How Did You Find TUSCL?

avatar for troop
the internet is a big place, there are millions of websites out there. many that most of us would have no interest in but others that some of us might like but may never find.
i came across tuscl after doing a search trying to find some information on a stripclub that i had heard about but had never been to. one of the links in my search was tuscl reviews for that club. after reading those reviews i decided to visit that club and the fact that my experience there and opinion of that club was so far off from what the reviewers wrote i decided to join tuscl and give my opinion.

so i'm curious, how did you guys/gals find tuscl?


last comment
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Using Alexa you can see the top queries driving traffic to from search engines.

Query Percent of Search Traffic
1 tuscl 1.71%
2 gentlemens club 0.42%
3 gentlemen's club 0.31%
4 massage parlor etiquette 0.17%
5 scores baltimore 0.15%
6 hong kong tijuana 0.14%
7 mons venus 0.11%
8 0.10%
9 playhouse lounge 0.09%
10 blush pittsburgh 0.08%

Also for last 30 days, 50% of visits came from search engines. Last 7 days, it was 39.4%. And yesterday it was 64.3%.…
avatar for bhunter5252
15 years ago
I saw it mentioned on USASEXGUIDE.INFO
a nice site but it is basically for those who patronize providers who do not work in clubs.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
I originally Googled "strip club reviews"
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
I don't fucking remember!
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Troop, I wandered in the same way.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
I was masturbating to internet porn and accidentally my foot hit the T U S C L keys!
avatar for CCRiderm
15 years ago
Since Alzheimer's has set in, I don't remember back that far.
avatar for EarlTee
15 years ago
shadowcat (joined '01) and CCRiderm (joined '04) don't remember. Neither do I (joined '05). Who was a TUSCL member in the 1900s?
avatar for troop
15 years ago
lol gator.. i wonder what would have happened if you had hit f b i keys :)
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
I also Googled "strip club reviews".
avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
Friend of mine kept digging up these off the wall clubs to check out. Finally, after one club where the stage was a wooden box, a dancer shot milk from her tits and another stuck a lit candle up her ass, I asked him where he was finding all those shitholes. The answer was TUSCL. I'll still check out the dives because there's nothing quite like a bottom of the barrel titty bar, but it helps that the site shakes out the gems, too.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Remember the days of using the phone books to check if there were new strip clubs in town lol
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
If I hit F B I keys I would have seen the website wasn't found. They must have a hidden website address there.
avatar for minnow
15 years ago
Thank goodness for links- from I found the later by thumbing through a circa 1990's stripclub directory ( the kind I used to carry around on trips).
avatar for dudeanonymous
15 years ago
I was planning a trip and did a search on the city (I think it was Pittsburgh) and "strip clubs."
avatar for winorhino
15 years ago
one word: google
avatar for Alucard
15 years ago
Likewise, I wandered in the same way.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
EarlTee, Actually I go back to about 1995. I was the #3 member with the most reviews(85). But then I got into it BIG time with founder and he wiped shadowcat off the msp. All my reviews and credits were gone. Every discussion topic that had my name in it was deleted. We eventually reconciled and I got some credits back. My first review was done anonymously on the Memphis Platinum Plus. During shadowcat's suspension, I posted under "Igiveup". That name was deleted when i got reinstated.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
I'm with sc on this one. After nearly 10 years and 4,00 posts, I have no idea, but I do know I wasn't looking for a directory of churches.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
Make that 4,000 posts.
avatar for harrydave
15 years ago
I was frying tortillas. One of them had an image in the browned areas that looked like a naked woman, right next to the letters T U S C L.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Heard it mentioned on stripperweb.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
^^ lol harrydave
Hope you later sold that tortilla on ebay for a mint!

I found TUSCL thru a reference on zbone. Now I have dual citizenship - both sites are intergral to my SCing experience.
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
I don't remember either, but possibly when I was looking at SCL, something referred me to TUSCL.
avatar for snowtime
15 years ago
Was told about it by a coworker who also liked strip clubs.
avatar for mmdv26
15 years ago
I was a Usenet ASS-C reader during the 90's, and I think I picked-up a reference to TUSCL there. I jotted down the link, but didn't go here much until I had my own machine and internet connection - separate from my wife's. I know that once I started with TUSCL, I bought a lifetime membership immediately. I knew this was going to be good!

