
Comments by Jmoney007 (page 4)

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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Racist SC's
    sorry for the double post but i forgot to mention that i would be giving Bogart's and Henry VIII a try but as for all the other white clientele/dancer clubs, i will just have to avoid going since i know i will just be discriminated against.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Racist SC's
    if you read my review on Centerfold Lounge in detroit then you will know why i now avoid clubs that have a 98% white clientele/dancer ratio. because of my size and race i am discriminated against at any club i go thats outside the inner city area of detroit at centerfolds i got ignored like the plague by all the dancers, i know that its their right to choose who they feel comfortable with but my major pet peeve is being lump into a category of something that i am not, but its ok because i know that there are other places where im not judged but it would be nice if they at least open their minds up a bit it don't matter what race the customer is im sure that the white customers have caused just as much trouble for some dancers in suburban clubs. so if they are gonna judge me then fuck them clubs, i will stay in the city where i belong. so
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    14 years ago
    Why do some dancers like tattoos so much?
    it may just be me but i like the dancers with at least one tattoo, and i like the tattoos that are across the lower back, but if they have soo many tattoos that they really don't have to wear clothes then that's when it gets disturbing.
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    14 years ago
    Best club visits - planned or spur of the moment?
    for some odd reason. spur of the moment has always worked better for me. on the 2nd of January, i took a spur of the moment trip to a new club that opened up in my area just over a month ago, it seemed like everything was going my way, i didn't have to pay a cover charge, the club was pretty much empty(witch in my area was odd for a Saturday)witch im guessing was from everybody having new years eve parties. i went in and not many girls was on the floor but i knew some were there, so i sat and waited and moments later a nice looking girl walks up to me and ask if i wanted to go to the vip room, normally i don't go to vip rooms to save some $ but she told me that no one was up there so i didn't have to pay to enter, and that was the best decision i made, i left a very happy man and in my experience, planed trips always left me wanting more but on this day i left that club after getting FS for just 40$ more from what i already was gonna pay her for each song. i have to say that was my very first time getting "extras" ITC and she seemed so into it that made me enjoy it even more and the best part was she let me kept her thongs :D best spur of the moment trip EVER!
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    14 years ago
    If a dancer gives you her number, how do you interpret that?
    i have been handed numbers unsolicited, but i just discard them, i already know why they would give me their number so my thought is if i want to see them again, i will just come back to the club on my own free will. and most of the time, they would just give me fake numbers, so i play dumb and take it, then when i get outside i toss it, im not gonna be fooled by anyone.(years of getting fake numbers in high school made me immune to that obvious ploy) and the fake numbers they gave me was so funny i could not help but to laugh, they ranged from pizza places to supermarkets. i figured this out when i tried to dial one of the numbers and to my surprise it poped up because it was already in my phone because i had ordered pizza the night before.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    "Standers" get no play
    i had a stripper once tell me that normally they wait till a patron (that just arrived) buys a drink or 2 before they approach them. @deogol they only charge to sit in the booths @potheadpl you would be surprised how hard it is to talk to a stripper when the music is playing so loud or when you just don't have much to say
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    15 years ago
    the max for me is 100$ with 20$ in reserve just in case i need one more song to achieve my goal.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Anyone ever been kicked out of a SC?
    i never got kicked out of a club, but i was hustled, first they forced me to pay for parking when i didnt even park in their lot, then they tryed to drink hustle me to death, i only caved in onece and bought a sprite but even that was 7 bucks, for a cup of fucking sprite, and not one dancer aproached me, and i got the feeling that since i was the only black guy there, that i was not welcomed, but that didnt stop them from trying to take my money. so i just left and put up a review here and i will never return to that club.
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    15 years ago
    How long does it take you, and do you finish every time?
    i usually cant afford long excursions to the SC so i usually try to have a happy ending in 3 songs or less during a LD, witch most of the time is all i need if the grinding is great. i usually get one LD from the 2nd or 3rd girl that approaches me after i get there, this is usually a 10-20 min time frame that i use to relax and get in the mood b4 i get a LD, then the first LD is just a warm up and the warm up girl only gets one dance, then i head back out onto the floor and scan the room looking for another girl that peaks my interests. once i find that special someone, i causally wait on her to do the approach, then we sit and have a nice quick chat, then its off to the LD spot, if shes good, i will let her continue till i have a happy ending, and if she sucks(and no.... not that type of suck)i will let her finish that one song then i move on. usually the the second girl does the trick, if im in the right mood, it will only take 1 song and great grinding to get me off.
