/c often times their hands are rougher than mine. I also get this comment from the civvi girls. Growing up I kinda didn’t like hearing this b/c I felt soft hands were not masculine.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Canny ,that was "Deck job"with an "E" right?
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "This cutie pie said my hands felt like 30 Grit." A stripper that knows her sandpaper grits - impressive!
  • calvinrex
    10 years ago
    This cutie pie said my hands felt like 30 Grit." A stripper that knows her sandpaper grits - impressive So she's fucking the tile guy and the carpenter?
  • 4oureyes
    10 years ago
    I get the soft hands comment all the time. My hands spend most of their time on a keyboard, so they're frequently softer than the dancer's are, which is one of the reasons why given a choice between "manual" extras and no extras I'll go with none.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    @calvinrex - lol
  • berge1
    10 years ago
    I am known for my soft touch, as well as being a great kisser! I also give great back-rubs which are much loved by the dancers.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    And your dad is proud of you!
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    ^ these chicks clapping – and they ain’t using hands
  • mjx01
    10 years ago
    xATF once told be I have soft hands... but it wasn't a compliment
  • 59
    10 years ago
    I get the soft hands comment fairly often. In most cases my hands are softer than the girl's.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I went down to Bath & Body Works and got these gloves. You lotion your hands up, put on the gloves, and go to sleep. It's been a week and my hands are getting soft n smooth. Y'all muthafuckas better watch out.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Well Slick if you intended to rub your hands on me, I'm glad you're in California.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Damn it, Shadow. Foiled again.
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    I've been complimented often for my soft hands.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    @slick - gloves are very important in maintaining your standing in the soft hands brigade. Of course, if you're doing any kind of physical labor, yard work, etc. you should wear a pair of good work gloves. Best option is to hire a couple guys from outside the local 7-11 and avoid the risk altogether. Once it starts to get nippy out, I always wear gloves outside, and make sure to keep a spare set handy. Once I asked my SB to get something out of the glove compartment of my car. "Hey, you've got gloves in here" she exclaimed. She said I was the only person she knew who actually had gloves in their glove compartment, lol
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    I have been doing corporate weenie work for almost 3 months so my hands have probably softened up. I'm soon back to the exploration camp for the helter-skelter spring break up chaos - lots of opportunities for callouses to roughen up and for skin to become diesel begrimed once again. Also no chance of any SC visit for me.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    I'm an office pogue too, so I get the soft hands compliment moderately often as well.
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