
Thank you, jerks and assholes...

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
...for coming into strip clubs and treating the dancers like shit. Thank you for playing macho man, slapping their asses, and making stupid jokes. Thank you for not tipping them when they wave those asses in your face. Thank you for bragging to your buddies about what you'd do to them if you ever got them alone. Thank you for calling them whores and cunts behind their backs, as if they can't hear you.

Thank you for driving them straight into my lap, thankful for a kind word and a few dollar stage tip, thirsty for a drink, willing to let hands and tongues wander for the price of a simple "do you mind" and "thanks", and grateful for a seat away from the dance floor where they can avoid your sorry ass.

You make my job *so* much easier. Keep up the good work.


  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Good one! And agreed!
  • troop
    14 years ago

    but the stupid thing is i've seen plenty of good looking dancers that still prefer to hang with the jerks and assholes.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Troop: Those girls deserve those guys.
  • lewisf
    14 years ago
    All those guys you mention are bad, but so are 18 year olds who sit and nurse one dr. pepper all not and never tip.
    14 years ago
    "so are 18 year olds who sit and nurse one dr. pepper all not and never tip."

    The late Rick's in Seattle to a "T"!!! The dancers there used to HATE the young guys who'd come in with no money and sit in the front row stageside drinking one soda for hours on end.
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    Dammit and I like Dr. Pepper. Actually I'd really like a nice IBC root beer next time i'm in a club.
  • brewerfan
    14 years ago
    I'm sorry Gergemichael. I definitely think that girls don't deserve that kind of behavior in clubs at all. For us guys, were lucky that those type of clubs exist and that its legal. But for me, I am nice to the girls in the club. I tip them well, buy them drinks, get dances from them. I've never been to the VIP room cuz it's too much money for me. But I am always kind and respectful. Over the years I have been clubbing, I have seen guys that slap a dancer's ass, say mean things, and skunk the girls in tips when the should be tipping, and they get away with it. I dunno. I hope that your day gets better.
  • Alucard
    14 years ago
    I've always treated dancers politely & with respect. It usually works unless the dancer is way TOO IMMATURE or is a ROB.
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    hey, lewisf, welcome to the discussion!!

    Treat the girls nice. If you want to be a jerk, don't go to the club that day.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Anyone want to bet that Dougster posts one of his pithy comments here?? lol
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    gmd: Jerks like this are the reason I've stopped going to clubs on weekends. One Friday night I encountered a group of broke, drooling young guys taking up every spot at the stage. You couldn't get to the stage to tip a dancer you were interested in. But on second thought, perhaps I should adopt your attitude.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    brewerfan: Maybe you misinterpreted my comments. I was thanking *other* folks for doing the things they do, because they make *my* nice guy approach much more effective than it would otherwise be. I don't with that sort of moronic behavior on anyone, even strippers, but I see no obligation on my part to eschew, or fail to acknowledge, the benefits of being a nice guy, especially when I would mostly be so anyway.

    Alucard: I generally treat them that way, anyway. At least I try to avoid *im*politeness and *dis*respect. In the face of out and out rudeness, I tend to just ignore them and move on.

    VM: So what? It's not like anybody, except those who haven't learned, are going to see it. :)

    jack: Walk up to her after she gets off the stage, hand her two or three bucks (or more, if you're really interested and your budget allows), say something like "sorry, I couldn't get to you at the stage with all those....other guys in the way", hand it to her and walk back to your table/bar seat.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    George's post has got to be one of the most idiotic posts ever on TUSCL, and that is certainly saying alot!

    What on earth do whores do that makes them worthy of respect? Is it that they are as stupid as they are? Is it that they lie and steal whenever they can get away with it and often even when they cannot? Is it that they sell sex for money. You respect whores, huh? I bet you would be overjoyed if you had a daughter who was one right?

    Jerks make "your job" easier? What the fuck is "your job"? To pay them for sex? Hate to tell you this, but whores fuck anyone for money. "Jerk" or "whore respecter" makes no difference. You can pretend they are fucking you because you "respect" them, but really, it's because you are paying money. Do you get this or not yet? I'll repeat it very slowly: whores don't fuck you because they like you, they fuck you because you pay them money. It's that simple.