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    15 years ago
    Getting Off
    "You guys are fucking pathetic. Really." no we are not pathetic, it happens..... and to some, more than others. me personally, i get lap dances expecting to cum, does that make me pathetic? i dont think it does, but i bet people like you would think otherwise, do i care what people like you think? that ansewer is a big fat HELL NO!!! "You can't get pussy in real life so you pay a stripper/whore to grind your dick through your pants. What the fuck" for your information, pussy is hard for some of us to get and if we want to pay some stripper money to grind her pussy on our laps, so be it and if we happen to cum, they get a bigger tip. so technically its a win win, but i understand that everybody dont see it that way. i am paying my money to enjoy myself and that includes leaving the SC with sticky pants, but dont lump me into that PL category because unlike them, i know that its all just an act. this is how i see it, if i pay a stripper to grind my lap for 2 or 3 songs then i might as well get my money worth weather she knows it or not. i could just find a Whore and have her satisfy me for far less money than i spend at a SC and do everything thats not allowed in the club but theres 1 reason why i dont, the prostitutes in my area are eather ugly, a gay man dressed up like a woman or a tranny/sexchanged person. yes i have picked one up but as luck would have it, she was a cop. so i was hit with a fine and had my car impounded, i do not want to ever go through that again, that was my first and last time picking up a hooker. my point is this, i dont have looks and im a bit on the heavy side so most women would not bother to give me the time of day, and i dont have money to blow, however i do make just above minimum wage and have bills to pay so i dont have a whole lot left to spend on a woman who may or may not want to have sex with me, so i choose not to deal with that headache. so i go to the club, get a LD or 2 and leave happy(most of my SC visits last 45 mins to just over an hour) so really dont give a flying fuck what people like you think.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club or whore house?
    my first trip to a SC was when i was 19 and it was for my birthday, at that time the no touching rule was still strictly enforced. i had got 2 lap dances that night and i thought it was a great experience back then, fast forward to about 5 years later, me and my cousin goes to a SC one night and the whole scene had changed, the lapdances were more or less mostly grinding(great grinding BTW) and the dancers were encouraging you to touch them, i really enjoyed my time that night and from that point on it seems as if the girls are intentionally trying to give me a "Happy Ending"(that should be added to the glossary) now that i have had this experience i dont want to go back to a strict by-the-book club, in fact i just go in hopes of getting a great lapdance that has a "Happy Ending" and if i dont get that then it was just a waste of my limited income.
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    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Tips on how to'Make it Rain'?
    i have seen people make it rain at my favorite spot(usually around the 1st of the month) and nobody there seems to have a problem with it. but i agree with samsung1, if its an upscale club then it may be frowned upon, the club im referring to is not so upscale and is in a rough area and has mostly black clientele and dancers so i can imagine an upscale club in the suburbs not condoning such an act. my advice to you is to ask bouncer and a dancer to findout if they even allow it, and i can also imagine other dancers getting pissed off at you because if you dont make it rain on them they can and will get jealous and will most likely alienate you by spreading rumors and such but thats just my guess.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip club or whore house? A couple follow-up questions
    Q1 - i mostly pick the less attractive dancers. in my experience, the not so good looking girls always gave me the highest mileage while the best looking girls were the exact opposite. Q2 - i dont have a girlfriend, and i have a hard time talking to girls in general, and SC's make that process so much easier. Q3 - i didnt really have a choice in this matter, lets just say i got the brains and my brother got the looks. and what i like about SC's is that your looks dont really matter as long as you have cash.
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    15 years ago
    Are you an Ass or Boobs man?
    well with most of the clubs in detroit have black ladies with big asses, i am a very happy ass man. most girls here have big booties like kandi kreme or tia cherry, and i only been asked that question once by a dancer and she adjusted her routine according to my answer witch in my case was a very good adjustment. oh and to anybody that says its a dumb question for a dancer to ask, i think that it is ok for them to ask, i mean they ask everything else that has nothing to do with the dance so whats one more question that that will allow her to make your night more enjoyable.