For the price of 2.5 lap dances, I have been able to enjoy thousands more at some of the best clubs in North America. I have wasted very little time or money on bad clubs as a result of the reviews I have read here.
avatar for bigdude012
15 years ago
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
Joined August, 2002 after searching for reviews.
avatar for DandyDan
15 years ago
I was in the Winona, MN area, visiting a friend of mine going to college there and we wanted to go to a strip club in the area, if it was possible. We walked to the nearby dorm (he lived across the street from one of the dorms) computer lab and we went on some search site (it was probably Yahoo) and up popped a link. We found out about the 4 Mile club and the Gin Mill (apparently closed) across the river in Wisconsin. We went to 4 Mile, which is on the short list of worst strip club experiences ever. The Gin Mill was a little better, but neither were places anyone here would ever go to unless you were stuck in Winona for a long time.
avatar for mgkreb
15 years ago
Back in about 2000, my AT-ATF (that's all-time, all-time favorite, who's no longer in the biz, by the way) at a local club turned me on to TUSCL when I said I was going to the Florida Panhandle but had no idea of any clubs down there. She used to move around some and used TUSCL as a way of finding new clubs at which to work.
avatar for LoneLurker
15 years ago
When I started in this hobby, I'd routinely go to a local university library and look over Yellow Page listings prior to work road trips. Once I got on the internet in '96 or so, I discovered ASS-C on the Usenet lists, and on the web I found the Grimace Nudie Club list, Zbone's list, Biff Dickmann, and TUSCL, likely by using yahoo or webcrawler.
avatar for gk
15 years ago
Like many others, searched strip clubs and found TUSCL, among other sites. But TUSCL stands out from the others because of the quality of our reviews and discussions.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I think I remember I was searching for websites of some of specific local strip clubs around Columbus and found this site.

avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
I found that I liked it. :)
avatar for nikita
15 years ago
haha was searching places I work/ed at on google and this came up. Struck gold :D
avatar for troop
15 years ago
welcome to tuscl nikita (^_^)

is that you in that pic?
lookin hott girl! :-)
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Here's a Steve229 welcome to tuscl:

I like a punk rock chick with hair just like Rihanna
like a go-go girl who dance like Lady Gaga
They the girls that start the party
(Hey!) So Baby could it be you?
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
nikita does not sound like a high mileage girl, based off her recent review of Amber's.

"Decided to get a VIP dance to help her out and just looking over there was another hustler with her hand down a customers pants. We left shortly after and found another club. There is no reason for me to allow myself or anyone else to endure that. "

This is the type of review that makes me WANT to go to Amber's lol
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
In the late 90s I bought a book of internet sites (imagine trying to fit that in a book now - LOL). When I looked up strip clubs in the appendix it brought me to a page that listed only one site: tuscl.
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
^I've been using this site heavily since the late 90s and finally, in the shameful realization that I have been benefitting heavily for many years without contributing, started to share back with those who have helped me in my deviant pursuits.
avatar for DoctorDarby
15 years ago
I was looking for information on clubs in PA and other parts of Ohio and found this place. Used the directions to find a couple of good ones. Once I got a review in print I was hooked.
This goofy BS board is quite the bonus!!
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
I learned of TUSCL in 2006 (about a year before I joined up in 2007) when I was searching for some info on a local strip club on the Internet.
avatar for founder
15 years ago
this is a cool thread :)
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Thank you founder for making sure tuscl get top listings on google.
Here is an old google discussion that helped make tuscl listed on the first page of google results.…

avatar for troop
15 years ago

founder says:
Posted: 08/13/10
this is a cool thread :)


YUP.. no politics and arguing in this thread ;)
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
What happened to the "history of TUSCL" article/blog/whatever founder? How long has TUSCL been around again?
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
A Brief History of The Ultimate Strip Club List

The Ultimate Strip Club List started as an exercise to learn how to write a website. I believe this was in early 1993, but it could have been late 1992. I picked strip clubs as my web site subject because they interested me. Good thing I didn't care for books, I may have created instead. Sigh. I originally stored the data in an Access Database, and had a Visual Basic program to create all the static pages. Then I uploaded all the pages to my little slice of the web, This space I purchased from an enterprising young man that went by the name of KevinTX. He ran I didn't know anything about running my own domain at the time. Kevin took care of all those details. At the time, was one of the coolest websites out there. Kevin sold space to all sorts of degenerates like me. If I remember correctly, was also the birthplace of The World Sex Guide.