    Look, whores don't even respect themselves, and just laugh internally at idiots like microbrain and MisterGay who claim to be "whore respecters" or that it makes some kind of difference.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    gmd, I generally don't have a problem with pithy comments from Dougster. I've learned not to get upset or disturbed by his comments. I know how he disparages a lot of things in his posts, but I defend his 1st Amendment right to free speech. Those that choose to ignore him, that's fine. His post just above mine is typical "Dougster" Oh well.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    Besides, the words and actions of Douchester just reinforce the point gmd was making.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    I guess they could go to tittyfan for investment advice. Then he could tell them to short treasuries the day before they bottom. Oooops!
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    Yeah I like the nice guy approach; I find that when the dancer thinks you have a little bit of class and show her a little respect it helps make things more enjoyable. And I am sure Dougster the hateful will spit some more bile at this.
  • how
    14 years ago
    I'd gladly hang at the club with GMD and most of you other guys, but not Dougster. The hatred he has for the dancers is very repulsive.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I have heard things like "geesh everyone here is such a loser but I am glad you are here you seem really cool" or "you are the only decent guy I know"
    I have assumed this to be SS though. They want to make you feel special and unique so you spend more money.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Most of it *is* stripper shit, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm getting more attention, and more of the attention that I like, than the jerks and assholes. If that makes me a soft touch, well then, touch me softly and I'll be a soft touch all night long.
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    gmd: There are lots of ways to get a dancer's attention, but I still prefer the stage to see what I get for a $5 bill to determine if a lap dance is on the table. If a place is crowded, like on weekends, this is especially important if the dancers aren't circulating much.

    Like others, I get my share of "you're such a nice guy" or "those guys over there are jerks" comments from dancers. Maybe I should just enjoy those comments, SS or not, and not let the jerks negatively impact my infrequent nights out.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Maybe bring a wingman with you and play "good cop bad cop" with the dancer. Have your wingman act like an ignorant guy while you act like the nice guy trying to teach him some manners. Never tried it myself though...
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I've also heard many a dancer make negative comments referring to some shithead or other in the club. I've been lucky so far that I've never actually witnessed any asshole-ish behaviour toward a dancer near me in the club. Like most of you, I generally ignore other customers, so hopefully I'll never actually see or hear anyone say something especially douchey to a dancer.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I doubt jerks and assholes listen or care what anyone else thinks. But, you are right
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    <I doubt jerks and assholes listen or care what anyone else thinks>

    That being the essential ingredient to my relative success. :)
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Some guys here just don't get it. They get go into a strip club, pay women for sex, listen to them say "you're nice unlike all these other jerks", and believe the women are having sex with them because they are such "nice guys" who "respect whores". They then conclude that they are hot-shit studs and the money is just incidental. They seem to completely forget that whores *fuck people for money*. That's right *for money* not because whores are the type of women who truly appreciate nice guys and find a strip club a convenient place to meet them.

    Now is it possible to be such a jerk or asshole in a strip club that the strippers will stay away from you? It's like asking if you can be so rude at Burger King that you won't get served. It probably occasionally does happen from time to time, but you would probably have to make it your goal to act so rudely that you won't get served.

    Look at it this way: Suppose a customer doesn't respect Burger King workers because he think they are uneducated losers who can't find better jobs (payer11 probably has this attitude). Unless he is so senseless to blurt it out, he is still going to get served. It's not like the Burger King worker is inviting you to his place as a guest and cooking you a great meal because he appreciates what a nice guy you are.

    I don't consider myself to be a nice guy/whore respecter, although I'm ok with the very small minority who are stupid, lying thieves. But this just doesn't matter. I locate the hottest girls in the club, and am able to score OTC with them on first or second meeting around 80% of the time, b/c I understand what it's really about. Something so obvious that you have to be willfully trying not to get it. And that is that whores fuck people for money and it doesn't reall matter who the people are. All money is green.

    So much for microbrain's "relative success" because he is a "nice guy".
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Correction the sentence

    "the very small minority who are stupid, lying thieves"

    should, of course, be

    "the very small minority who are *not* stupid, lying thieves. "

    But I'm sure most guessed that's what I meant anyway. :-)
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Dougster, You are overlooking one important aspect. Imo not all strippers are lying, cheating whores. Most have their rules or limits. Those limits can be altered. If you are a NICE guy and treat them good. They DO NOT drop their pants for every one. Quote "I do not fuck for money. That is just for fun". Sure I know some sure things. The price has been established. BUT will they show up? Will they answer your phone calls or emails? You have a better chance with the ones that like and trust you. I pretty much know who will do what at my favorite club. I know that I get away with more shit than the average customer. I also know that only about 10% are gonna give me a BBBJ or fuck me for money. I cock block myself because they do not appeal to me. Patience is a virtue that can and does pay off. When my favorites call me a nice guy and or a gentleman, do I believe them? Yes!
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    shadow: I didnt say "all" are stupid, lying, thieving whores. I said the vast majority are.

    As I say, IME, I can score OTC with 80% of the very best looking ones 1st or 2nd meeting, whether I am a nice guy or not. Honestly, as I get it older, and the economy gets worse it feels like I get closer and closer to 100%.

    Is my succes rate skewed because I am only interested in the ultra best looking ones? Quite possibly, but I have no interest in doing a rigorous scientific experiment to see if less good looking ones put out less (although that is my guess).

    I don't see what the true benefits of this nice guy/whore respecter behavior are. That you get to *fantasize* that they legitimately likely beyond the money? It gives you some kind of ego boost? Ok, if that's your thing go for it.

