Cash and Carry

avatar for steve229
"Everyone" knows you should only use cash in the club, right? Looking to club tonite, so checking my cash reserves. At a minimum I like to carry:

$20 in $1's for stage tips* (jacket pocket)
$50 in $5's/$10's for drinks, food, incidentals (wallet)
$200** in $20's for dances (money clip, front pants pocket)

*if I'm light, I'll ask the waitress to cash a $20 when I order a drink
**I'll bring some big bills if I'm planning a VIP, but not an option at club I'm going to

So what do you carry? (Can't wait to see Art's response, lol)


last comment
avatar for Dancinggal
11 years ago
I carry whatever I make that night. ;) 100's (clutch purse) 50's (clutch purse) 20's (clutch purse) 10's (clutch purse) 5's and 1's (clutch purse).
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
Since I'm on the board at the same time as you, steve, I am happy to oblige you.

In USA clubs, mostly Benjies for me. All your money is the same freakin' colour and very confusing in dimly lit SCs for elderly foreign hillbillies like me. Benjies in one pocket; all the other riff-raff accumulated in change in a different pocket. I hate all those ratty Washingtons that circulate in your country.

In Canadian clubs all money in the same pocket. Our bills (like all real money everywhere else in the world) are different colours so no chance of confusion. Browns (100s) and greens (20s) are what I normally use in Canadian clubs.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
I don't make a production out of it. I usually don't stay long so a $100 is about my norm. If I end up needing more, there is an ATM. No need to go into the cost of using an ATM,when that fee ($5 or less) is not a big deal in the SC scene.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

We southerners just don't tell you northerners about the braille on our notes. :)
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago

As if you read Braille. I surely don't.

Also Braille bumps on all Canadian bills.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
Dancinggal - if you ever need someone to watch that clutch purse for you, clubber & I are available
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I bring plenty. How much is plenty? Just enough.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
I carry around $550 into the club.

$400 in 50's for "lap dances"
$100 in 20's for drinks
$35 in 5's for misc expenses like valet parking
$15 in 1's for stage tips

If I can't get to the bank for the all these denominations, I take cash out of an ATM in 20's and get some smaller bills from a waitress. It would be nice to be able to specify the denominations you want from an ATM, which would be more feasible with different sized bills. Why can't we be sophisticated like the Europeans and ... Canadians?
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
I like to stage tip so 100 $1's in my right pants pocket
I like to drink so 50 $2's in my right back pants pocket
I like to eat so 50 $5's in my left back pants pocket
I like to get table dances so 100 $5's in my left pants pocket
I like to get VIP so 100 $20 under my ball cap
I like to get CR so 100 $50 in my right shoe
I like to get blow jobs so 1 $50 in my left shoe
I like to get full sex so 1 $100 under my ball sack
And in my mane purse I like to carry $578.94 in random coins just in case a arcade is near by
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
Jack just go to the local grocery store and cash back $550 you can get it how you want their...thats how i do it
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
Rarely do I get specific bill types ahead of time- like a certain amount of twenties or a certain amount of one dollar bills. Normally, I just go to the ATM and take out $100 to $140 bucks. ATM's in America spit out twenties, so that's usually what I have in my wallet.

That said, the last time I clubbed I went to the bank ahead of time and got a bunch of ten dollar bills and some one dollar bills. The reason I did is because this club has $10 dances and it's just a lot easier to hand a dancer a ten dollar bill, rather than having to fumble through my money and count it out.

But yeah, usually I don't take the time to get specific bills, I just take out between $120 to $140 from the ATM
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
BigTuna, wouldn't it be more convenient to carry $50 under your ball sack?
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
I normally have to take my pennies, knickles, dimes, and quarters to coin star and cash out....I normally get $84 back in bills
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
The cash machine I use only gives me 20's, so I use them for my first few drinks to get lower denomination bills. I hope someday I'll need 50's and 100's but I don't have that kind of budget!
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
I like cash so I keep between 500 - 1000 in my wallet anyway and it is always enough.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
•40 or 60 one dollar bills (for stage tipping)
•7 twenty dollar bills (for dances and drinks)

overall around 200 bucks
avatar for ReadyPayerOne
11 years ago
My visits tend to fall into three categories:

1) stopping by a club after work for about an hour to have a few drinks and sample new dancers - $200 in 20s should be enough for 2-3 drinks and a half dozen lap dances.