In the early days, I wrote many of the reviews for the clubs I frequented, and yes, I snatched other reviews off of the newsgroup (ASS-C). There was also another website that dealt with strip clubs; Grimace Nudie Club List, run by Larry D. Grim. I am not sure what happened to that list, or to Larry, but I do remember that we were always very cordial to each other in emails, and often shared information. Soon The Ultimate Strip Club List started eating too much of's bandwidth, so KevinTX helped me set up my own server. This was the birth of This was 1995, the date you see in the headline. This was also about the time the Internet really started to progress. New web server software was being written that allowed programmers to create web pages dynamically. I remember the first day I saw a beta (or maybe alpha) version of what was to become Microsoft's ASP platform. I knew I could make better. So I created the idea of users, and reviews, and chats and all sorts of other things. Does anyone remember when had a classified ads section?

Now I never really tracked how much bandwidth was using, or how many pages were being served, or any of those advertising metrics that are so important nowadays. I just knew it was fun to make the website do what I wanted, and I think the users appreciated it. But then one day, I was in a bookstore (remember those?) and I picked up an Internet Directory. This was in 1996, pre-google, pre-yahoo. Internet Directories were in book form. I of course looked in the index for strip clubs, and yep, there it was, my site, listed in print. Wow. That was pretty cool to see. So know I figured I should be making some money off this little site of mine. So I started taking porn ads. Raise your hand if you remember those charming banners, that so eloquently graced the pages of for 5 or so years. They were disgusting, crude and annoying, but they did pay for my bandwidth costs, but not much more.

So life rolled on for 5 years from 1996 to 2001. I was busy with my job and just sort of babysat for those years. I made some enhancements, and every 18 months or so I would overhaul the whole look of the site. Then September 11, 2001 happened. That shattered me for a month. I remember taking down for a day or two to get myself together. At the request of many users, I put it back on line to let people discuss that day. But it wasn't the same, and I wasn't the same. The porn ads were drying up, no one was clicking on them. I started paying for the bandwidth again out of my own pocket. I started getting emails from people complaining about the amount of ads, and how long it took to load. I had to do something. So I figured out how to charge for On tax day, April 15, 2002, the membership was launched. I had no idea if people would pay for or not, and frankly, I didn't care. I figured it was either going to pay for itself, or I was going to shelve it. By this time, I had already written 50 websites for different clients. I didn't need to learn from anymore.

Well, I guess since we're now approaching the 5th anniversary of as a membership site, you could say the membership experiment worked out ok. I have been able to work more on, move it to a better server, and add really cool features. And I have more stuff in my mind that I just need to get time to implement that will really make the best strip club site ever.

So that's about it in a nutshell. The Ultimate Strip Club at 15 years old. You may be wondering why I haven't mentioned in this history. Wonder no more, here are my feelings on that. The guy that owned SCL originally was a prick. He stole's data, all the way down to misspelled street names. Then he sold SCL to some strip club conglomerate. I am not sure how much he made, and I really don't care. SCL has basically become what was in 2001: just one big worthless porn ad.

Anyway, if you're still reading, I just want to say thanks to all the people that gave input over all the years. And continue to give input, I do read every email. I know sometimes I don't answer, but I do read them. I don't read the discussion board as often as I'd like, but I do have a job, so I can't do this full time.

Have fun, and slip a dollar in her g-string for me,

avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
founder, I'll add my thanks to the many others that you have no doubt received. This site has dramatically changed the way in which I, and many other deviants I'm sure, find and select SCs.

Thank you again and I fervently hope that this resource never goes away.

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