Comments by bigdude012 (page 4)
discussion comment
14 years ago

What the veteran should tell the new dancer: Sit on his lap and do a little grind. Just enough to get it hard. After all a man with a hard-on is at a mental dsadvantage and very likely to be loose with his money.
discussion comment
14 years ago

Well needless to say I won't be going to Missouri anytime soon.
discussion comment
14 years ago

Atlanta suburb
I don't think I would return to the club. I'd just be too freaked out
discussion comment
14 years ago

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
I'm making a point to go to the clubs where GMD goes next chance I get.
discussion comment
14 years ago

San Diego. So I could rent a car drive to the border and take a taxi into Tijuana, Mexico and visit Adelitas. Maybe if I hit the lottery.
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14 years ago

so just get both dancers together for an OTC session
discussion comment
14 years ago

Atlanta suburb
got anal for nothing more than the cost of the VIP room ($250) I gave her another twenty, all I had to spare and get a taxi back to the hotel. It was my first time in a strip club and was lucky enough not to get screwed (or is that lucky enough to get screwed?) Now I would probably shoot for OTC if only to avoid worrying about bouncers/time etc...
discussion comment
14 years ago

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
At least the bartender got a laugh out of it. Seriously though I think Rule 1 of the guide should be make friends with the bartender; if only to find out who gives the good dances
discussion comment
14 years ago

Here's the way I envisioned it. Guys sponsor dancers/players for a fee and winning dancer gives winning guy free LD and the dancer takes the pot. Then again if I won that lambo I could probably get dancers to just about anything for a ride
discussion comment
14 years ago

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
she could be named Bob for all i care and my jaw would still hit the floor.
discussion comment
14 years ago

Crap and I'm in a poker tournamnt later today. Oh well hopefullfy everbody else will have bad luck
discussion comment
14 years ago

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
ouch. I don't have kids but I can imagine.
discussion comment
14 years ago

I know an asian dancer with very small breasts who considered implants (she loves when I push'em together and make em look big) I talked her out of it. Her body type is too small for it. Though on ocassion I just want to go face first into a woman with redicuously huge breasts
Tats don't really affect me one way or the other. The only thing that really turns me off is a black woman who is trying to force the ghetto stereotype.
BTW has anyone seen the woman with the world's largest boobs? I'm not sure if I should be attracted or repulsed.
discussion comment
14 years ago

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
enthusiam. If a dancer is enthusiastic enough she'll be able to figure out what "skills" she needs to make you happy
discussion comment
14 years ago

Personally I like no hair on a dancer's legs, vagina, armpits, etc hair length I could care less about unless your bald then I'd be turned off or some kind of other boy cut
discussion comment
14 years ago

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
i enjoy rubbing breasts but the one thing I enjoy more is being able to suck on the tits, that makes my night.
discussion comment
14 years ago

I have asneaking suspicion that if I return to the Candy Bar one more time I going to earn the name Mr. Nice Guy which I consider to be atypical; however on the bright side the good dancers who make an effort to remember me, know that when I at the club I'm ready to have fun and usually end up making their night.
discussion comment
14 years ago

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Last night I was at the club the dancer was grinding me and I was going along with her and I must have found her spot because after a few minutes of heavy mutual grinding I could run my fingers up and down chest all the way to her pussy and feel a line of sweat the whole way. Surprised I asked her if what I thought happened really did happen? She was also surprised and said yes and that it was not something that usually happened to her during a LD. I got her off two more times during that session. I also don't see how she could've faked it as her whole body was sweaty which is the only time that a dancer have ever been that aroused and so into a dance in my experience.
discussion comment
14 years ago

Atlanta suburb
Actually saw a dancer wlak out of the club in scrubs last night. i couldn't help but laugh as i told another dancer that they were set if someone had a heart attack during a dance.
discussion comment
14 years ago

Yeah the bad economy is great for LDs The VA club I enjoy now has a few dancers who go without pasties during the LD. now if I just get those panties off...
discussion comment
14 years ago

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Yeah I like the nice guy approach; I find that when the dancer thinks you have a little bit of class and show her a little respect it helps make things more enjoyable. And I am sure Dougster the hateful will spit some more bile at this.
discussion comment
14 years ago

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Dammit and I like Dr. Pepper. Actually I'd really like a nice IBC root beer next time i'm in a club.