I'm studing to be a pharmacist...

avatar for shadowcat
After my 5 strip club visits yesterday, I was left horny. So I went back to one of the clubs today in search of the dancer that gave me a BBBJ two weeks ago. I found her. While basking in the afterglow she informed me that she only works Thu and Fri. I asked what she did the rest of the week. She said going to school to become a pharmacist. I thought more likely dealing illegal drugs.

So what other wild stories have you heard about going to school?


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avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
mediocrity (the member from stripperweb.com with the most "thank you posts") claims she is going to go to medical school to be a doctor. Athenathefabulous (member from stripperweb.com with the second most "thank you posts") claims she has a Master's degree in Math.
I know a local stripper who claims she is going to school for phlebotomy (studying blood samples). She claims the crime scene investigation shows got her interested in it. I figure she is more interested in going to school to study that to get syringes for her and her heroin buddies lol
avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
Had a dancer tell me the other day she dropped out of college twice while studying dancing, tried another major I forgot (also dropped out), and is now studying nursing. Not that wild, just thought it was interesting that a stripper was a two-time failed dance major.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
wallanon, that reminds me of sarah palin, she went to 5 colleges in 6 years before graduating
avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
You know, I never actually thought about her graduating from anything. But I have thought about what she'd look like naked. So there you have it.
avatar for dudeanonymous
15 years ago
Most of the dancer/college students I've run into lately are studying psychology. I guess they can use their own lives for some very interesting case studies.
avatar for Alucard
15 years ago
Strippers don't need to know how to dance, just how to shake the "RIGHT" parts!
avatar for snowtime
15 years ago
Years ago in Nashville my all time favorite "model" at a modeling studio used to claim that she was studying electronics at a local community college. I didn't believe her since she sometimes showed up for work so stoned/messed up that I would not get a session with her. When she was sober she provided a great experience for $100,no tipping. I didn't care what she was doing in her off time but I suspect it was more drug use than studying. I suspect she felt some sort of need to have a regular occupation/career. True or not she was always a reason to go to Nashville. Too bad the city eliminated all "those" places. I suspect many traveling businessmen like myself no loger stop and spend any money in Music City.
avatar for bhunter5252
15 years ago
Had a girl at TDs East in Tucson tell me she had a law degree. Shpppnce said she only danced because she did volunteer legal work for some environmental group. Ha. Ha. She did a great LD though
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
My second ATF changed her major pretty much every semester. Last Thanksgiving, she had given up college because she was pregnant. She still owes me 100 bucks from tuition help two years ago.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Very few are in school at all, no matter what they will tell you. Of those who are, the most popular areas of study seem to be psychology, nursing, massage therapy, and business. I've met a few into biology related fields. A couple into computers. A popular lie seems to be that they are in med school, but you can bust those ones pretty quickly. I did meet one girl who really I was convinced really was in med school.
avatar for harrydave
15 years ago
I was convinced by a tall (6ft) German dancer that she was a PhD candidate in Chemistry at Arizona State. There is nothing like intelligent AND sexy.
avatar for DoctorDarby
15 years ago
One of my most unlikely girl-next-door students turned out to be both a stripper and a medical student. At last report, she was a new mom, a practicing MD, and still an occasional stripper. Go figure.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
There is a movie Varsity Blues, where a group of high school students go into a strip club and see their teacher working a second job as a stripper.
avatar for jabthehut
15 years ago
Does anyone know of anyone with a Bachelors in Psychology that has a job in their field - other than teaching? It is a BS degree unless you go immediately into at least a Masters program.
On topic, one of my favorites decided she was going for a Criminal Justice degree so she could become a deputy. She lasted one quarter.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
jab, I'm guessing BS = bullshit ? Yeah, the only job you find with a BS in Psychology is in a school district with low aspirations, or, you could have a leg up when joining a Police Department (quick promotions).

Back in my PD days (1990's), my Bachelor of Science + Spec Ops background got me on ERT (similar to SWAT) and I ended up as reports administrator, warrants administrator, and FTO (Field Training Officer).
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
I'm studying to be a gynecologist, the stripper can help my studies by spreading.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
My ATF became a pilot.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
Three different strippers gave credentials as follows: (1) Master's degree in social work from the University of Michigan; (2) C.P.A.; (3) attorney in private practice. I checked. All true.
avatar for mgkreb
15 years ago
My ATF back in the day actually was in the Masters Program in Education and now is a high school teacher.
avatar for deogol
15 years ago
As an entrepreneur I have heard plenty of success ideas and "I'm gonna...." It always turns out to be the willingness to execute their plans from idle chatter to a real business that makes the difference.
avatar for winorhino
15 years ago
Had a stripper tell me she was starting her course work on oenology. I was impressed; she could carry on a pretty in depth conversation on the topic with me. I am no expert, but I know more than some. What was really impressive were her natural DDs though. Her HJ was pretty nice as well.
avatar for bigdude012
15 years ago
Actually saw a dancer wlak out of the club in scrubs last night. i couldn't help but laugh as i told another dancer that they were set if someone had a heart attack during a dance.
avatar for KitTastic
15 years ago
I'm technically an art major, but I'm going to one of the best art schools in my country, and I'm actually doing textile design. It comes in handy when I want a new costume. People don't go to the theater much when the economy is this bad, so they're scaling back shop positions, and stripping pays the bills in the meantime.
avatar for mmdv26
15 years ago
15 years ago, dancer told me she had finished her bachelors degree shortly before she met me. I congratulated her, and soon she became my first FS/ITC. Sometime later, she announced that she had submitted her paperwork to take the LSAT. I said something about how smart she must be to consider going to law school, and a week or so later when I saw her she had the announcement from her college graduation which noted that she graduated summa cum laude. I was impressed, so I started tipping her an extra $20 when we did BB/FS/ITC. She went on to become a lawyer. Recently, I ran into an attorney who used to go to that club, and had been very helpful with recommendations, etc ($$$ for FS/OTC)that helped her get into and thru law school. He said she's a judge in Indiana now.
She was very good as a sex partner, so I'm sure she would be very good as a judge as well. Yeah, I know.

Knew another dancer who claimed to be working on her PhD in physics; researching paranormal phenomenon. She was sorta nuts; C minus dancer.

And,....this really is true...dancer had a master's degree in chemistry; worked a local brewery making sure the batches had all the right stuff in them. Never drank in the club: said she hated beer!

avatar for Otto22
15 years ago
Had a dancer once that told me she was a student at the local community college. "What are you studying?" I asked. "Psychiatry." she replied. When I told her that psychiatry was only offered at medical schools, she told me that they did at her junior college.
avatar for deogol
15 years ago
^^^ Perhaps as a track to get into a medical school for psychiatry.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
^^^ more just another stripper who was full of shit
avatar for DoctorDarby
15 years ago
In addition to the MD above, I've seen girls graduate with paralegal , law, nursing, and all kinds of undergraduate degrees. I actually was one girl's advisor for her BA in English (she was a great writer but a druggie--too bad). One of my current faves is in a Master's program starting this summer. I can verify that its not just strippers who mistakenly believe they can get certain degrees/jobs from tech and community colleges. Some of those institutions have been misleading potential students for years. I can remember pleading with one dancer not to attend one of those "career" colleges where the degrees are a dime a dozen and credits never transfer. Of course, she didn't listen.
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