2) visiting a club to see a fave - $400 in 20s and 50s will cover 2-3 drinks and 12-15 lap dances. That's a 60-90 minute visit usually.

3) my clubbing out of town is when I bring a bit more money and stay for hours. Probably $500-1000 for the night. $200 in 1s, maybe $300 in 50s, and the rest in $20s.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Tuna-Hahahahaha. What you need is a day laborer to carry all of your cash. Maybe you can hire James.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Tuna you crazyass...your funny as hell
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
@tuna - clever, carrying your life savings with you, just in case, lol
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"I carry $50 in singles all I do is drink and stage tip"

NOT according to some of your past comments.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
No point in going to a club if I don't take enough to buy a VIP trip. I always take more than I need and I always take a condom. You just never know what might happen. I do take some ones for tipping, a few 5's & 10's but mostly I take 20's and nothing larger.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Y'all don't get it for free?

C'mon boys....step up your game.
avatar for 4oureyes
11 years ago
$300 in 20s in one front pocket for dances, $20ish in ones in the other pocket for stage tipping. There's usually some money in my wallet for incidentals -- cover, drinks etc. I usually don't spend more than the minimum for that.
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
Lol mo head
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
100s ans 20s in one pocket, with 20's on the outside of the folded bills and any Benjies on the inside, and smaller bills in the other pocket. And no 50s ever as they are too easy to confuse with 20s in the dark.

This system makes it easy for me to: (1) tip/pay with smaller bills quickly without accidentally dropping or pulling out larger ones; (2) keep my 20s easily accessible with a quick dip into the pocket; and (3) ensure that my Benjamins only come out if I am serious about it. ;)
avatar for jack0505
11 years ago
I'm a fan of Mr. Franklin. Can always take a large denomination and break it down.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
I generally carry at least a couple hundred into a club, mostly in twenties, sometimes in hundreds. My first drink gets me ones for tipping, and if there are good prospects, I still have enough to get some quality time as well.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I generally do not carry too much cash on me – I tend to often be thinking about a lot of things at once and tend to get distracted and this has led to me losing my $$$ on certain occasions.

I also do not plan my SC visits for the most part – often go on a spur of the moment.

b/c of the 2 things above; I hardly ever have cash on me set aside and will usually hit my bank’s ATM prior to hitting the club (my Bank is Wells Fargo which bought out Wachovia and they have ATMs all over the place including 2 within 5 minutes of my home).

I also do not like large denominations ($50s or $100s) – they can be easily confused if one is not paying attention – I don’t like getting them so I don’t like to give them to someone else. I recall one night of clubbing where I got larger denominations (instead of $20s) and did not notice – it was late and I was tired and I inadvertently paid w/ $50s instead of $20s and did not realize it until after 1 or 2 dancers.

The clubs in my area have $5; $10; and $25; dances – so sometimes I’ll hoard away $5s and $10s as I get them so I’ll have them for the club - nowadays I usually hit the club with $300 – and sometimes $400 or $500 if I’m really in the mood and I think I will be hitting multiple clubs (which I do from time to time).
avatar for Cheo_D
11 years ago
But really, how do you feel?

BTW it is a minor annoyance that bank ATMs tend to mostly work in multiples of 20 and the clubs keep doing all sorts of charges that are not. But you can always break the 20s with the waitress or at the bar (or even at a proper chashier's cage).

I do try to have on me 20 in singles and 30 in fives at the start of the evening to facilitate tipping right away. Additional funds in 20s and 100s depend on plans for the evening.
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
$20 in singles tips
$50 in fives dances
$100 in hundred for extras
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