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    15 years ago
    How long does it take them to get you off in Club? Do they try to rush you?
    with me it depends on the girl and her looks and her weight, because i like girls slightly thick(think pinkyxxx, Cherokee or tia cherry as examples) and at the club i go to in detroit, lapdances in a semi private area are 20$ a song but i haven't been since may so i don't know if the prices have been raised or lowered but what i do know is that it dont take much for them to get me off, it takes at the most 3 songs and mostly grinding, i haven't been offered any extras yet but it don't really matter as i prolly wont be able to afford it anyways, but thats ok to me because all that matters to me is leaving with sticky pants and plenty of money left in my wallet.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Celeb Lookalikes?
    they do in detroit
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Any body ever done a porn star?
    i havent yet but but the one i would like to fuck is kandi kream or pinky
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    16 years ago
    Celeb Lookalikes?
    last time i went to deja vu i got a great lapdance from a beyonce look-alike and she had the body to match.
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    16 years ago
    jealous stripers
    arbeeguy is right, dont let her decide whether you can come back or not, you are an adult who can make your OWN decision, but knowing women....she'll prolly have the other girls avoid you( at this point she prolly made a rumor about you having some type of disease or maybe that you are abusive or something to get their attention) and then she might make a scene to make you look bad in font of the bouncers and management so my advice is to not go back ASAP but to wait at least 2 or 3 weeks then go with the plan that arbeeguy said because waiting will ensure that most of the anger of "miss.X" have passed and she wont be much of a bother anymore(you might have better results if you go on a night when she's not working).
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    16 years ago
    Touching At Mons Venus
    the best thing to do an any situation is to just wait until the dancer grabs your hand and place it on her breast or ass then you may softly rub those spots but know that there are limits to what you can and cant touch and i have notice that every striper has different preferences and while one will let you touch them the next one might not so thats why i go by the wait-and-see-what-happens-next creed. oh and it is never a good idea to grab a dancers ass as she walks by for 2 reasons, 1. she is prolly heading to the dressing room to to freshen up or change b4 she do another dance, 2. doing this will knock you down to the PL status and you don't want to be that person...... oh yeah did i forget that most clubs have 300lbs bouncers that would love to throw your ass out because you broke the rules, 80% of SC's in the US don't allow touching but some of the girls might allow it for a tip or to try to earn an extra tip but thats pretty much it so please use common sense and eather ask or wait and see if she will guide the way.
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    16 years ago
    Ejaculating During a Dance
    everybody has a different reason for going to a stripclub, some go to getoff and some go for the fun but we all end up going at some point, i can honestly say that my trips to the clubs have been great, some guys may be against cumming in their pants during a lapdance.....thats fine....others like the idea or have done it....thats fine as well....and some go and look for straight sex....thats fine too. in most cases we all go for a different experience, me personally i like the idea of cumming in your pants in a lap dance and it has happend to me a lot and beleave it or not thats why i go in the first place otherwise id stay home and just jerkoff to internet porn, i find it happens the most when i wear cotton jogging pants (like the ones found at any big name department store)i wear black ones with joe boxer undershorts(also black) and i go to the club and the girls take full advantage of the jogging pants :D, they even sometimes stick their hand down in there to stroke my cock and one time i was really lucky to have a stripper suck my cock in the vip section once. oh yeah i know that most clubs may have a dress code where you live but here its not really enforced, most clubs in my area have full contact lap dancing and most girls let you touch them and i don't know if you can really call it lap dancing(more like dry humping)but in any case i don't care what its called i like it and as long as i getoff on it they can call it what ever they want, i have been to upscale clubs and they really do just kinda dance with little contact to groin area and more of the look-at-what-you-can't-have-even-if-you-could-afford-it dance but thats just fine with me since i don't really ever plan on going back to a upscale club ever again, the local lower class clubs is where all the real fun is and usually at a cheaper price. oh and one other thing i keep hearing about this pink site, can some one PM me the url to that site?
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Price Increases and What Mandates Them
    gsv is right, i think in this case its the girls thats sitting around not getting dances at the 30-40$ price that is complaining to managment is what cause the price hike, this is nothing new in the SC world. girls who give out extras face this all the time, they do extras and guys come looking for the ones that do extras but since the extras stripper may be busy, guys then try to talk the non extras strippers into giving extras, witch then puts pressure on non extras strippers to provide said extras when they dont want to. so what the non extras strippers do is instead of going with the flow or just leaving well enough alone, they all get together and force management to crack down on extras strippers so that they all have to play by the same rules, this way all the strippers who are loosing money for not providing extras can rest easy knowing that the extras strippers cant provide extras anymore if they want to keep working there, so the non extras strippers can once again do what they do best and give air dances and rip us off. i know that this wasn't about extras being provided but if you look at it in that prospective then it all makes sense, just replace extras with extra dances and it comes together like a 4 piece jigsaw puzzle.
