What's the craziest thing you heard about a dancer doing?

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avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
one girl told me she went 150mph on her motorcycle.

Another girl knew where all the hidden cameras were at and might suck your dick without even asking for any tip. She was a real sex maniac.

One dancer was good at picking pockets and would work guy's wallets loose during the lap dance she gave. She would wait for the guy to leave and then take the money out.

Another girl would put matchsticks on her nipples and light her nipples up while dancing on stage.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
I saw a dancer at Jason's in Windsor, Ontario (now male nude club) place a lighted cigarette in her vj and puff it by squeezing.
avatar for DandyDan
14 years ago
I've seen a couple dancers who did lit matchsticks on their nipples while stage dancing. I was told once there was a dancer who had a fire-breathing show.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
1980-there was a now long gone place called the Showboat in Downtown San Diego. The girls who worked there were porn stars between movies.

I was 19, she was 19, and man she was cute. When it was her turn on stage, she took an empty champagne bottle with her. She proceeded to make love to that bottle. First it was oral, then the bottle had sex with her tits, and for the finale, she lowered herself onto the bottle.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Aside from my usual story of the dancer with the puppet....there was a girl that did an ice cream dance on stage. Very messy though she was on a tarp. She put a scoop or two down the front of her panties then sold "tastes" to the customers. The boss had us escort her out when it was over though I never really heard why! (Maybe some kind of health code violation?)
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
One told me about driving a car while on acid.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
Actually, all the craziest stripper stories go back to that same girl. She was rather "fearless". Did Scuba and swim up to sharks...
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
Sky diving!
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
A girl in a local club has a mixture of some kind that she spreads on stage and lights on fire. She's been known to spread it on herself, too. Must not burn very hot.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Not wear make-up.
avatar for bumrubber
14 years ago
There was a girl working in Myrtle Beach -- a cute athletic blonde claiming to be an ex-Marine -- who used to get really drunk and talk loudly about how much she hated black people (using the n-word) -- in a club full of black people! She was all over me one night and I was concerned she would set them off against me. Actually they all just looked pretty shocked.

She was otherwise pretty wild, sitting on faces during her stage show, plopping in laps while chatting guys up and giving more grind for free than some give in the VIP, tits out all the time, etc. All the time harping on how horny she was and just wanted to fuck.

Fun to a point but after awhile just gross and scary.
avatar for rl27
14 years ago
I saw one once get in a fight with a bouncer and kicked his butt pretty good before some of the other dancers and bouncers pulled her off him. Needless to say she wasn't dancing there anymore.
avatar for DoctorDarby
14 years ago
I've seen a couple of features (including porn queen Annie Sprinkle back in the day) shoot ping pong balls out of thier vaginas, but most places don't allow that kind of thing on stage any more. There was a girl locally whose act consisted of seriously abusing bachelors and birthday boys by pummelling them with her giant boobs, tearing their clothes, and giving them wedgies. She is still around, but has toned down the madness.
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