    Maybe the benefits are that microbrain gets to let his hands wander after he tips them on stage and buys them a drink? Sorry but I would prefer to just shell out a few extra bucks and fuck them. And you can bet they will be back asking microbrain to buy a dance or whining to him about their problems paying their rent later on.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I wonder if we could have a jerk or asshole give us their point of view? Anyone? Anyone?
    14 years ago
    Gator, sadly, they probably pay less.

    I can think back to one guy on $10 dance day at Henry's North who kept trying to find a gal to 'orally fixate' him. The first two times (I was back there and observed) he was trying to force the dancers' head's down. They both sprang off of him and shoved him away. Security never came in to speak to the guy or charge him. The third time I enetered the VIP I saw him in the back corner with a dancer's head bobbing up and down in his lap -- so I guess he had finally found his 'provider'. FYI: it's so busy & crowded on $10 day the extra curricular activities are actually frowned upon, at least at Henry's North.
  • KitTastic
    14 years ago
    Whenever I get a douchebag trying to force my hands or head, or touch somewhere I don't want them to, the first thing I do is slap their hands away and tell them no. If they stop, I continue the dance. If they keep trying, or try again, I give them their final warning. If they're actually stupid enough at that point to keep trying, I don't fuck around. They get the fingernails, heels, teeth, slapping, punching, kicking, screaming my little lungs out for the bouncer BANSHEE in white spandex. I know which bouncers and bartenders will defend me, and I stay close to them. I will make damn sure that everyone he meets for a week will know what he tried as soon as they see what my nails did to his face.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    I'm nice to the dancers until they give me a reason not to. But, I'm nice to everyone until they give me a reason not to. I treat dancers like people, but I'm fully aware that even the youngest dancer can already be a talented con artist.

    I've had ITC and OTC experiences. Haven't paid OTC but have paid ITC. The OTC experiences were just dates. Regular dates. No huge expenditure on my part. Just dinner @ Applebee's or Chili's(their pick), a few drinks, and occasionally a movie. It seems that these girls like to be pretty NORMAL on their off time. And I doubt any of their ex-boyfriends did something as lame as dinner and a movie for them.

    But the "dates" follow the three date rule. If I don't get laid by the third date I'm out. But, thankfully, these are strippers I'm dealing with. So it's usually a done deal on the first. LOL
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    But can we find an actual asshole or jerk to respond-- only a jerk or asshole need post now
  • gk
    14 years ago
    A little "sugar" and some respect go a long way in SCs and anywhere else. When you figure that out, two things happen: you become an adult and you become successful.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    Messing with a guy's face is very bad form. Maybe in Canada that type of thing is acceptable. There are plenty of jobs where you don't get groped if it's traumatic enough to put yourself at risk like that.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    next time I am bored at the club I am going to use SS on the stripper and be like "geesh it is so nice you are here, all these other girls are such losers but you seem really cool"
  • KitTastic
    14 years ago
    I don't mind a little groping. Feel free to touch my boobs, I really enjoy a gentle boob massage. It's the ones who try to force my hand into their pants that get the banshee treatment.

    I am totally into 'good touch', mutual massage, kissing faces, necks, chests, cuddling, etc

    And I definitely have a huge base of customers looking for intimacy, not just 'mileage' If you tell me straight up you're looking for sex, I will direct you politely to a dancer or club you can get it from. I have not ever, nor will I ever perform extras.

    Someone who has been told by me that extras are not on the menu, who tries to force me into sexual contact, is commiting sexual assualt and my local laws permit me to punch a hole in his throat with my stiletto in self defence.

    I know what I offer, and the customers who race each other on the floor to catch me coming off stage know what I offer. They know it isn't sex, they don't care, they still spend hundreds on me because I'm willing to take the scandalized foreign student by the hand with a smile, talk to him, and give him the smart, cheerful, Canadian girlfriend his parents don't want him to have. (Yes, this scenario has happened)
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Boob massage! lol I like to give that
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    gmd, I'm always the nice guy, too. Except for the ROBs, most dancers are nice back. What I didn't realize for quite a while was how much of an exception I am.

    Most of the dancers didn't dump on the jerks to me. But as I started settling on "regulars", they'd sometimes ask me to give a friend a dance and would usually stay there while I did. Invariably, the "guest" dancer and my regular would start talking (good) about me to each other. Often, they did it like I wasn't even there. ;-)
    14 years ago
    Yeah, pitch RICK'S your business idea: add a drive thru to their clubs offering 'boob massage' opportunities. May be just the thing to turn around their stock...
  • KitTastic
    14 years ago
    Samsung, feel free to come to the club and massage my boobs anytime. A good firm, gentle rub feels SO GOOD.
    14 years ago
    [Sam, I think she really wants to massage your wallet!]
  • KitTastic
    14 years ago
    Haha, I don't work for compliments, but I don't charge more than I'm offering.
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    i enjoy rubbing breasts but the one thing I enjoy more is being able to suck on the tits, that makes my night.
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