"Do you know about the new lap dance rules?"

avatar for steve229

Ok, this is definitely NOT something you want to hear from your dancer.

Turns out the dancers now have to keep both feet on the ground during the LD. I was with a petite spinner type and looking forward to her signature "handstand" move, but that was now out the window. Still, she was a trooper, and still gave a good set of dances considering.

At least they didn't install restraints like that club in North Caroline, lol.

So, anyone else dealing with new lap dance rules?


last comment
avatar for 59
14 yrs ago

Haven't encountered tightening of rules in awhile. In this economy owners are trying to encourage guys to come in and spend money. Including more of a tendency to look the other way in the lap dance room.

avatar for SuperDude
14 yrs ago

New rules were passed in Detroit in March, 2010. I hear that observance and enforcement is spotty, at best.

avatar for samsung1
14 yrs ago

Yeah I have read about ridiculous club rules when you read the stripper reviews on the clubs on stripperweb.com. I read on there about all the stupid dancer rules at Cols Gold and Centerfold and it did not surprise me. Rules like "no more than 3 seconds of grinding or else you are fined"

avatar for samsung1
14 yrs ago

Club X has a strict rule that dancers must NOT be topless while on the main floor. Only when performing on stage or back in the private area. I had a dancer sitting with me topless and the manager came over to rebuke her and made her go put her top on. Yet for some reason this is the best ranked strip club from columbus on the top 100 list....

avatar for CTQWERTY
14 yrs ago

"the dancers now have to keep both feet on the ground during the LD."

So, can you bring a beach towel, lay it on the ground, deposit yourself, and welcome her to mount?

avatar for vincemichaels
14 yrs ago

LOL, CT, I like that idea!

avatar for vincemichaels
14 yrs ago

LOL, CT, I like that idea!

avatar for vincemichaels
14 yrs ago

grrrrrr, here I go again, I gotta wait for this site to respond. lol

avatar for samsung1
14 yrs ago

vincemichaels, are you still using dial up? lol

avatar for gatorfan
14 yrs ago

No I didn't hear about the new rules, I guess I can fuck you under the old rules then.

avatar for bigdude012
14 yrs ago

Yeah the bad economy is great for LDs The VA club I enjoy now has a few dancers who go without pasties during the LD. now if I just get those panties off...

avatar for Dudester
14 yrs ago

In Houston, the 1997 law says that dancers are supposed to be three feet away from customers at all times. It's being universally ignored.

avatar for CTQWERTY
14 yrs ago

Thanks, VM! Guess I should've said an aerobics workout mat instead though. That will connote activity, while the beach towel may provoke inactivity.

avatar for georgmicrodong
14 yrs ago

There's rules for lap dances? Huh...

He says, with the tiniest hint of gloating in his voice...

avatar for troop
14 yrs ago

i believe ohio law says that a lap dancer has to be at least 6ft away and zero contact when giving a dance. one of many stupid laws that politicians come up with to make it look like they're doing something.

anyway, it's not strictly enforced unless the local cops/government have a hard on for a certain club and if a dancer trying to sell me dances tells me no contact i tell her to move on and find a sucker among the other customers.

avatar for gatorfan
14 yrs ago

I heard the new rule said the stripper has to fuck during lap dances.

avatar for Prim0
14 yrs ago

Here's the section of OHIO law regarding lap dances...those fuckers! But I don't see an actual distance to be maintained.


2907.40 Illegally operating sexually oriented business.

(C)(1) No patron who is not a member of the employee’s immediate family shall knowingly touch any employee while that employee is nude or seminude or touch the clothing of any employee while that employee is nude or seminude.

avatar for ClubExpert
14 yrs ago

Luckily no.

avatar for vincemichaels
14 yrs ago

samsung1, no, what's dial up? I just get on my bicycle and attach another chain to the sprocket, and pedal furiously. The electrical field I generate gets me on the Internet just fine. LMAO

avatar for DoctorDarby
14 yrs ago

The vigilantes in Ohio tried for the 6 ft. rule and the legislature quietly cut it out of the bill it finally passed, which is essantially a no-touch law. Enforcement in most places has been pretty non-existent, so most clubs that had LD's still do. Air dance clubs like the DMC chain offer no lappers before and still allow very limited one-way touching.

avatar for Digitech
14 yrs ago

^^^ There's a similar law in Missouri that was passed recently, it hasn't gone into effect yet (three more weeks).

It has a similar provision about a six foot barrier between patrons and dancers. I really doubt that will be enforced. However, I doubt that clubs will be able to advertise the 'full contact' dances as they do today.

avatar for Prim0
14 yrs ago

I can just not understand what makes some people feel they have to dictate to others how to live their lives. As long as participants are consenting and old enough (18 seems good to me), then why outlaw things such as sex, gambling, drugs, etc. It's not even just the religeous freeks either, other groups do it.

I get their arguments that some indivuduals can't control themselves and will ruin their lives...blah blah blah...isn't that the individual's problem? We have individuals who become obese, alcoholics, sex addicts, etc...should we therefor get rid of anything that might be bad for us because a few people can't handle INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY?

Jesus?! Why can't other Americans let me persue my happiness in the way I see fit?!!!!!

avatar for shadowcat
14 yrs ago

PrimO, you are preaching to the choir. Fortunately for me the clubs that I go to are NOT enforcing the laws/Rules and for the most part LE is leaving them alone. I hope it lasts.

avatar for troop
14 yrs ago

amen prim0 :-)

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