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    13 years ago
    Guys (Clients) Who Rip Off Strippers
    i have never ripped off a dancer, i had a chance to once but i choose not to just because that's not the type of person i am. 1 night i was at a club getting table dances when the girl i was with was called on stage, when she finished her set she went into the locker room and changed and she forgot about the dances she gave me so i sought her out and paid her and added a small tip with the payment, then i told her that she needs to remember to collect the money before you leave anybody, even if you do intend to come back to them. i have been ripped off by several dancers, this type of thing is not new in the strip club realm and will happen to just about anybody at least once. the way i got ripped off a couple of times was during lapdances and after the song change she would keep going (before you say its my fault for not listening for the song change let me explain what happened) it wasint just her that was in on it it was also the DJ, since i live in Detroit, all the clubs in the city play rap songs and at some point some of the songs will sound like other songs and also rappers have a habit of remixing their best song 2 or 3 times with the only difference in the song is some of the rappers are swapped with other rappers and lets not forget the mixtape versions that feature some local rappers using the instrumentals of that song (if you are wondering what the point of all this is..... it will all make sense in a bit) and with all these versions of songs floating around, it would not be hard for a DJ to string together 2 or 3 songs that sound just alike, the dancer instantly knew when the song changed and she made no attempt to alert me to the song change, keep in mind its the same beat playing but a different versions of that song so im thinking that its all one song when 3 have played, i didn't bother to fuss about it since the DJ was in on it witch meant that management was all in as well and so was the nearby bounces waiting to use excessive force on me, so i reluctantly paid her and left that club and cut my losses, also i think its worth noting that the club was crowded that night and it was tax season. i could have turned this into an article but i think so far that it was just an isolated incident and i haven't been to any other clubs that tried that trick. the only thing i learned from that is after about 3 mins into each song, i will ask how many songs have played and if she says more than one and i only heard one song, i will end the dance right there.
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    This is a very interesting topic indeed, like reil i have also noticed the things he mentioned in his OP, and i have been covertly discriminated against in a mostly or all white club, hell i was even denied entry into one club because of my so-called baggy clothing. i dress in appropriate attire each time and i don't even bother going near a club unless i have some money to blow, my clothes are kinda baggy because i wear 4 and 5X clothes due to my hefty size so i don't need clothes that fit snugly around my body, but they don't sag and i keep myself well groomed and hygienically cleansed. but after all is said and done, i am still seen as another black man looking to cause trouble, i have went to 3 white clubs and have been treated the same way, dancers not approaching me but they constantly send their shot girls and waitress over to take my money and serve me shit that i don't really want to drink but... i take it and pay because i want to give the club a shot, and if i get no results then i cross that club off my list, you know its funny how some people think its so easy to just go elsewhere if i am not being treated fairly at one club but its not easy, i don't want to be prejudiced towards the white clubs because i want to have equal opportunity fun at all clubs no mater what the dominant race is there. i am not a prejudice man, but i do have my limits and the way i see it, if i get racially profiled at anymore mostly or all white clubs then i will just stick to the all black clubs, like superdude i live in Detroit and since i have been to most of the clubs in the city, i decided to start branching out into the dearborn area with no luck and even a few 8 mile clubs again with no luck, inkster is on my list next(i think ill skip the flight club) if i have no luck a H8 or bogarts then i will not set foot in a white club ever again, that's just my take on the situation. you know its funny how some people can easily say that "they didn't have that problem at that place" but if you are black or latino you know that racism is still there and its not going anywhere, and the sad part is that most of the parents don't even realize that they are teaching their kids to be racist without even knowing it, those parents dont realize that their kids are picking up on their habits, then those kids will become adults and repeat the cycle because they don't know any better. yes i know i am black, yes i know that the media is making us look even worse, yes i know that you may have had a bad experience with other black people, but all i am asking is..... can i at least have some benefit of a doubt before you throw me into the same pit, but i guess that asking for too much huh?